Wednesday, 23 April 2014

ilona original designer bag

After Sue sent me a picture of herself with her 'ilona' bag, from Scotland, I put a call out for any more photo's of the bags I have sent out. I had an email. Thank you to the lovely Shabana for modelling an original 'ilona' bag. As you can see she is on holiday by the seaside. She says the bag is coming in very handy, carrying all her stuff around, including her flask of coffee, and is coping with the rain very well.  
Shabana takes her favourite designer bag into the Pier Pavilion at Southport, to sit down and drink her coffee and enjoy the gorgeous view. Next week she will be back at school when the 'ilona' bag is used for carrying her books backwards and forwards. I'm glad you are finding it useful.

I will make a new page for the bags, so if anyone else wants to send a photo, with a short description of where in the world they are, I will add it to the page. In the meantime I have two more bags to send out. They have over the shoulder handles like the one Shabana is carrying. If you want one drop me a comment here, and I will draw two names out. Will post anywhere in the world. Closing at 6pm UK time on Friday. Good luck.
Toodle pip.

Oooops, almost forgot. Two of our kitty's have been rehomed this week. They have been in the pens for a few months, so it's great that they have at last gone to a new forever home. We wanted them to go together, and they weren't that young so they were being overlooked. But a kind family came along and fell in love with them. We are so pleased that it's a happy ending.


  1. So pleased that two kitties have found a lovely home. My friend saw your blog page yesterday and commented on how lovely George is. Yes, that lady is modelling the 'Illona' very well. Natalie

  2. Hi Ilona, your picture brought back memories. I am from Southport originally but have lived in the NE since 1995. An original Ilona bag would be lovely as my daughter is expecting and it would make a great baby stuff carry bag. ;-)

    Lynda x

  3. I have always admired your bags on the blog, so the chance to win one would be great
    Have a nice week, Ilona
    Maria (from Germany)

  4. Hi Ilona, I would enjoy one of your bags very much. Glad to hear two cats found forever homes. Take care. Robin from Canada

  5. Hello,

    I would love to win one of your bags! I love their eco-friendly nature! I am a big fan of recycling things myself.

    Kind regards,

  6. I love seeing the new life your designer bags have! Must be fabulous for you to know they venture out all over the world. I will throw my name in the ring for the chance to take one of your bags on a trip to the Oregon coast and regularly to our magnificent Multnomah County libraries. They look perfect for shepherding the vast stacks of books I wind up checking in and out. So delightful that the kitties have found their family.

  7. I love your bags-I'm thinking of trying to up-cycle some cat food bags.So proud for the kitties.(from Alabama,USA)

  8. That's great your bag is getting lots of use and looks very stylish aswell. Jayne x

  9. Oh, how fabulous...a chance to win an Ilona "original" - we are going to the Isle of Mann this October and would be proud to carry one of your beautiful bags. A tote bag is so essential when on a trip. Hope I win. Thank you, again Ilona, for your interesting posts, I look forward to reading them every day. Ranee from Minnesota - USA

  10. So pleased the kitties have Brent rehomed. Lovely to service southport top spent many a wet day there. Love your blog. Laura in blackpool.

  11. I would love a bag as I am a bit of a bag lady. Lol. X

  12. Love reading about your walks and yellow sticker finds. Hope I win one of the lovely bags.
    Shoba from Alabama, USA

  13. I must take some pics next time I use my Ilona bag!
    Jane x

  14. OOH how lovely! I'd love to be in the draw. This is the first time I have commented though I have read the bog for a while now. I'm doing some supply work so a designer 'Ilona' bag would be super for school. Tricia x

  15. Hi there, what a great idea to send your bags far and wide and see what they are used for. Can you put me into the ring for a bag please, love homemade, recycled things, maybe you could sell them on your blog for the cats charity in the future. I volunteer for the cats protection in my part of the world, and will probably get another cat in the future. I must admit your walking adventures have got me intrigued, I think that's the right word, I don't think I could ever walk that far, but definitely a different sort of holiday to what we would normally do, I think by reading lots of peoples ideas you tend to pick a few up a long the way to keep yourself. :) Really enjoy reading your blog for a few months now but don't tend to post very often. many thanks Julie Taylor, good old west midlands.x

  16. Me too, I would love an Ilona original! Unique, sylish and practical. What more could one want in a bag.

  17. how lovely to see what and where the bags go, please can you put me in to the pot :) love to read your blog but don't post much sorry. good luck with your walking holiday, certainly different than our usual forays.

