Wednesday, 14 October 2020

It's in the bag

 This was going to be a purse, because I don't like to fold the new plastic notes and squash them into a proper purse. They spring out when it is opened. And if you fold them they never lay flat after that. I like to keep my notes flat and unfolded, so I need a purse of that size. 

I cut the piece of fabric out in the shape I wanted, but it was a bit too big, and I didn't want to trim it. I cut a piece of white cotton fabric the same size and machined three sides together, right sides in. Then turned it the right way, and closed the opening with hand stitching. I folded it in the middle and joined the edges with blanket stitch. It is 7 inches by 8 and a half inches. 

 I didn't have a suitable strap, so I made one out of the white edge of a large piece of fabric. 

I cut a strip of velcro (hook and loop), in half lengthways and added it to the top so the two sides stick together. 
The strap is stitched to the inside of the bag. 

It is to be worn across the body underneath a jacket or coat. You can't be too careful these days, best to keep valuables hidden out of view. It is big enough for my camera, phone, keys, cards, and cash. 

Now I'm going to make a purse. I don't always carry a bag, if I have big pockets with zips I put things in there. 

That's all for now. Cheerio. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Nice, Ilona! I love crossbody bags.

    1. Yes, so do I. I can't be doing with holding all my valuable in a hand held bag. Too much faff, and very risky. Danger of leaving it somewhere, or getting it snatched.

  2. Very nice bag. I love my 30 years old big winter parka simply because it has huge patch pockets with zips, I can carry so much in there I don't need a bag at all. but it is beginning to wear out and I can't find another one like it.

    1. I have an old parka type jacket with a furry hood. It's great for dog walking, or going out at night when no one can see me. Couldn't wear it to town though because it's filthy. You have just given me an idea, maybe sew extra patch pockets onto another jacket.

  3. Hope those straps are strong enough, Ilona. "Camera, phone, keys, cards, cash"... that sounds like a good bit of weight in there. Your country has plastic money now? Maybe we'll be headed to that someday. We're still doing paper. I love your little bag you made. ~Andrea

    1. They are very strong. Two layers folded into four layers, tiny hand stitching at both ends, through to the outer layer of the fabric.

      Yes, we have plastic notes. £5, £10, £20, not sure about £50, hardly ever see them. They are awful. They are very bulky when they are folded.

  4. I find it so much easier in Winter when I can wear my big coat with the larger pockets. The reply to the comment about sewing an extra pocket inside in brilliant I might just have a go at that myself.

    1. I was thinking of a pocket or two on the outside, but yes, inside would be more discrete.

  5. I like this, I've been thinking of making something like this for my phone.

    1. If it's just for a phone, you could make it a bit smaller. I like the idea of velcro fastening. I have another similar bag with a flap, it gets in the way when you want to get something out of it.

  6. I listen to audio books on my phone, something like this would be very useful.

  7. Nice little bag 😊. I liked the tutorial video you made on shopping bags - I was inspired and made loads of them! They're still going strong and I use them every week when I do my big shop. 😊


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