Wednesday, 5 February 2025


 Good evening. I've had a very nice day today. Chat with Nicky at the Arts Centre. Shopping at The Range and Home Bargains. And a line of washing blowing outside in the sunshine. 

I love the food that comes out of my own kitchen. It's deeeelishus, it suits my digestive system, I don't get bloated, and with the right portion sizes it's satisfyingly filling. 

Today I chopped some vegetables with my new sharp knife. The old blunt one had to go. Carrots, Brussels Sprouts, onion, and courgettes. My pan is 8 inches across. 

Today I added sweet and sour stir fry sauce, Good Grains, and Singapore style noodles. All from Aldi. 
I make enough for two portions, one for tomorrow. The second one will be for breakfast with an egg added. 

Today I filled up my porridge mixture which I store in a plastic container with a lid. In the Kenwood I put the porridge oats, then add whatever seeds and nuts I have. In here are oats, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, pecan nuts, and walnuts. 

Give it a good whizzz. This will last me about two weeks. Sometimes I add frozen berry fruits to the bowl while cooking, or a banana. I don't eat it every day, sometimes I have a cooked breakfast. 

Mayze enjoying the sunshine. I think spring is on it's way. 

Tonight I did a pan of steamed vegetables topped with grated cheese. There is enough for tomorrow night. I'll add some pasta.  
I've just watched Daniel the BBB doing an interview with Rupert Lowe. I've put it on the Rabbit Hole if you want to have a look. Rupert talks a lot of sense. 
Now it's time to cuddle Mayze for the last hour of the day. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

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