Sunday, 24 November 2013

Slipperboots, prototypes 2 - 8

Hi there, Some more work today on my new invention the slipperboot. There were some great ideas on yesterdays post, thank you for your contributions. Someone suggested buy some insoles from a £1 shop, erm, no, the idea is not to spend any money, but to make something from what I already have. So, more playing today, first change the string for cable ties. Bought these years ago, they are very cheap if you buy a big bag, they come in handy for all kinds of jobs.   
As you can see, they don't do this job very well because they are too short. They don't cover enough of the boot and the carpet sole will soon slip off.

Try again, I found some longer ties and put six on.
 Aahhh, much better this time. I can pull the lace tight around the boot. This might be the answer.

Next was to try something else. Cut the bottoms off a pair of tights somewhere near the knee. They are nice and stretchy and fit perfectly. Wow, yes, good idea but they are quite thin.
Let's try a pair of socks. Nope, not stretchy enough, can't get them over the heel.

Now these have a bit of stretch in them, very tight fitting mind you, a lot of tugging and pulling to get them on. Nice colour though, more fashionable.

What about these. Thick socks, they've got holes in them, but even with the tops cut off they don't have enough stretch to pull up the back of the heel.  
The bits cut off make good wrist warmers though, ha ha.

Finally, a pair of socks that fit. And to give them a slipperish appearance I've added a couple of colourful stuffed bugs. Don't they look cute.

I think I will stick with this idea for the winter, living in a cold house with rationed heating. The slipperboots will keep my feet warm, fingerless gloves and wrist warmers to keep my hands warm. All I've got to do now is invent something to keep my nose warm :o))
Toodle pip


  1. Very fetching! Do be careful they aren't sllpper-y (pardon he pun) though won't you? Don't want you falling down in them!

  2. Well done Ilona, they look rather fab! I love the bugs too, they're the perfect finishing touch.

  3. What about a balaclava for keeping your nose warm? Just don't answer the door wearing it or someone might think you're being burgled! Love the slippers - a must for keeping warm in winter. Thick socks with your carpet soles attached might do the trick.

    Good news! Yesterday I made the final payment into our final loan. Started off with £25,000 of personal debt, mainly due to essential house repairs, car loan etc. Should have taken 5 years to pay off but we paid it off 20 months early through frugal living and doing without. For anyone trying to pay off debt, don't give up. A big thank you to you Ilona for all your support and frugal tips which helped me through this.

    1. Well done Sue & credit to you for thanking Ilona


    2. Thank you for sharing your story with us, Sue. You deserve a great big pat on the back, now go out and get drunk :o))

    3. Might just have a wee glass of port to celebrate! Thank you

  4. Be careful how you wear sock-type things around the house as they aren't very grippy. Years ago I slipped and fell downstairs wearing hiking socks as slippers.

  5. You could use the sleeves off an old jumper that is way past its best. I've got a couple of jumpers that I am keeping to see if I can think of a use. They are too small for me but I can't bring myself to chuck them out.

  6. You know what you could do to stop slippage-cut up a bit of the rug gripper stuff. We bought a long roll for next to nothing off the market. You could add a bit to toe and heel so you don't grip too much( if you see what i mean)

  7. "more fashionable" made me laugh...I like your sense of humor, Ilona :)
    I'm planning to felt an old sweater into slippers this year, as soon as I find a thick old wool sweater in a thrift shop. I haven't been shopping in a couple of weeks, so maybe next time I'm out for groceries, I'll have a look. My feet are getting cold!

  8. I could crochet you a nose warmer Ilona!!!!!!

  9. You could just save all the bother & put the heating on! You can't take your money with you

    1. I know, and Intend spending it before I go, not wasting it on heating a house for a few hours. Besides where's the fun in that. Where's your sense of adventure, try something new, or would you rather sit on your bum and flick a switch.

    2. No, I'm never sat around. I also try to be economical with heating, wearing layers upon layers.
      I'm just not too good with a needle. You enjoy doing it, which is the main thing.

    3. Sorry I didn't mean to be stroppy. When you said to put the heating on, I thought, yeah it's alright for some people if they can afford to do that. I play around looking for ways to save a few bob, like not buying slippers and not putting the heating on. Glad we are singing from the same song sheet :o))

  10. Hooray for Sue paying it all off!

    I enjoyed seeing your slipper boots, hope they work out well for you.
    My feet get so cold in winter, even in socks and booties, might need to try something similar to yours!

  11. You are such a laugh, Ilona. And bring a smile to many.

    I love your cute decorations. The "slippers" make you look like you have ginormous feet, or clowns' shoes! But at least you are warm

    For your nose, could you cut some felt or soft, layered fabric into a little triangular patch and attach elastic so it can go over your nose like an eye-patch? You'd look a sight, but at least you'd have a warm nose!

  12. You've proved...'if at first you don't succeed, try try again.....' Cool.

  13. I like the bugs but i'm still not convinced that they are as covenient as slippers.
    You should make a burka like asian women wear, i bet they have warm noses.

  14. Just seen the" new look " slippers mark 2 Ilona. One thing for sure you are never stuck for ideas. Just be careful you do not slip with your old socks as overshoes, and don't go dashing outside in the new slippers , that could be fatal especially if ground is damp.



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