Monday, 24 November 2014

Tissues required

Hiya peeps.
Get out the tissues, if this doesn't make you weep (in a good way), then you have a heart of stone.

 Soppy dog story.

Give your dog an extra cuddle from me. I'll be back later. xxxxx


  1. What a beautiful dog! I have two of my own and love them so. Thank you for sharing that wonderful story. What a lucky family! Arthur will now get the attention he deserves.

  2. What a lovely story, I've sent it to my son, he has a dog that looks a lot like this one.
    thanks fro posting.

  3. Awwww ....... what a lovely story. :-)

  4. Thanks for posting this lovely story - I'll be sharing with my friends :)

  5. I thought they were a bit mean to him - making him swim, look for his own food etc. They only helped him if he couldn't manage. He got injured and exhausted trying to keep up with them. Yes he has a new home and he will ultimately be better off but I thought they could have made things so much easier for the poor dog and choose not to. Still happy ending I guess.

  6. If only we could be so loyal.
    Jane x

  7. Lovely story. Arthur is a beautiful dog.

    If you want to watch a touching but sad story of a dog and his owner, check out the film Hachi with Richard Gere. It was made five or six years ago. It is based on a true story in Japan. You will need a lot of tissues.

  8. Okay, I did need the tissues-such a heartugging story.It's great Arthur has a new loving home with his trek buddy.So good to see that his loyalty and persistance was rewarded with kindness. He reminds me of our recently lost sixteen year old wolfhound collie cross-a real canine athlete. Thanks for sharing the lovely story.Regards, Destemona

  9. Who wouldn't love a dog like Aruthur. Very touching story.


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