Wednesday 28 August 2024

Come fly with me.

I've gone through my photographs and pulled a few out to include here, my online diary. The date on my teeshirt is 2001, the first time I went to the USA. I went with the Roller Coaster Club of Great Britain. Some of these photo's may be a little bit out of order because I have had several coaster holidays. 
On the first trip we flew to Toronto and visited 17 theme parks in 15 days. It was manic but good fun. We travelled about in two coaches, from park to park, staying in a different hotel every night. I fell ill on that trip and was carted off to hospital. An all bells and whistles ambulance picked me up. Sirens blasting. It was a minor ailment but they really went to town on the medical care. I was only in hospital a few hours, and delivered back to the theme park to continue riding the coasters. 
Other holidays were, me and the boyfriend went to Orlando and did the Disney Parks. We flew to Los Angeles on another trip, stayed a few days and hired a car and drove to Vegas. That was magic. The next holiday we joined the group again and went on a coach to do some theme parks in Germany. We also did the theme parks in the UK, either as a group, or just the two of us. 

Some of the group members in 2001. The club is still going. Check it out if you are coaster crazy. 

I can't remember where this was. Germany I think. 

The highlight of the Vegas trip was a ride in a helicopter to the Grand Canyon. So so exciting. 
An upside-down house. Somewhere in the USA. 

No I haven't got a blotchy face. A reflection of my flowery top when I took a photo of a photo. Easily recognised location. 

Looking down over New York. From the Empire State Building. 

I won't be having any more holidays like these again. I don't have a passport, and I can't face all the kerfuffle at airports. My feet stay firmly on the ground from now on, or on the water if I take a ferry. 

I've just been outside to get the empty bin in and it's lovely and warm. What am I doing sitting here. On with the boots and off for a walk. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Debi from Leicester.Good morning Ilona.What an exciting life you have had!.I We did the theme parks in America about 35 years ago.It was great fun...but I dont think that I could manage it now,lol.Its great to have lovely memories though and photos taken at the time help those memories stay alive.We had a video that we made there put on to a CD a few years back....but havent got a CD player now so I havent watched that for a long time!.Anyway,the sun is beaming down here in Leicester,so I am going to water my plants in the garden before I go to my Mams.Hope that the sun is shining for you too.xx

    1. Say hello to your Mam for me. The sun is out here on Friday morning.

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun but quite exhausting! I used to ride coasters and lots of other rides until I had a bad experience at La Ronde in Montreal and since then the motion sickness just says NO. I haven't been on an overseas trip in about 7 years but I am hoping to get to Paris next January. I love being somewhere new but the thought of the airport drama is exhausting. However, I do walk with the aid of a cane so I can board first and this does help as I can get settled before the rush!

    1. I hope your Paris trip is enjoyable, and everything goes according to plan.

  3. Love seeing these pictures of you on your adventures. You are an inspiration. 😊

    1. Looking through memories of past adventures are a comfort to me.


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