Tuesday 1 January 2019

End of year check in for the Walking Group.

This is it, the place where the International Walking Group members check in with their end of year mileage. Let's see how everyone has done, I think there will be some high numbers. Remember it is not a competition, and not a race, however many miles you have done is just fine.

We are doing it all again in 2019 so let me know if you are up for the challenge. If you are a first timer, please leave your name here, and then check in on the first of the month, and every month, after that. If you miss the day you can go back to the post at any time and put your miles in. Please don't comment as Anonymous, I get tons of spam every day. Click on 'Comment as', and put your name into the 'Name' box. It will help me to spot the junk quickly and delete it. Thank you.   ilona



  1. Samantha, Sheffield1 January 2019 at 08:41

    Morning and Happy New Year! It's Samantha from Sheffield here I met you at your art exhibition earlier this year and bought one of your pictures (We have just moved house now so it will be going up on the wall soon). I would like to join the walking group this year and aim to achieve the 1000 mile target! Thank you.

  2. First of all Happy New Year to you and all the other walkers .So i didn't quite make it 111 this month making 935 happy enough with that and I'm in again next year .Hope everyone achieved what they set out to do all the best Kath xx

  3. Happy New Year Everyone! I will be joining the challenge this year. Best of luck to all with their efforts xx

  4. I will be joining you Ilona.
    Thank you

  5. Happy New Year to you Ilona and hope it's a good one for you and your pets. I will do as much walking as I can.
    Hazel c uk

  6. Happy New Year Ilona... I couldn't make my goal last year due to my poorly hip. I hope to at least give it a good try this year as soon as the hip is sorted. For the first half of the year I will be way behind everyone else but hope to catch up later in the year.

  7. slave to a sighthound1 January 2019 at 09:32

    happy new year,newbie here would like to join your waking group x

  8. Hi Ilona,
    I have also decided to do the 1000 mile challenge this year, this morning I did my 4.4 km needed everyday to complete the challenge. I work full time so a long walk everyday ( it took me 50 minutes to complete) won’t be possible everyday, I do however intend to ride to work every day this year and we also do a 1.7 km walk everyday with the little dogs. That should keep me up in the 4.4 km per day. Thankyou Ilona you are such an inspiration.
    Kind regards Fi

  9. happy new year. Tried a couple times last year with no access. Going to give it another go. Have been reading your blog for awhile. Thank you Ilona for encouraging comments.

  10. Congratulations to everyone on their miles last year. I am looking forward to joining the Challenge this year.

    1. We are looking forward to having you in the gang.

  11. Happy New Year Ilona and everyone in the group.
    We completed 1209miles in 2018.
    Like you last year (2017) we have found that quite a lot to walk from a time point of view and will lower it this year. It was also a struggle at times because I was unwell for chunks of the year and really had to push myself through. Probably did me good though which is the aim.
    I found it daunting to be back to zero again this morning. I'm aiming for 1000 this year but my husband thinks we should aim for 1100. We'll see.
    As you say it's all about challenging ourselves not a comparison site!
    Thank you for running the challenge again Ilona and welcome to new members. Sue

    1. Hello Sue. Fantastic result, I knew you would smash it. Yes, back to nil, I have yet to start.

  12. Happy New Year everyone.
    Well done to all who kept going to the end of the year.
    I completed 1121 miles in 2018, slightly less than the previous year, I'm happy with that tho.
    Looking forward to continuing in 2019
    Hazel Dxb

  13. Judith from Switzerland, I wIll join you this year and aiming for 10’000 steps a day.

    1. Welcome. Set your own goals, report in on the first of the month.

  14. Happy new Year Ilona and the walking group,my total miles is 1023 miles in 2018. I would like to be in again please.
    Thank you

    1. You're an old hand at it now, it's a doddle for you. Well done.

  15. Happy New Year Ilona and everyone in the group.
    I could not reach my 1000 kilometers goal last year, 802 was my walking total.
    But, I did a lot of bike riding when walking was impossible and doing so I made it to a total of 1015 kilometers in 2018.
    Very content and happy with that.
    And I am in again for the challenge in 2019, trying to walk 1000 kilometers now I've got orthotics :>)



