Sunday, 8 April 2018

First cut of the season

Hello. It's been a dry day here, no sun, but dry and warm. I thought I would take my litter picking stick and a bag with me when I did my walk this morning. Might as well kill two birds with one stone as the saying goes. Trouble is that it takes me twice as long because I am zigzagging across the road to pick up on both sides, then I stop and talk to people. I came across 20 or 30 school children wearing pink and yellow vests. They had been picking up litter on the road side around the edge of the village, and had quite a big haul. Several black bin bags full. 
After lunch it was warm enough to get out on the garden. It hadn't rained overnight so the ground was pretty dry, time to get the mower out for the first grass cut of the season. I'm amazed that this cheapo mower keeps going, with no maintenance from me. Every Autumn I put it away, every spring I get it out. The blade is wrecked, but still it chops through the grass. The daffs are looking nice. 
Evergreens in the pots are doing well, and the herbs are starting to grow again.

 Rocky's grave had a tidy up. His squeaky toys are still there.

The cats are coming outside more now.

Still got to find a place for the wash basin I got out of a skip.

 Bugsy's grave is tidy as well.

I am thinking of joining in with the Open Gardens again this year, so I need to get it all ship shape. I want to make some outdoor sculptures, so I will have to get a move on with that.

Crafty Club in the morning, then back out in the garden in the afternoon, if it isn't raining. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Your garden and kitties are looking well. And what a wonderful suggestion to go with the open garden.

  2. Hi Ilona,Your garden looks lovely...At the min I have got big trauma in my house!,One of the cats have brought a very much alive mouse I put the cat outside he dropped it.Poor thing,I am trying to save it and set it free...but now I have got three more of the other cats,stalking and prowling around the settee I am sitting on because the mouse has ran under there.I hate it when things like this happen.The poor thing must be terrified....My hubby isnt very understanding!!.But I hope that i can catch it and set it free up the close where i live.I will prob be up all night!,xx

  3. Everything is looking so nice and green. 😊 I love spring and all the new growth. It just lifts my spirits. Can’t wait to follow all your progress and you have such wonderful decorating ideas.

  4. Your kitties are really cute how old are they? They look to be in great shape. T

    1. Hi Gail. They are both 5 or 6, not sure exactly because they are both rescued. They came here at about six months apart, both with four kittens each which were rehomed when they were old enough to leave. I took them in because our rescue pens were full, they got used to me so I let them stay.

      Both were spayed. Heidi (black and white),is on tablets because she has a blood disorder. The vet said she will not have a long normal cat life, but she is doing well, so I am hopeful that she will have many more years ahead of her. Mayze shows no signs of illness.

  5. the garden looks lovely and nice to see the kitties enjoying themselves.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. The garden is looking lovely already. You should do open gardens. I have just been out in my motorhome as a passenger. Because I sit up higher than a car I was amazed at what I saw dumped in ditches. Lots of metal, aluminium and plastics, I was thinking of getting a recycling salvage group going locally. I would love to wear a hi viz jacket too. There were loads of things that shouldn’t go to landfill.

  8. Your garden looks lovely and nice to see the cats enjoying it!

  9. I love the cat and daffodil photographs, I adore both and take similar pictures. Good for you Ilona, litter picking. We sometimes pick up things and dispose of them, it annoys us even more when food cartons and drinks are left on the floor or benches in towns only two feet away from a LITTER BIN ! Not today's subject I know but may I ask a question about yesterday's topic ? I am a strict vegetarian, won't eat certain things when out without asking questions. Now I know you like a few chips now and then, and I know that on the east coast they are fond of using beef dripping to cook with so on a day out to Skegness and similar, I have to find a particular veggie friendly chippy. Do you do the same, or just buy chips without knowing?

    1. I’ve been to Skegness a number of times and have never found a vegetarian chip shop.

    2. It's very rare that I eat chips at all, don't make them at home, and have them maybe twice a year when I am out. I don't ask what they are cooked in.

    3. Natalie, there is one facing the pirate thingy near the clock tower, and a kebab shop nearby down a side street. They both use vegetable oil.
      Ilona, we rarely have them, and never make them at home, but my husband says it's not a proper day trip to the seaside without a treat of chips and later an ice cream. :) I must say that I'm inclined to agree.

    4. Thanks ever so much Jean. I’ve always had to come away from there hungry as I couldn’t find one. I know now x.

  10. Elaine Birmingham9 April 2018 at 14:47

    Today seeing your springtime photo’s really cheered me up. Also remembering you have got us through a very long winter. Not once did the weather get you down. Always busy. Some days I get up and don’t do anything, but your blog is an inspiration, not to waste time even if it’s a walk or some arts n crafts.
    I am sure you will have a whirlwind spring/summer.🙂

  11. Rest In Peace Rocky. You were lucky that Ilona saved you.

  12. So nice that Rocky has his squeaky toys.

  13. I managed about an hour in the garden today....then the rain came down again!.2 lovely daffodils have opened which i thought that the snow had destroyed a couple of weeks ago so Im pleased about that.The last few years only the leaves have appeared!Im meeting my friend Flis from here tomorrow in our local village,so im looking forward to having a mooch around the charity shops with her.xx

  14. Your garden looks good Ilona & the little ones graves.My lawn is still a mud bath.I will be very good tomorrow in the shops with Debi & only buy if really necessary x

  15. joanie in michigan9 April 2018 at 22:27

    LOVE your daffodils! Outside my window, I'm looking at snow flurries. ;)


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