Sunday, 10 June 2018

A new day.

Hello. Today is a new day, I can't change what's gone, it's gone, but I can take stock and carry on. What I should have done was to delete the first comment and not publish, but I made the mistake of letting it go. Then another comment came in agreeing with first, I published it, then had second thoughts. It just fell short of calling me a liar, that's when I went to town chopping back. Yes, it was about the basket of plants. I did what I thought was right, but the reader had ideas about what I should do next, based on speculation.

I state the facts as I know them, someone else doesn't know the facts because they weren't here, so they draw their own conclusions. Speculation can be misleading, at worst can be damaging. I'm not going to go on about it, it's happened before. People make things up when they don't know the facts. As one reader says, that's what you get when you put yourself out there. Usually I can put two fingers up and say stuff 'em, but I have my high and low moments just like anyone else. Sometimes I am caught off guard because I have other things on my mind, I make a hasty decision, and later regret it. That's human nature.

My blog is one of my creative platforms, thank you all for reading it, and thank you for your supportive comments. I hope things won't change and I can carry on, but there is a niggling little voice at the back of my mind which says, be careful what you say. It shouldn't be like that, I have always prided myself on saying whatever I like, and I hope to still do that. Give me a bit of slack, and I'll be back with you shortly.

Toodle pip


  1. As I said yesterday it’s your blog, you write what you want, we all come back to read your words. As for publishing some unsavoury comments, well done you for allowing an honest view from others. Today so many people want to impose their views on you, narrow minded people who have limited imagination. I love to read all lifestyles, I nick bits of them for my life, to enhance my world. Life would be terrible if we were all the same, I love individual style and flair and I love your blog.

  2. Good Morning Ilona!,I hate the thought of you feeling sad because of a couple of comments.Yes,I did see them and thought that they were quite nasty.People who read your blog daily know what a good and kind person you are!!.Helping others by walking their dogs,giving away your bags to people in the supermarket,helping to get funds for the cat stall,building hedgehog houses,feeding any stray animals,keeping us motivated to walk and keep healthy,recycling to keep things out of landfill..I could go on and on,lol..But on this occasion,if there is a landfill in blogland,you have my blessing to put these two thoughtless comments,straight in there and not give them another thought!,They are not worth your brain space and well done for saving some plants from dying!xx

    1. oo I like that Debi- chuck the dross in landfill xx

    2. Well said Debi. I read Ilona's blog daily, why, because I like it. It's interesting, sometimes funny, and sometimes sad. Ilona comes across as a caring woman who enjoys her life. Good for you Ilona.

  3. Hi hun, I always read your blog but don't comment. I missed reading the post before you deleted it and some of the comments.Trolls are sad people with nothing better to do than to put down others. I love your blog it offers insight into art, recycling, fitness, frugalness and travelling.You do it in an inspiring non judgemental way.Please re-read the lovely comments and give yourself a hug. You are an amazing lady and your blog would be sorely missed by many. *Smile* only amazing people have trolls :) Goldensunflower x

  4. Hi Ilona, I am so glad you're feeling better, the thing is, that you have a voice that reaches all over the world,these people can only write to you and write their unasked for opinion, if you Ignore them and do not acknowledge them in any way shape or form, they have no voice. If they see that you are changing things or becoming upset by them and inadvertently giving them a voice on YOUR blog, then they feel they have the power to upset you So say and do what you like, continue to be your original,happy ,kind, artistic self and continue to enjoy your blog and the readers who 'get' you.

  5. Dear Illona, I am sorry that the nastys have upset you. Like a lot of other folk I rely on seeing your helpful tips, the walks you take and the pretty things you make. Your blog gives me a happy start to my day (needed because of partners health) please don't let the nastysget to you, hugs Joyce

  6. This is one reason I am glad I am incapable of blogging, being a technophobe. I don’t understand why people make stupid comments, I assume it is because of social media like twatter that people feel they can say anything. Carry on as you are, us singletons have to stick together, I bet the rude commentators are married to grumpy old hits and as miserable as sin.

  7. Laura blackpool10 June 2018 at 12:32

    Ilona do what feels right for you and you alone. That is what reading your blog these last few years has taught me. Also that anyone else who thinks they know better ought to go away and find themselves a life. You being you is why I love your blog. It's open honest and brutal and endearing. You share ypu don't preach like so many others. Hope you are doing OK.