  18. Would love to win an Ilona Bag!
    Suzy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

  19. I love the Ilona and its already had a cracking day out I see! Sunny x

  20. Would love a chance to win a bag!
    Glad your kitties found a home.
    Kathy in VA

  21. Very new to your blog, but enjoying reading. Some great ideas and tips. J.

  22. I would love to own a special Ilona bag

  23. I would love to own an Ilona original! Please put me in the draw. Thank you.

  24. Such happy news about the cats!
    I would like to be in the draw for a designer quality Ilona bag!

  25. I would love to win an Ilona bag too. It's lovely to see Southport Pier on your blog. There was an amazing sunset over the pier this evening - wish I'd had my camera.

  26. Lovely news about the two kitties. On of your super bags would be useful for carrying my quilting 'stuff' to class. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  27. Would love to have one of your bags and show it off here in Australia :)

  28. I would love to win one of your fabulous bags. I have a 'thing' for cloth bags. I have a really nice one that my son brought me from Tesco in London. It has ladybugs walking across it. Looking forward to reading about your next walking trip.
    Janice, Alberta, Canada

  29. Debbie in Illinois23 April 2014 at 23:20

    Your blog is the most interesting of any that I read. Also enjoy you on the Down the Lane forum. Put me in the drawing for one of your bags. Thanks!

  30. I see you have quite a few readers from the USA. I'm in Virginia and am in love with the area. I'm so glad the kitties got a new home. It effects me to know animals and children are not cared for well by the ones who are suppose to nurture and protect them. Your creations are lovely. Perhaps you can put my name in the pot, as well. Stay safe.

  31. Would love an Ilona bag ;) I really enjoy your blog!
    Melody in United States

  32. What a great idea to have a bag page! Please enter my name. How lovely that the kitties got placed. I love seeing the pictures of yours and where they hang out. I have one on my lap now competing with my fingers on the keyboard. Susan

  33. I always enjoy looking at the things you make. My friend has just found 5 kittens tied up in a black bag put in a bin where she lives in Italy so is busy hand rearing them hope they all survive :) Keep up the good work

    Sue R

  34. I'd love to be in the draw for the Ilona bag and am delighted the two pusses found their forever family.

  35. Ilona, I would be, to use one of your expressions, 'chuffed' to sport one of your designer bags here in the USA! Thanks for the opportunity...

    Sharon in Alabama

  36. I like this idea of checking in on the whereabouts of your Ilona bags...reminds me of where in the world is Waldo.
    At this rate, you'll soon have an Ilona bag in every country in the world.....wouldn't that be nice...maybe deserving of an entry into the Guinness Book of

  37. I would love to win an Ilona bag, also. I'm glad the kitties have found a home.

    Maggie from US

  38. I am so happy for the kitties to find a forever home together! Warms my heart.
    Yes, I would definitely like to be in the drawing for one of your bags. I love the look.

  39. I'd love an Ilona original bag, count me in!

  40. Good news about the kitties finding a home together. I do enjoy your blog and would love to be in the draw for an Ilona designer bag. Cheers from Canada, Nanny Anny.

  41. Oooh! I'd love to enter the drawing for an Ilona original bag. :)

  42. Enjoyed d the bag story. Hope there's more. I would to own an Ilona bag, please include me into the draw.

  43. I would love one of your bags please. I rarely use a handbag because I've never yet found one which doesn't slip off my shoulder so I tend to use rucksacks when out or just overfill my pockets. Perhaps one of your bags would be the answer to my problems. Does anyone else have a husband who, when noticing that you have a handbag, hands his car keys, wallet and mobile phone to you to put in your bag? Maybe you should make man bags too Ilona!!

  44. ohhh me me me!

    Mines would also be used to carry a flask, sandwich and a book for my days out!

    Very kind and generous of you to give something away - thank you!

