Friday 11 January 2019

Another walk around Flamborough Head.

I had a day out yesterday, met up with Vicki from our Walking Group, in her stomping ground of East Yorkshire. The route we took was from Flamborough to the coast at South Landing, then follow the coastline high up on the cliff tops, past Selwicks Bay, to North Landing, then turn inland from Thornwick Bay back to the start. We walked seven miles. 
The weather was perfect. A bit more sun would have been nice, but there was no wind, no rain, and it was quite warm. We were lucky. 
Through the car park, and over the Whalebone Bridge. 
A bit more about this bridge here.

Following the coastline gives some fabulous views. Not many people about, a few dog walkers.

The sun is hidden in the clouds, I like the shimmering on the sea.

Every turn of a corner, there is a better view.

A nice place to sit for ten minutes and eat our pack ups.

Lighthouse and toilets here, the cafe was closed. I have been up to the top of this lighthouse on a previous visit. Closed at the moment for the winter. There's a bit more information here. And also here.

North Landing.

I would not normally use a walking pole, they get in the way, but I thought I would give it a try because of the steps and uneven ground close to the edge. It did help with assisting balance, and I will use it again when negotiating rough terrain. Not needed when walking through fields and villages where it is normally flat.

I've been walking around the Flamborough coastline a few times before. Here's a link to a report I did from a previous trip, just over four years ago. I was with my sister and her hubby.
Back at the house we had a drink and cake, lovely. I was very impressed with Vicki's record keeping, every walk she does, right from the start of the challenge three years ago, is recorded in her book. Does anyone else do this? I just put the miles down on the calendar.

I called in at Morrisons at Beverley on the way back, and found some yellow stickers, so that's the food sorted for the next week. My furry babies were waiting for me when I got back. It's nice to open the door and see their little faces. Oscar greeted me as soon as I got out of the car, waiting to come in. He is fitting in quite well into the routine. 
Thanks to Vicki for being my guide, and thanks to her lovely hubby for giving my car a wash. I hadn't noticed how clean it was coming home in the dark.Good job Vicki texted to tell me, I would have wondered how it went from dirty to clean, and I hadn't done it.  
Sewing today, that little jaunt has boosted my miles. I could have a day off, but I might go out and do a bit more later.  ilona


  1. looks like a great walk.

  2. Glad you had a lovely walk. It's been a nice day here but I never went out my computer has been playing up so wanted to get it sorted and had a couple of long phone calls.
    Hazel c uk

  3. Really like the photos, I have said before - the north east coast is greatly under rated, but that stops it being developed, spoiled and crowded so we can keep this treasure to ourselves. It's my home ground too and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

  4. Fabulous walk and photo's Ilona, we love that area we are going to Thornwick Bay Holiday Park 18th March for 4 nights a 2 bedroom Chalet for £43. We will have use of the swimming pool and lovely walks on the doorstep x

  5. The cliffs are stunning. Thanks for the beautiful photos.

  6. You have had such a lovely day with your friend by the looks of it Ilona.I am so missing the sea.Those cliffs are reminding me of the Dorset ones I walk along on my holidays x

  7. Lovely pics Ilona and a nice day walking for you and Vicky x

  8. This brings back so many lovely memories for me!.I used to go there when we were on holiday at Bridlington and I loved it.I remember the cafe and buying big shells from someone who was selling them on the cliff top.I used to go as a child and also used to go with my own daughter when she was a toddler.Beautiful area and its nice to see again.Who needs abroad when we have got so many beautiful places like this in England!Glad you enjoyed your walk,I would have loved to have done it with you...although at the minute with my ribs badly bruised and my arm in a sling from my fall the other day,its taking me all my time to walk to the dustbin!!xx

  9. Lovely photos tempting us to go to the Yorkshire coast for some coastal path walking this year.
    Like Vicki I have recorded all the 3 years' walks. It’s a reward when I come in cold and wet after a walk, or hot and dying for a cup of tea.

  10. Glad you had a good day out Ilona. How kind of Vicki's hubby to wash your car too.
    I may have to copy that record keeping idea. I expect there will be a reduced diary in the shops I could use. Great to have a record of where those miles are walked not just the totals.
    Jacquie x

  11. Beautiful photos Ilona. Do you ever suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? I try to get out every day at this time of year even on grey days as I think it helps a lot. Any other readers feel the same?

    1. I don't think I do. If the weather is continual rain, not fit to go out, I get on with something indoors. I like to go outside once a day, to town, or a walk.

    2. I think I do Linda...infact I know i do.I always have to get up at 6...for various reasons...A couple of years ago,I found that by 8.30 am i was in tears and couldnt understand why.But now,although i still get up at that time,I leave the kitchen light on for longer,quietly play a bit off 60s jazz music and feel a bit better for it!xx

  12. Great photos Ilona, it's been years since I've visited Flamborough. I used to go camping near there when my sons were little, very happy memories.


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