Sunday, 14 January 2018

Bleeding colours

Hello. I am playing again, saw something on yooootooob and thought I would have a go at that, and it works. No wonder I don't have enough time in the day, I muck around too much, ha ha.

Tissue paper, £1 from the £1 shop, I know, I don't like buying materials, but I don't have any lying around, and I can afford £1. There is tons of it, lots of different colours, plenty for other projects.

Cut some into small shapes, squares, circles, triangles, hexagons, whatever. I tried it first on a small board, I have some board, got it at the Scrapstore. If you are going to do this you could use thick paper. Lay the pieces out to whatever design you like, then wet a brush (tap water) and stick the shapes to the board.

Wait a minute, then carefully peel the tissue paper off while still wet. The colours have bled into the board and into each other. Could make a nice background for stenciling, doodling, collage, or painting on top of. I will try a bigger one next time and put more thought into different shapes and lay them out a bit more artistically.

Now where was I. Ooops, Garcia has decided that he would like to lie on it, oh well, I'll get on with my other projects then. He is not my cat, he lives two doors up the road, but he visits daily, he sleeps in his own house at night. After nearly ten years of commuting I haven't the heart to throw him out, he is an old boy. His owners know where he is. 
Looking good outside, I may go out later, but for now my tum is rumbling, it wants food. Thanks for popping in, enjoy your Sunday, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. I had a good chuckle . . after 10 years of commuting. Love it!

  2. Aw, love Garcia. The tissue art looks interesting. It could make pretty wrapping paper, or if on white cotton, a piece of art canvas to stitch or not to stitch. Perhaps you might like to try irregular torn pieces for a different effect. Quite fancy a go myself if I ever get the time.

  3. Garcia is a handsome fellow, isn't he?
    I'm in the U.S. We were taught that tissue paper technique frequently in elementary school art classes back in the mid 1970's. I had forgotten about it until now. You sparked an idea--it would be a great way to put a background on a handstamped card--say blues for the night, or pinks/red for a Valentine's Day card. I have lots of cardstock and tissue paper, and tap water is free for us since we have a well--guess my afternoon just got booked solid.

  4. That's very clever-I would have used glue & made a real mess.Garcia looks a lovely cat & it's so kind of you to let him visit as he pleases.Your girlies are very accomodating too.There is a kind lady near me who had a cat one day visit her & decided to move in permanently.I said to her that I didn't blame him as she has a beautiful home.He lays there in the window in the sunshine or sprawls out in the garden whilst she does the gardening x

  5. Enjoying your colours and Garcia (what a lovely name!) Natalie

  6. wonder if this would become colourfast on fabric if you ironed it. would be lovely for an art stitching piece.

    1. I'm not sure, Brenda. I'm going to give it a try on plain cotton fabric, and then stitching over it.

    2. I recall using salt to fix it when using commercial dyes. Maybe a sprinkle, leave it and then rinse might help, on fabric that is. Jen.

  7. I love that you extend "Frugal" to are such an inspiration! Just had a lovely thing happen...the lady from across the road is moving and doesn't want her firewood...I got it at a really good price. The advantage of being neighbourly I guess...I've shared excess produce and eggs over the years and we have become friends; so she thought of us first.. such a bonus.


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