    Mud x

  45. Hi hun, I love to read your blog daily as it makes me smile :) - I haven't as yet left a comment - today it's my first time. (Unfortunately, I am unable to leave the house at the mo so a bag would be of little use to me - *AWW!* maybe next time). My hubbie is ex RAFand he also drove HGV vehicles (as well as motorbikes etc). I feel inspired by you - you have a kind heart an uplifting spirit and amazing positiveness.I hope that people reading your blog offer you a bed for the night on your amazing walk - you deserve to have the love returned back to you.Take care *Hugs* Sue :)

  46. I would love one ans I am fed up with carrier bags and need to start using reusable ones, and be more greener

  47. I would love to own one of the Ilona bags. I am always carrying a bag of "stuff" when I leave the house - crossword puzzle book, pen, notebook to record ideas, etc. You get the idea.
    Myra, from Winnipeg, Canada, where we are having a gentle drizzle today which is melting the last bits of snow.

  48. Good Morning, Ilona, the pictures are great and your bag looks splendid. I would love to have one to carry my Library bags back and forth with. You are a clever crafter and it's a great design.

  49. Can I be entered into your draw also, even though I don't have my own blog?

  50. Mary in Perth Australia24 April 2014 at 15:59

    That's the best news of the day, to hear that the cats were adopted together. I adopted my two dogs together......they are brothers, except one is a Goldie and one is a Cavalier :)

  51. Oh my gosh, I would love an Ilona bag!!!! I always remember your bag you made with the little bags stuck in the large, beautiful tree. I admire that bag so much.

  52. You've encouraged me to think about walking I walked the 3 miles home from the docs this morning. It's the firthest distance I've walked in a long time, ...and I'm feeling it in my arthritic hips and knees now! ha ha! I'll try to improve my fitness this year, I've let things slip over the last few years. Could you put me in the draw for a bag please?'d be handy for bits and bobs while I'm out and about. Thanks. OH! Great news about the kitty's too!

  53. Danneke having a browse---- So pleased the kitties have gone to a new home together, they will have each other to snuggle up to still. By the way Ilona, Penrith town has a fantastic market on a Saturday lots of good bargains. The troll obviously enjoys reading all your words and our replies, seems a very sad person. and full of bitterness, he/she mustn't have many friends. If I could have danced up the aisles in Sainsburys yesterday I would have done so but difficult on 2 sticks, I found at last some yellow stickers and one was for dried cat food, a large sack for £1=30 instead of £4=80 , and some some Yoghurts was marked down also. Time to go and feed the feral cats and the hedgehog he is out of his hibernation and skuttles in every evening and he enjoys the cats nibbles

  54. What a lovely idea to have a special page for the bags on their travels. I would also love to be in with a chance of winning an Ilona bag.
    I really enjoy reading your goings on - and I always update my Husband on your Park Run times, he is very impressed by them and it wills him on.
    Take care Lorna

  55. Wow what a prize, I would love one of your bags please, glad the kittens have found a home

  56. Wow Ilona look at all the comments! Please, don't put my name in the draw for a bag - I love your bags but I always try to make my own and I have loads of stuff for recycling into new bags at the moment - but I just wanted to add my praise to all the ones that have previously commented. You are soooo clever. And your bags are obviously a big hit. I love the idea of getting people to send you photo's of where they are using your bags. Keep doing what you do... Inspiration to me certainly! x

  57. Hi Ilona, I have never commented before but I enjoy your blog (and love the bags too)! I meant to comment yesterday but got distracted - about your troll. Do you remember pretty recently the two trolls who had been making threats to several women in the public eye because they were campaigning to have Jane Austen (I think - correct me if I am wrong) on the reverse side of the £5 note. These idiots threatened them with rape (and possibly even worse if I remember right). My point is, did you see their photos in the paper. WELL. I can see why they tried to remain anonymous. They looked like two blimps with faces painted on them ..... and definitely not the sharpest knives in the drawer. So message to troll - I guess you are obviously trying to compensate for something in your pathetic little life. Why don't you grow a pair. And keep up the good work Ilona. Anna

  58. Hello Ilona,

    I too would love an original Ilona bag. Pleasssse count me in!

    Best wishes,
    Angela (Devon)

  59. Entries have now closed, winners will be announced. Thank you


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.