    1. With your mix of walking and biking, that's a pretty impressive result.

  16. Hi Ilona, I would like to join the walking group. Happy new year!

    1. You are in Wendy. Check in on the first of Feb with your miles.

  17. Happy New Year! I would like to join in this year Ilona. I hope to achieve the 1000 mile target.

    1. You are welcome to join us. Best foot forward.

  18. Well done everyone - I’ll be joining you this year.

    1. Great stuff, Julia. 2.74 miles a day should do it.

  19. Hi Ilona i thoroughly enjoy reading your blog daily,and i would love to join the walking club this year please. I walked 5 miles this morning many thanks. James

    1. Hello James, that's a good start. Onwards and upwards.

  20. Hello and well done to the other walkers. 95 miles in December got me just shy at 976 miles for 2018. Starting over for 2019 , 3.5 miles early this morning, wish it was always so quiet!

  21. Hello to the walking group, Happy New Years! Thank you Ilona for this wonderful group activity. This is my third year of walking. For 2018 I walked 683 miles. I walked less this year but went to the gym regularly to improve my strength, balance and flexibility....at 62 it was past time ;).

    Ilona, you always mention the health benefits of walking and I would like to emphasize your comments. I started walking a bit more than three years ago, was 30 pounds overweight and out of shape. I joined your group and did each day what I could, whether it was to the neighbors house or 1/4 mile. Now I walk every day and I credit walking with my weight loss and improved health. So for anyone considering this group, you don’t need to start at 1,000 miles a year, start at 100 steps today and see where it takes you.

  22. Hi Ilona,
    Still here, still reading your blog and still walking but feel I need the incentive of having to record my mileage each month so would like to sign up again.
    Thanks for running the challenge again and Happy New Year to you and all fellow walkers. Vicki in the East Riding

    1. Hi Vicki. I could do with some walking over on the east coast. Let me know when you have a day spare. Email address on the side.

  23. Alison - Central Scotland1 January 2019 at 14:22

    Hello Ilona, you have inspired me to try this challenge this year. I have done my 3 miles for today as the weather this morning had been beautiful. Well done everyone who completed the challenge this year.

    1. The weather was beautiful here as well. Welcome.

  24. Wishing you a peaceful, healthy and contented year ahead. Your blog is so interesting and inspirational and refreshing. Thank you x

  25. Happy New Year! I really enjoy your Blog and all the beautiful things you make. I would like to join the 1000 mile challenge this year. Don't know if I will manage but I am going to try.

    1. You can only try your best. When you feel like saying stuff it I can't be bothered, give yourself a kick up the backside and carry on.

  26. Count me in, Ilona. I failed miserably last year. So many challenges that set me back. It's a fresh new year and I want to step out into it investing in my health. I admire your spirit and gumption, Mean Queen!!! Moving forward!!!

    1. I like that, investing in your health, that's exactly right. Go for it.

  27. Happy New Year Ilona and all group members!
    I just managed 1004 miles. I hope to do better in 2019, but at least I reached my goal.
    Thank you for the inspiration, Ilona. You are my hero.

  28. One more,Happy/healthy new year to you,ilona,yours is the only regular blog I follow,so thanks for your always interesting arrivals and fun stuff. Always read the comments too!

  29. Hi there , I'm new to the challenge but please count me in .I'd like to go for 600 miles due to work commitments and a house renovation this year .Anything over this will be a bonus .Thanks for running this Ilona and all the best for 2019 love reading your blog.

    1. Yes, you are in. You will find a balance. If you have had a stressful day at work, take a walk for half an hour or so to chill out.

  30. I am 73 and have not been exercising regularly. I have scoliosis with daily back pain, and want to improve my health and strength. I would like to do the walking challenge, but have no idea on where to set my goal. I will just begin today, and will check in monthly with my achievements.

    1. Welcome. Maybe see how it goes for a few days, listen to your body, stop if you've had enough, do a bit more if you feel you can. Don't push yourself and make yourself ill. Good luck.

  31. I didn’t quite make it Ilona for my first year. I recorded 967.52 miles on my pedometer. However, I’m up for next years challenge and I know that it’s good to catch up earlier if things go wrong. Anyway, well done to you and thank you for running the challenge.

