Saturday, 7 April 2018

Burgers - some are nice some not so nice.

Hello. I sometimes buy veggie burgers or veggie sausages, they have to be on special offer though, or own brand which is cheaper anyway. Some vegetarian food is too expensive for me, I will not buy it unless it is on offer. I like the Quorn products, but only buy them when they are on offer. I thought I would give these mozzarella burgers a try, they were £1 for a pack of two. 
I always grill them and put a piece of foil on the grill pan to keep it clean. While the veg was in the steamer I checked the burger to see if it needed turning over. Oooh, I didn't like the look of the juices leaking out of it, it looked just like gravy, and I never eat gravy. 
I sat down to tuck into the meal and cut the burger into pieces. It smelled like meat, and tasted like meat as well. The texture was like lumpy mince and needed a lot of chewing. I won't be buying these again. If I wanted to eat meat I would buy real meat, this was horrible. 
These on the other hand are quite nice. Can't remember how much they are, just over £1 I think, they are from Aldi. These don't look meaty at all, much more to my liking.

Another one from Aldi, I like these.

Tesco changed the name of these to Patties, I like them. They are £1, so two with some steamed veg make a meal for me.

I suppose you could say these are processed food. I could make something like them from scratch, but I'm too darn lazy. Tonight my dinner was a plate of steamed vegetables. Lunch was mushrooms, spinach and an egg on a microwaved potato.

It's been a funny kind of day weatherwise. Warm outside with not a whisper of wind, like there is a thunderstorm brewing but it didn't happen. It was kind of eerie. I have started on the garden, lots to do out there.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Enjoy your Sunday.
Toodle pip


  1. The Linda McCartney range seems to be for those who want meat taste and texture,but not meat. Not something I'd go for, being 3rd generation veggie!! As you say...horrible

  2. Hello Mean Queen!! Yes, those LM mozzarella a piece of old boot, I am afraid!! I have the 99p vegan sausages & burgers from Holland &barret.....very tasty if not over cooked.Hope all is well, DD

    1. Hi dean, that made me laugh, old boots indeed. I have another one to chomp my way through. I might break it up and put it into a veggie stew to soften it a bit.

  3. I actually ordered the veggie burger while out with friends last night (I'm a meat eater but actually often enjoy a veggie burger as a change) - this was awful! I ate about half but that was it - such a disappointment.
    I am lucky in that a pub near me makes their own from scratch and they are delicious! A number of us meat eaters always order those when we go to this pub! They really know what they are doing!

  4. I agree, they are very 'meaty'. My daughter loves them for that reason so she will have them occasionally when I make courgette burgers for the rest of us.

  5. Hello. If you like this kind of food, the indian veggie burger (vada pav) is really delicious. You can easily find recipes on Yout*be if you feel like trying it one day. But may be you already know it.

  6. you were lucky with the weather- it started raining at 11.00am here. got wet while out cycling.

  7. I always buy those Aldi spicy bean burgers.They are very tasty.I used to buy the Tesco veggie burgers,6 for £1...But my local Tesco now sells the same sort of thing..4 veggie burgers for £1 75 or 2 packs for £3!!....This is why I hate shopping in Tesco.I too dont like ...pretend meat...I tried the LM sausages and they were awful.I bought veggie bacon for my Grandaughter and that was awful too!I would rather live on brussel sprouts for a week than eat that muck,lol.xx

  8. Very strange weather here too - dark clouds and very still and everywhere so quiet, but yet no storm and it is still very cold. I eat meat so don't bother much with veggie substitute stuff, any that I've tried I didn't like at all. I do however use a vegetarian cookbook and all the recipes are made from scratch. I try to avoid processed food of any kind wherever possible, though it is a chore chopping up stuff and it's hard to be bothered with it sometimes.

  9. I have found the burgers to be hit and miss too. This includes my own when I make them. Lol.

  10. As the dedicated omnivore that I am, I like falafel, bean and/or mushroom patties if they are well made. Which, for me, means making my own because I'm not interested in highly processed foods with ingredients I can't pronounce. This bring me to quorn, I'm not interested in eating soil fungus/mold even if it is grown in a sterile environment.

  11. I like the pre-made veggie burgers, too. I’ve made a few of the bean burger recipes but they taste like beans! If I want beans i’ll save myself a lot of trouble and just eat them plain.
    Thank you for the tutorial on adding my name. I think I used to do it right but got side-tracked somehow.

    1. Brilliant.

      Yes, I just open myself a tin of beans and heat them if needed. Seems a lot of bother to put them in a bowl and mash them up with other ingredients, form them into round patty shapes then bake or grill them. Why not just eat the beans, or buy something that is inexpensive and already made up into pretend burgers.

  12. Have to agree with you (and gz) the Linda McCartney range has some very meaty flavour products, especially the burgers. I'm not fond of Quorn items either don't like the texture, and it's just pretending to be meat. I get my protein from other foods so why bother with them. I'm looking forward to seeing the spruced up summerhouse soon, hope the weather's kind for you.

