Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Playing with the new toy

Hello. It's been practice day with the Hudl. Oh my, how confusing it all is. Can't get the hang of swiping the screen, my technique is not consistent, what starts as a swipe ends up as a stab, and things pop up when I don't want them to. I wish I could add a mouse to it, it would make life much simpler. However, I must soldier on and keep trying. 
I went a bimble round the church to take some photo's with it. The bigger screen makes it a bit easier to compose a nice shot. Hold it out at arms length and walk around until you see the scene you want to capture. Zoom in and out by sliding finger and thumb in a pinching movement across the screen. In theory you should end up with the exact bit you want, which should eliminate a lot of cropping later.
I've been finding my way around the photo editing tools, a lot of them I don't understand, it's a case of try each one and see what happens. 
Right, photo's stored somewhere on the Hudle, next transfer some onto here. It's strange not having a mouse and a keyboard to jiggle things around with. I found the keyboard keeps popping up and covering the screen when I don't want it to, and it's not there when I need it. It keeps coming and going, very confusing. 
I managed to get some pictures loaded. I always put them on first then add the words after. By this time my brain was feeling a little bit pickled. The keyboard kept popping up when I didn't want it and an assortment of letters kept appearing in random places. I wanted to load the pictures in a different order than I took them but it wasn't having it. Now how do I move picture 4 to the picture 9 position without a mouse? Mega baffled now. Oh I give up, that's all the confusion the brain can manage for one day. I am now completing the task on the  Samsung Netbook. Here are the pictures taken with the Hudl. 
View of the front gate.

Playing with the enhancement tools. View towards the side gate.
A group of ramblers came strolling by. 
And disappeared out of the back gate.
More enhancement tools.
Black and white anyone?
View from the back gate.
Oh, and my little friend came too.
Phew I need a rest now. I am going to have to get to grips with this new gadget, it may take a while, ha ha.
Toodle pip.


  1. Takes lovely pictures Ilona. I'm sure you'll get used to it. I was flumoxed when I first has the new windows but I eventually got the hang of it. Lovely to see little doggie again.

  2. I love the pictures, there's something nice about black & white ones, whenever we have new technology, our teenager has to help us out.

  3. Keep on persevering and soon it will be second nature. When I want to move a picture I use cut and paste shortcut keys on the keyboard. Cut is control x and paste is control v.

    1. Thanks Mum, I'll have to remember that. It's very rare that I use the keyboard for anything else other than writing.

  4. Have you tried dragging and dropping! As I always say technology is wonderful ...... When it works! Lovely colour finishes in the photos.

    1. Hello, yes I drag and drop with the mouse. Normally I don't need to because I load them in the order I want them to appear, but with the Hudl I missed one because I wanted it slotted in lower down. Then when I wanted it, it was put into the original place where it had come from. Didn't know how to move it without a mouse, so I finished off on the netbook.

  5. Good work, will get the hang of it soon. I have a touch screen, and it is irritating when the keyboard thingy pops up all the time. But when I start to type it disappears, so I ignore it.

  6. Well done lovely crisp images . Lucky you with your new gizmo.

  7. Hi Ilona, understand completely. I had the same problem and my husband got me a bluetooth mouse and synced it to my tablet via the settings menu on my tablet. Its a lot easier for scrolling and clicking. You can get one from Amazon for less than a tenner.
    There will probably be instructions with the mouse. Or carry on practicing. Try not to put your nail on the screen, use your finger like your were taking a fingerprint.

  8. My grandaughter got a Hudl a few weeks ago (for 6th birthday!) and she's a whizz on it. Besides using her fingers on the screen she's also got a stylus, I've found that's better to use, it's more precise and the keyboard doesn't keep appearing when it's not wanted. Perhaps you could try one too until you get more adept?

  9. Keep at it Ilona! When I don't know how to do something on my iPad, I Google my question and see if I can find a solution that way.

    Nice photos. My favorite one is of course the last one, sweet Rocky.

  10. Been there, done that. Took me ten months to get the hang of Window 8. Think I've got the hang of it now, but everything's different from the old Windows. What a pain! Took me a while to get rid of that on screen keyboard. Don't ask me how I did it, but I do remember finding a little box somewhere that said, turn off touch screen key board. So I quickly checked it. Yea!!

    1. Hi Chris, I'm dreading windows 8, trying to stick with 7 for as long as possible. Thanks for the tip about the keyboard.

  11. Love the photos - they look to be very good quality pictures and the last one of the wee doggie is beautiful! My friend has a Hudl which she has passed on to her young children to play games on because she just couldn't get to grips with the screen and found it very unresponsive for what she wanted it to do - but the kids get on fine playing games on it. She did say that she wondered whether it was faulty but hadn't done anything about it. Glad you are persevering with yours. I have very limited experience of using tablets - we have one at church that we use for the music to accompany the hymns but I have never tried to use it for anything else!

  12. Yes, I will get a stylus pen, my sister says it makes it easier. Thanks.

  13. I find that when I'm swiping, I quite often touch advertisement pictures or some of the advert text and thus, the screen opens out onto the advert itself! Very annoying! Even worse, these adverts have cookies and then I'm bombarded with their promotions for ever and a day!

  14. You have a very good eye for taking brilliant photos. I especially like the one of the view from the back gate of the church.

  15. Stick with it Ilona...No Gain Without Pain ;)

  16. I wanted to treat myself to the new hudl. I put it in my online shopping cart then converted all my clubcard points to boost to get £25 off, then left it in my shopping cart til i got paid, and also cos i wasn't in a big rush to get it. Went online the other day and saw tesco had an offer on and was knocking off £20 on any electricals over £100. Managed to get it for £84 instead of £129. i was proper happy


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