    1. Good enough for me, Jenette. Pacing yourself is the key. I know life gets in the way sometimes, but you can sometimes squeeze an hour in every so often in between everything else that's going on.

  32. Happy New Year Ilona. Think I did around 500 miles last year but hoping to do more this year X the snow and ice put me off as I don't want to fall. I do try hard though walking to work and to the shops with my shopping trolley as I don't drive. Onwards and upwards!!

  33. Hi Ilona, having changed my diet since September, and lost a stone since then, it has given me the confidence to take the 1000 mile challenge. I've already walked 3 miles today in Stratford Upon Avon, so I am on my way! I am looking forward to challenging myself in this way, and losing more weight this year, Jayne.

    1. Your weight loss is fantastic, it will make walking easier on your knees.


  34. I was posting on your blog sometimes as kateonthecoast. I just wanted to check in with my final walking miles total - unfortunately my computer no longer seems to be compatible with blogger and every time I try to post it just takes me back to the main post page. As I've completed the year I felt I wanted to report in - I've only done 589 miles, but I have enjoyed my walks! Giving up is not an option for me as I want to stay as mobile as I can as I get that bit older. Just wanted to thank you for the walking inspiration and continuing to head the group.

    Also thank you for your great blog - always enjoy your posts - as I can no longer post comments (stupid computers!!) I will just have to follow along and record my own miles total in my diary for 2019.

  35. I enjoy reading your blog and take encouragement and inspiration from you. I am joining in this year's walking challenge. I will be 68 this year and want to stay in as good a physical condition as I can.

    1. That's the way to go, it's never too late to get started. Look after yourself.

  36. I would like to join the walking. I will be aiming for 2 miles per day and anything over that will be a bonus. I live in Rhyl, North Wales.

    1. Sounds good to me. 2 miles a day is fine.

  37. Hi Ilona,
    I’ve been following your blog for a while & I’d like to join the walking group. I’m aiming for 1000km this year.

  38. Greetings from southern AustraliaHoping to increase my walking this year as I have realized I have gradually been walking less and less as one of my dogs gets older.I think a new challenge will help

    1. Easy to take your eye off the ball. I hope we can encourage you to up your miles.

  39. Hi Ilona, joining the challenge for my first year. Hope 2019 is good to you!

  40. Hi Ilona and all in the group. I managed 1001.5 miles this year and finished on the 30th of December like you Ilona. This was my 4th year of doing the challenge and the 3rd time I have just managed to finish. It's second nature to record my outdoor miles now and I'm in for 2019 :0) I wish everybody all the best with this years challenge.
    Jacquie x

    1. A great achievement, you should be very proud of yourself.

  41. Happy New Year. I have done 1,078 miles this year, less than last year but still pleased. Got off to a good start for 2019 with a six mile walk in the sunshine. Good luck everyone.

    1. Fantastic news. There's no holding you back now.

  42. I want to join the walking group for 2019! Happy New Year!

    1. You're welcome, look forward to receiving your monthly reports.

  43. Joy from Central Vic Australia1 January 2019 at 23:14

    Hi Ilona and fellow walkers. Happy New Year to all. My first year for the walking challenge and happy to say managed a total of 960 miles. Chuffed with this. Have really enjoyed being more active and just seeing how far we actually do walk during the year !! I am definitely in for 2019 as the benefits are enormous :) All the best everyone for this years challenge, and thank you Ilona for your fantastic blog and encouragement. Joy xxx

  44. Count me in also. My goal will be 700 miles as I'm pretty sure at this stage of life 1,000 won't be attainable. But one never knows. Thanks Ilona for creating this group. Good walking to everyone!!!

    1. See what you feel like when you get to 700. Anything more is a bonus.

  45. Hi, all,
    So great to see how many completed their challenges. I'm afraid I didn't, as the second half of the year was pretty much a washout between rain, extreme heat, and a serious health problem in my family that had me traveling quite a bit more than expected. I managed 193.61 miles, most of it in the first five months of 2018. I'm going to try again for 500 miles in 2019. I did my walk today and made a date with my spouse to walk with me tomorrow morning, so I'm on my way once more. Many thanks to you, Ilona, for sponsoring this group. Happy New Year and Happy Walking to all!

