Thursday, 20 November 2014

Bargain food and free bags

Even though it's winter I still like to eat salad. Quick and easy and no cooking, save the gas. I had salad for lunch, and here is my dinner. A slice of cheese and onion quiche. Four portions for £1.19 from Aldi. Pasta salad, lettuce, radishes, mushrooms, cucumber, and spring onions, all yellow stickers. You can work out how cheap this meal was, at a guess, 50p ish.  
The teacher at college on Tuesday had two black bin bags full of fabric, donated by someone who makes costumes for the theatre. She said we could take some, so I chose blue medium to heavy fabric which is a bit like a stretchy denim. Today I whipped up four shopping bags and I will take these back next week and give them out to the ladies. I hope no one starts fighting over them, they will have to decide among themselves who is to have them.

The flowers are painted on.

They are lovely shopping bags. Thanks for visiting, come again tomorrow. Toodle pip


  1. They are truly gorgeous bags and such a nice colour. Did you do the painting? JanF

    1. Hi. No, the flowers were already painted on.

  2. These sure look better than the hodge podge of bags I'm currently using!

  3. Love this blog.. you are so creative and fun! Cheers

  4. Gorgeous! I am using up some miscellaneous fabric scraps and making pillow cases as gifts this year. Super easy and quick.

  5. Well, frankly I am relieved - I was concerned you were painting your little heart out!
    They are lovely and will be snapped up in an instant! JF

  6. I love salad any time of the year. Those bags are so pretty.

  7. Lucky ladies - those bags are so pretty.
    Wendy (Wales)

  8. WOW! Those bags are beautiful. Stretchy denim sounds like a really good fabric for making bags. Thank you for sharing pictures.

  9. Salad looks like one 'you' might pay 7 or 8 pounds for in a cafe! Beautiful bags. If there are less bags than ladies...beware!!

  10. Brilliant salad AND bags! Have a good weekend x

  11. You are lucky. You go on a course and get free fabric. Lucky you.

  12. Your dinner looks delicious and the bags look fab :o) You are such an inspiration to me.


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