Thursday, 24 April 2014

A free pack of beans, ace!

My tum is full, I've just scoffed this lot. Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, baby sweetcorn, and cabbage, with two boiled eggs. Very nice it was too. 
I popped in the small Tesco this afternoon in search of yellow stickers. Found a few to keep me going. I don't want to do a big shop because I will be off on my travels soon. Two packs of mixed vegetables 31p each, one pack of green beans 18p. It wasn't until I checked the receipt that I noticed the veg was buy 2 get 1 free, so I got the beans for nothing. I also got some beansprouts, and a packet of naughty Angel Slices, oooops, they sort of jumped in my basket. A little treat for 50p. 

I went to the other end of town this morning because I wanted a map and WH Smith didn't have it, so I went to the big outdoor shop, Go Outdoors. First time I have had a look in there. Lots of very expensive gear for outdoor pursuits. Way beyond my budget. Some of the walking gear, jackets and trousers, are horrendously pricey. I will make do with what I've got. Some lovely tents on display, like little houses, it would take a week to put them up. I'm not sure I would want to have all mod cons when I go camping, I like to rough it a bit. It must be dead boring to spend ages to put the tent up and lay out the kitchen and the bedrooms, then what do you do, crack open a bottle of bubbly I suppose. Glamping I think they call it. May as well go in a B & B. 

Helping Helen at the house this afternoon, she is making progress but getting a bit fed up of painting. I was the window cleaner today, and also did a bit of weeding. 

I see we have some new readers, you're very welcome, nice to see you. 
Tatty byes for now.


  1. So glad to see you have ideas for your walk. I love camping but want it as simple as possible. I don't want ones of those massive tents but I do have a chair that I take now.its a bit of a concession to getting a little older. Had a great Easter cycling to Boroughbridge and tour ing around that area.
    Best wishes for when you go.
    Brenda in the Boro

  2. *swoons* over latest food pic. YUM!!!

  3. sounds like a great meal!
    I will only camp out here at home in my own bed!
    But I love day trips out, seeing new things.
    Looking forward to your next adventure!
    Armchair traveling for me! :)

  4. I've never been in a Go Outdoors, I do see a lot of camping stuff donated to charity shops so I assume people have fads about camping then go to the mentioned B&Bs instead lol.

  5. We have one of those large tents - 8m x 5m! There are 6 of us so we wouldn't fit very easily in a backpack one :) It has 4 bedrooms (the teens have a room each and the small ones share a room) and then the 'living' area is large enough for a table and chairs (just standard camping chairs, nothing glamorous or padded) to fit us all around it - great for the (almost inevitable) bad weather as we sit there and read, play board games, build lego etc. On a cool night once the small ones are in bed we also sit around playing games and cards. I wouldn't say we 'glamp' it - but we also don't rough it - we're somewhere in between. We have bought a reasonable amount of stuff from Go Outdoors - but we a - have a discount card for ther and b - buy it when they have a 20% (or similar) event. We also support a local specialist camping shop - not cheap, but the knowledge/ products/ quality is very good.
    And our (rather large) tent cost us £300, I think - which is very cheap compared to some I've seen :)

    1. We calculated that spending £270 on a family sized tent was an awful lot cheaper than a week's self catering. And you can take the tent on more than one holiday. We've just bought our new tent at half price (it's an Outwell and should stand up to the Scottish weather as it has steel poles and a thicker skin). I have seen so many tents abandoned or thrown in the rubbish heap on Scottish campsites because they have been ripped apart by the gales. We always seem to have tent poles snapping in the wind and pegs ripped up - always during the night, so you don't get much sleep.

  6. We've just bought a 5 person tent at half price with (horror of horrors) windows!!! My husband refers to it as the 'Wendy House'. We tried camping with two small tents last year but the midges (we're in Scotland) were blooming horrendous so we were separated as a family hiding in our separate tents all evening to avoid being eaten alive. One of the dogs is allergic to midge bites and reacts really badly. At least with the larger tent, we can all (including the dogs) sit together and zip up the mosquito doors. I also need a chair to sit in as I have health problems and a lot of pain in my neck and back. Other than that, we like to rough it when camping. That's half the fun!

  7. Nice to see some happy campers here. I must say that midges put me off going to Scotland. Would love to go again, but hate the idea of being bitten.

    1. The midges aren't too bad in the south of Scotland but are dreadful in the north west of Scotland. Some people aren't affected by them but they eat me and I scratch like crazy.

  8. your supper looks delicious!


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