    1. Glad you are going to keep on with it, and give it another chance.

  46. Hi Ilona, This is my first time on your walking challenge, but I think its a great idea. My name is Heather and I live in York. And I will be doing 1000 miles this year x

  47. I am back in this year, Ilona after a bumpy year last year. Have already started and doing two miles a day so up to 4 miles already. x

  48. WOW, we have 45 names up to now, that's amazing. People want to do it again, and new people want to join us. Thank you all for taking on this challenge. Keep in touch and tell us how you are getting on. Report in on the 1st of every month with your updated miles.

  49. Have tried to reply to everyone, but I've run out of time. Now it's up to you, off you go.

  50. I would love to join your walking group this year Ilona but as a dog walker.I will try and remember to attach my pedometer again but mixed up the settings last time.It really cheers me saying hello or a chat with other people while outside.Today 8 or more retired gents having fun walking together all said "Happy New Year".People who walk seem very happy it seems to me- think I heard that it's the endorphins.Happy New Year x

  51. Just saw in my comment a wrong spelling.i meant to say success not access. Any way going to try very hard as I need to be fitter and hopefully healthier to enjoy life more.

  52. Allison - Victoria, BC, Canada2 January 2019 at 15:59

    I'm in! 1000 miles hopefully. Best of luck and Happy New Year all.

  53. Completed 95 miles this month, bringing my total miles for 2018 to 1334. Aiming for 1500 for 2019. All the best walkers!

  54. I would like to join the group too, my first year and feeling inspired by you all

  55. I have been reading your blog for a number of years. I find everything you do inspirational and would like to join your walking group this year.

  56. I'd love to join please .. need to lose 20 pounds, get blood pressure down and get fitter.
    Happy walking everyone.

  57. Hi Ilona! Love your blog! I will be joining this year in the challenge. Thanks for hosting it.

  58. Hi I'm in on this year's challenge. I only just realized you had a blogg after you mentioned it on utube. I've been following on utube for a while. I need to get healthier so this is good for me .

  59. Hi Ilona, I would love to join the challenge this year. Love your blog as well! Thank you for everything you do. Renee

  60. Hi Ilona, it's brilliant to motivate so many people to keep walking, I think you are my national treasure. I walked 88 miles in december, bringing my total for 2018 to 907.5 miles. A little under 1000 this time but last years was over, it's good to have something to aim for and I am happy with my achievement. Love your blog, you are an inspiration. Happy new year. from yorkshire lass.

    1. Yorkshire Lass,Ive just read the rest of the comments on this post and I think your words..National treasure..describe Ilona to a T!!.A lot of actors and celebs get called this,but Ilona does it without all the fame and fortune that goes with it.Just the love of helping and sharing her knowledge and thoughts go towards changing alot of peoples lives.She has changed mine without a doubt!.National Treasure is a great way of describing Ilona!!,xx

  61. Hi there; my FINAL TOTAL FOR 2018 is 264 miles, (December amount was 233 miles). Thanks for logging all this!

  62. Oops forgot to say: please count me in for 2019. thanks, Gillian.

  63. Please count me in too. Thanks, Eilidh x

  64. If it's not too late can you please count me in. Thank you. Jana

  65. Hello I’m Gillie and have just heard about this challenge on another blog. I’d love to join. I’ll go for the 1000 mile challenge as part of my new health and fitness campaign Really excited to have found your blog as I intend to retire from work next year. Looks inspirational!

  66. All the above are in, good luck with your walking challenge.

  67. Late to check in, just back from holidays. Had to stop in July last year due to an accident but would love to attempt again this year. Thanks Ilona for the inspiration. Lisa

  68. Hi Ilona
    I have had real problems being able to post a comment for a while now , hence I haven’t updated my mileage . However I would like to register fir this year , if it’s not too late .
    Cheers Shelly x

    1. Not too late, you're in.

      I haven't changed the settings for a long time now, so I don't know why you aren't getting through. This one got through.

  69. Hi Ilona,
    I'm a bit late checking in, sorry! I had all the walks I did written down, I just had to get around to calculating the distances and adding them up. So in 2018 my goal was to walk 500km, and I walked 531.57km!

    And of course I'm in for 2019. I'll keep my goal the same... or perhaps I should try and beat my 2018 total? =D
    Happy walking everyone!
    xx Katie in Australia


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