  13. I don't understand. If you do not like meat, why do you buy something that is trying very hard to be just like meat?

    1. because they like the product,not the process

    2. PP, I like to try different foods, that's the only way to tell if I like it or not. I don't buy things because they look like meat, I check the ingredients and if it says vegetarian or vegan I will try it. One reader above says her daughter likes them because they are 'meaty', so if there is a market for them why not produce them.

    3. Good remark from gz - I agree with that one. Like the look of the Aldi bean burgers and good price .

    4. I'm a strict vegetarian, my husband isn't veggie but doesn't eat much meat. I do not think the veggie products I like taste like meat, I wouldn't buy them if they did, the idea revolts me. I don't want them to taste like meat, I want them to replace meat. Sometimes I say to him that if someone didn't know that it was Quorn "ham" for example, a non veggie would not know the difference. It has happened I may add. Anyway, his answer to me, which may apply to some others out there, and may or may not be true, is, "It's so long since you have eaten meat that you can't remember what it tastes like."
      I am vegetarian because I am against the cruel slaughter of animals, I do not want to eat something which tastes like meat.

  14. Hi, I too thought the LM burgers were too much like the real thing. I don't eat meat for any other reason than I don't like the texture (from when I was a child apparently) so for me these were horrible, I seemed to be chewing them forever. I much prefer the veggie burger type burgers. I suppose we could all make them from scratch but when they are a reasonable price anyway I cant see the point and most of my meals are from scratch so these sort of things don't hurt too much.
    Same sort of weather here in Yorkshire, doesn't seem to know what it wants to do.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend

  15. Jane
    sorry didn't put my name at the top of the other post

  16. I have found the LM range very disappointing, tasteless and somehow 'doughy' to my palate, however I do like Quorn mince to make chilli con carne. Yet to source some good quality veggie sausages: the ones I have tried were not too good. The weather here is a blueberry sky but no thunder or rain as yet. At least the mornings are lighter and hoping here in the UK we get a summer this year, enough sunshine to be able to stroll about and sit in the garden.

  17. Can I ask a question please about the walking group ? When people put in their miles figure at the beginning of the month does that figure mean their total walking time each day or a separate walk to their normal everyday activity amount ?

    1. Hi. It's up to the individual how they record it. In the beginning everyone was doing the 1000 mile challenge and they added it up month by month. This was good because you see the numbers climbing.

      Now people are doing their own challenges, some still on the 1000 but others have gone for a lower figure, so it's hard to keep track of everyone. Some report what they have done for the month, some do a total from the beginning. It's not a competition so they can do what suits them best.

  18. I am in the minority I think, as I like the LM burger and sausages. I eat veggie cos I don't wan't to eat animals but it's hard to not want a burger in a bun when all the carnivores are munching away. The bean burgers are nice but some of them are so spicy. Wish I wasn't so idle as I'm sure home made is best. Not keen on Quorn it is the texture I think.

    1. I like LM sausages and burgers too. I also like Quorn burgers, and the mince and chicken style pieces as well, but find their sausages most unpleasant as they have a meaty texture and look. I like Mae's Kitchen nut cutlets but the spicey bean burgers are horrible. Best of all are my homemade burgers using green lentils.

  19. You have to pick and choose amongst the LM range to get the good stuff. The Rosemary and Red Onion sausages are nice, as are the sausage rolls in pastry. I obviously don't eat any of the veggie items just the vegan ones, so I do have to read the boxes carefully.

    Like you I like to try things for myself and I usually wait until they are on offer to try and then to stock up on the things I find I do like. It's nice to have something that can just be heated in half an hour or so to go with veggies for when inspiration is thin on the ground.

  20. I find best sausages are Cauldron Lincolnshire sausages. Linda McCartney definitely not, Quorn ok. I also hate anything that looks too much like meat. But do love the Lincolnshire style sausages when I get to England to bring some back.

    1. Yes I like Cauldron, but they are not available in many places.

  21. I'd just stick to grilled halloumi if I was a non meat eater. Absolutely delicious. I serve it with dhal. The contrast of textures and flavours is lush. In actual fact isn't this what I cooked for you when you camped with me? xx

    1. I can't remember that far back. It was something in a big pan with lots of other things.

  22. I have not seen the LM burgers here in the states and from all the comments they don't seem very appetizing. When I do eat a veggie burger, I like them grilled on a bun with all the regular burger condiments.

    1. I find the LM burgers very good; the ones with the mozz cheese are very good.

    2. I'm vegetarian but don't eat burgers or sausages often.I have eaten Linda McCartney products before and I don't mind them.I used to chop them up and put them in a tomato sauce x

  23. Have your tried these You can tweek the recipe and her smokey veggie dog recipe is also good for burgers. Loved your summer house build post : )


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