Friday, 16 August 2024

Test driving a Shark.

Good evening. You may remember I bought a new vacuum cleaner, back in January last year. It was a cheap cordless one from Home Bargains. I have to report that it wasn't up to the job. Poor suction, and the battery frequently needed charging. The hand held part of it is useful for cleaning cars and small areas in the house like the bathroom so I shall use it for just that. 
So, yesterday I spent some money and bought a new vacuum cleaner from Curry's. They didn't mind me paying with cash. £180. 
Introducing the new Shark. Today I did a test drive. It's one you plug into the wall. I don't like cordless appliances. This has a really good suction, it picked everything up. My carpets look like brand new now. It is not too heavy to carry around. It has a five year guarantee. Let's hope it lasts a long time. 

I've been to the pub tonight, was invited for a drink. That's why this is a bit late. 

Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Enjoy your vacuum and your pub invite !!

  2. Hope you enjoyed your evening out (Sandy Mid Wales )

    1. Hello Sandy. It wasn't a whole evening, it lasted about an hour. That was enough. I am not a pubby person, too noisy and too hot. I accepted because I feel I ought to be a bit more sociable in the village and meet more people. I didn't enjoy it. I went because I quite like the person who asked me. He is a dog walker and we chat when we are out and about. He takes his dog in the pub twice a week to socialise it. Once inside the atmosphere is different. Blokes together propping the bar up. Although I am well used to this scenario, having spent many a night out with lorry drivers. That was fine because we all had something in common. But our village is a bit cleeky, and I don't quite fit in with what might be classed as a 75 year old pensioner. I am grateful that he asked me, but I felt like I was a spare part.

  3. The shark sounds great,how is it with pet hairs ? I have a Henry hoover but could do with a better one due to having pets. Nick

    1. It has a pet power brush which picks up pet hairs. Haven't tried it yet.

  4. Hubby and I have recently purchased a Shark, a lot better than our previous cheap one from Tesco. Ours is corded too - heard from too many people about their cordless ones setting on fire whilst charging so stayed away. The cord is longer too, so we can do the living room and kitchen easier without having to constantly unplug and plug in again.

    1. I can't be bothered to faff about charging batteries on appliances.

  5. That’s the same one I’ve just bought!!! It’s impressive isn’t it?


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