Friday, 28 November 2014

Katie Piper, Things Get Better. Book review

Hello, I haven't had much time for reading but I like to have a book or two close at hand so I can sit in a comfy chair and wander through someone else's life. Autobiographies are my thing. I picked up Katie Pipers book, Things Get Better, at the library van last week. Most of you will have heard of her, in 2008 she survived a rape and an acid attack that left her face and body severely disfigured. Her moving story was shown in a Channel 4 documentary, Katie, My Beautiful Face. 
She went on to make other documentaries, one of which was about the pioneering stem cell treatment which restored her sight. Katie is now a TV presenter, public speaker, and campaigner. She started the Katie Piper Foundation to give support to other people living with burns and scars.  
I was looking forward to reading this book, thinking that there might be more to her life story than what we have seen on the television. It is hard to imagine what it must be like to go through such a life changing brutal attack. Katie had everything going for her, at 24 she was working as a model and TV presenter, she was beautiful and ambitious. In an instant that was taken away from her. Her ex boyfriend, and the man he paid  to throw acid over her, are now serving prison sentences. 
The book. I was hoping that it might have been about her life before the attack, and how she has managed to rebuild it, but it turns out that it is more of a self help book for people who find themselves going through a difficult time in their life. She talks with oodles of compassion. The biographical side of it is only a small part of the book, it tells of  how she dealt with what happened. The larger part is the self help part, and outlines lots of case studies of people who are going through difficult times. 
I have to admit I didn't read every word, (a) because my life is fine, and (b) because at times I thought I was reading a manual written by a Counselor/Psychologist. I can't deny that Katie is an amazing inspirational woman, to have gone through so much and come out the other end is unbelievable. The good advice administered in the book, in my opinion, is spot on. 
And here is a video of Katie as she was going through her treatment. The pictures are quite upsetting. 
Thanks for visiting. I have a busy day tomorrow, Toodle pip.


  1. What a wonderful lady. The video showed the beauty of all the ladies in it.

  2. When i was about fourteen, i burned my hand in a grease fire. I had surgery two years later to take the scar tissue off. The pain of a burn can be incredible. My hand is nothing compared to what these people went through. Bless Katie for the work she's doing!

  3. Her story even reached us here in Canada. She is a strong, amazing woman.I can't help think of a person very close to me who suffered the trauma of a dynamite blast in the face when working a summer job in construction as a student.He was just twenty at the time, underwent many surgeries and was blinded and disfigured. He was a very handsome guy, football player, artist and musician with the future of a broadcast journalist.His whole world changed the day of the accident.But he persevered and let go of what could have been and carried on. He is amazing and someone I respect and look up to.He's my brother and a great teacher of human spirit.Good luck with the stall prep, hope it's not too windy and rainy for you all, and hope you sell lots for the kitties. regards, Destemona

    1. Destemona, your comment brought tears to my eyes. You brother is one brave dude, I guess we can all learn a lot from him. Thanks for sharing your story.

  4. What an inspirational lady!! All I could see in the video were extremely beautiful people! Bless Katie for her efforts to give the same treatment to other afflicted folk. Just amazing to see the transformation for them.

  5. I have an only child who is beautiful on the inside and out, she doesn't think she is pretty at all, many love her spirit. She always has been compassionate and we both remember when this happened she was in junior high school, where all the kids were thinking of and acting out about how a person looked..She wore her labels on her clothes outside in, she did not care about that, she befriended the kids in special education classes they were sweet and like little angels, she held her own..Now she is 37 and fearless, why oh, why don't parents teach their children that what is inside is what is the most important we did and by the way my hubs of almost 41 years is still a looker and women swoon over him, as he is kind and loving to everyone and so sweet and kind, the oldest of 8 kids and no dad and a mom who was let's just say missing in action as a mom and homemaker, no matter, he has humor and still looks like the handsome fellow I married in May 1074!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The outside is no indication of how a person really is the inside you got it..I love your blog, as I take public transportation almost weekly and never drive at all I can but decided long ago buses, trains and other modes of public transportation was for me and I did as a young person live in car centric southern and northern California but I managed to get all around just fine..Happy Holidays we just had American Thanksgiving and soon Hanukkah, Christmas and new years eve..I am 66 and my hubs 67 so we are the same age basically as you are we admire your frugality and wise choices, if only others could be frugal and live really live, but no many think it is all about the goodies and getting and never saving or eating fresh and well for little money you do..Happy Happy Happy! ciao!

    1. Thank you for a great comment. I love reading about your family, they are very special.


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