Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Wrap up warm, it's cold outside

We had a frosty start yesterday morning, so I took a few photo's. The village green looks as pretty as a picture. I love the autumn colours. Some people call this area in the centre of the village, the paddock, but years ago it was known as the chicken field, because, yes, it had chickens on it.   

Next a little bimble through the churchyard.
 Love these frosty red leaves tumbling over the wall.

And the avenue of trees through the middle. Then the battery went flat in the camera, so no more pics. Thought I might go and take some more this morning, but it was raining.

This was my lunch today. Yes, I know it looks a bit like vomit, but it was filling, and it was very tasty. A friend gave me one large flat mushroom, surplus to her requirements. I cut it up and cooked it in a little oil and a dollop of wholegrain mustard. I added half a tin of  haricot beans, and scrambled two eggs in the mix. Served on a bed of spinach, with a tomato and some pickled onions.

Quick catch up on a couple of items. Remember the outdoor cat litter tray filled with sand? I am sorry to report that the kitties have not ventured into it yet. Bugsy does his whoopsies in one of the indoor trays, usually in the middle of the night, but I don't know where the girlies are going. Maybe if I try the tray in a different part of the garden. I'll see if there is any interest if I move it around.

I have quite a lot of sunflower seeds now. Perhaps someone could tell me, do I have to do anything to them before I eat them? Roast them, cook them, or grind them up perhaps. Or just sprinkle on food. I used to buy them in a packet a long time ago but can't remember what I did with them.

Well isn't this flippin amazing. I've had the settee and chairs covered up for years to protect them from cat hairs, and they never bothered to lie on them. What happens the minute I take the covers off, Heidi cat decides this is her new bed.

Did anyone watch Last Tango in Halifax, last year, the drama set in Yorkshire, staring Derek Jacobi and Ann Reid? It was about two silver surfers meeting and falling in love. Well it's back on a Tuesday night at 9pm on BBC 1. You can of course do what I do and watch it on the BBC iplayer
Well worth a look, the acting is superb, and the story line keeps you on the edge of your seat. I'm glad it's back, something to look forward to on a Wednesday night. Here's a short trailer.

Toodle pip.


  1. Loved the first series but only caught the last 20 minutes last night so must try to catch up on iplayer before next week. Have had a good evening tonight watching Nigel and Adam's Farm Kitchen, and then the Tudor Monastery Farm - lots of animals all round and quite interesting, I thought.

  2. I love this programme. I had the TV all to myself.
    You do take some lovely photos

  3. I love Last Tango in Paris. Don't know if the new series has started over here yet (USA.) My daughter and I are coming to London next week. 3 days in Paris first. Can't wait. This is our third visit to England. This time we're staying in London, have a trip to the Cotswolds planned, and some English cousins joining us at the weekend. Would have loved to meet and walk with you but we decided not to drive. We'll do plenty of walking. I know it's cold but lived all but the last 2 years in Massachusetts, so it shouldn't bother me.

    Maggie from US

  4. Pussy cat looks very elegant against th new pillows and I'm sure she assumes you made them just for her! The red leaves with the frosted edges are stunning. Do you have any long walks planned yet this fall? I really enjoy reading about them and seeing your photos.

  5. Hi Ilona,

    Your days are looking a bit colder now - whilst we are gearing up for summer here in NZ and starting to sweat!

    I downloaded Last Tango in Halifax last year because of reading about it here. I LOVED it. It has just started on our tv schedules here - so lovely to be able to watch it again. More programmes should be made like this - mind you, I'd probably watch more tv then too! Our household doesn't watch much anyway - we cannot stand US tv programmes and love what little British ones we can get here.

    Always a pleasure to read your blog.

    DeeJay in Whangarei, New Zealand

  6. You always cheer my day Ilona, you make me laugh and make me smile and make me think outside the box.
    Love from Pam in TX.

  7. Greetings!
    I'm no expert, but i think you can leave the seeds raw, or cook them. The choice is yours. I buy mine raw and keep them in the freezer. When the mood strikes, i either dry fry them or add a bit of oil and salt.
    Love the pretty colors in your pictures. We're expecting 8-12 inches of snow, starting tomorrow. Needless to say, the only color around here will be white!

  8. You got me so excited—I enjoyed season 1 which got so much better as people's paths crossed. But all I got was this:
    "Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only, but all BBC iPlayer Radio programmes are available to you. Why?" I was too mad to find the answer to the "Why" question.

  9. The photos look amazing, the colours are truly beautiful. You did make me chuckle with your lunch (vomit like it may look but if you enjoy it it really doesn't matter)

    Why is it that cats always know when you would rather they didn't do something? Mine is exactly the same bless him.

    X x

  10. I just did pumpkin seeds in the oven @ 350 degrees F for 15 minutes. Before I splayed them out on a cookie sheet I mixed them with 1 T of olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder (spices are to taste). They came out yummy. Of course you have to shell them as you eat them.

  11. Beautiful pictures!! Well, until we get to your lunch. Lol. Don't know I'd go as far as your description but ...

    I'm another Last Tango fan. It will probably be years before it makes it to us in Aust. And I don't like to illegally download, being old school and all, so I will just wait.


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