Saturday, 22 November 2014

Re organizing my space

Hello. It's been a damp and dreary day here in North Lincolnshire, best place is indoors. I woke up with a few ideas of what to do today, could do some sewing, could do some cooking, or I could move my big computer down into the living room. Now it is running perfectly it's a shame to leave it upstairs while squinting downstairs at the little netbook. 
So what's to be done. I have a large front to back living room with a table at each end. This corner next to the table at the front is wasted space at the moment. An ancient treadle sewing machine which I never use, (ought to really), and a writing bureau which has some crafting stuff stored in it which I don't use very often. On the top of the sewing machine are storage boxes full of more crafting stuff which I often dive into, so I want to keep them close at hand. The space could be better utilized. 
I do my sewing here at this table, so the machine can stay here.

That's better. The telephone socket comes into the house here, so that's handy for the router. Those wires dangling down are for the tv aerial and the satellite dish, neither of which I use, so I'm thinking about chopping them off.

This office desk will fit in the space perfectly, all I have to do is get it downstairs. It weighs a ton, I bought it second hand years ago from an office furniture warehouse for £30. A bargain and it's ever so sturdy.

I think I'm going to need these.
That's the wood removed, next dismantle the frame.

Bit by bit it all gets moved downstairs, and cleaned. Now how does it fit together. I should have marked what goes where.

 YAY, dunnit. Everything plugged in and switched on, and it works.

Now I've got to get the writing bureau upstairs. The treadle sewing machine is too heavy to move very far so that will have to stay in here, I'll find a space for that. There is room under the desk for the plastic storage boxes, and then I've got to move the second desk in the office to underneath the window so the cats can jump up into the window sill. I think I'll get my dinner before I carry on.

I must say it's nice getting back on this big computer again, the screen feels gigantic after that little one. I much prefer a real full size keyboard as well. Yes I think this arrangement will suite me better. I used to spend a lot of time in the small office, now I prefer to be all on one level. Shall I move my bed downstairs next, ha ha. The next move might be to a bungalow.

Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip


  1. You have been a busy bee. I know what you mean about a big screen. I haven't blogged for ages (until today) as I use my Kindle a lot but it's impossible to type on Blogger on it!!

  2. Watch out you don't spend more time on the computer!

  3. Ilona, if you moved again, you would have to take that darn table apart to move it. Great job. You are very industrious and determined.

  4. Looks like you've got the same pub carpets as me.

    1. This pub carpet was here when I came, and it will be here when I leave. It is very hard wearing and the multicolours make it very practical.

  5. Thats one chunk of a desk! You will certainly get good use out of that corner. Don't know about bringing the bed down ...wish I could. My stairs are off my kitchen ( sort of in the wall) Bl..dy pain. Furniture has to be built upstairs after carrying the pieces up,ha ha. Including the pine bed frames! Like climbing a ladder! Still its not a bad old house.

  6. It's so much easier using a desktop computer and keyboard isn't it? Those ipads and tablets are handy if you just want to fiddle about in front of the telly or in bed but the desktop version is best I think. Yes, I think I had that carpet too, in a different colour version, mine was mostly green, but hey, they don't show the dirt like these modern all cream or white ones do! Excellent use of your new space.

  7. Hi Ilona, I was wondering how you were going to manage that big heavy desk downstairs on your own. Good job you figured out how to put it back together! I always prefer to use the regular large computer screen and keyboard. It's easier to type with and easier on my eyes. Glad you worked it out.

  8. I love a big desk space like that, because of all the stuff you NEED when you're at the computer..and I'm very much in your camp, about reorganizing as your needs change and you see what needs to be in what place. I also find new uses for items I've had for ages as soon as they find a new home.

  9. I also prefer my tower and keyboard with a 20" wide monitor (22" corner to corner) but I didn't realise you could lay the tower on it's side. Have you always done it that way? I don't have speakers any more - I use wifi headphones, keyboard and mouse - I love not having any trailing wires :)

    1. Hi Lesley. Yes, my tower has always been on it's side. My friend who knows about computers set it up for me this way. I do have a few wires about, but I am not going to change things while it is all working.


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