  8. Hope to see you back very soon Ilona. I do look forward to your interesting posts. I've learnt a lot from following some of your advice so a big 'thank you'.

  9. There's always someone out there who knows everything.......when actually they know nothing!
    Carry On Regardless is what I say.

  10. The world is full of internet trolls people with issues that enjoy upsetting others. Don't let them upset you and carry on with your blog just as it is. It's a really nice blog so don't change anything. Me and many others love it. All the best xxx

  11. I understand more than you can realise, Ilona. I don't have a blog as I thought my life wasn't interesting to anyone and I don't need to use it as a diary/journal of my life as I have an ordinary diary I write in every night, which I keep and have forty years of them stored away and they will be passed on to my daughter. No, I have decided that I won't be commenting as much, not only on your blog but others too. My problem is that in the past some of my comments have been misunderstood so therefore I tend to write long comments, (as this seems to be turning out to be,) to make myself open and clear which seem to have been misunderstood also. So from now on I shall try to limit my comments to short ones. Take care and have a good day.

  12. people like that should take themselves off somewhere else.I think they do this to boost their own ego because they don't really like themselves deep down.they look for what they think is an easy target-I have had experience of don't need to explain yourself to anyone unless you want to-just be true to yourself.we all think you are great x x

  13. Hi, My Friend, I hope you can find it in yourself to ignore some people. Sometimes the mouth sounds off before the brain goes into gear. I love you and your blog and have read it daily for many years. So chin up, my girl and carry on for us, your faithful followers.
    Have a great day :)

  14. Barbara Pearce10 June 2018 at 17:08

    Sorry you have been annoyed, you are right when you say you can have your views but don't give advice unless it has been asked for, hope you can carry on with Your Blog it is something you like to do don't let busy bodies put you off. Best wishes X

  15. Carry on Regardless, I just delete the dross and publish the interesting. Luckily apart from Spam I do not delete much. Your blog is always interesting and gets many comments most of which I agree with. We are all different which is such a good thing, life would be boring if we were all the same.

  16. Your blog is a delight. Don’t let the trolls get you down!

  17. I have been reading your blog for some time and enjoy it. More people should exercise their God given right to remain silent as far as I'm concerned or at least THINK before they comment/speak. Having spoken my unrequested opinion I will end with how impressed I am with all your accomplishments: crafts/art, building a summer house and your walking routine.

  18. I like your posts. You are such a cheerful, upbeat person. Don't let the nasty people get to you Take care

  19. Hi, PLEASE carry on as normal, as Sue in Suffolk says: carry on regardless. I don't know what's happened, but I am very sad that this has upset you. You have so many good ideas about life, saving money, being fit etc. There are many of us who would be really disappointed if you no longer felt free to be yourself and share your wisdom with your readers. I'm sure you have far more admirers than you have time-wasting trolls. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  20. Be Yourself! You are amazing and an inspiration! At the end of the road - a long road yet :) - nobody is going to ask if you were like your neighbour or your cousin or the person you met on holiday, you just need to be the best Ilona. And nobody can do that except for you. Carry on! ;)

  21. I'm sorry you've been upset.

  22. Hello, friend Ilona. I've always wondered how fast grumbling gremlins would stop posting cruel comments if their photo and home address were posted as well. I can tell you worked hard to cool off the boil. You owe explanations to no one. Hang in there, girl.

  23. Elaine near Philly10 June 2018 at 19:17

    Hello, friend Ilona. I've always thought grumbly gremlins would stop typing critical comments in their photo and address appeared alongside. You do good thoughtful clever stuff. Keep up the good work, and thank you for sharing yourself. Warmly, Elaine

  24. Please keep writing and sharing. Those who nitpick and offer unsolicited advice have an inflated opinion of themselves and we will simply ignore them and enjoy your posts.

  25. A new day indeed, pick up and carry on my many times at 3am I'm going over what I said and did or rather what I should have done in the past. Who said what and I should have said this..we can't change the past but it sure keeps me up sometimes, we are all human and have feelings. My last holiday with my mum before she died if I had known we would have done so many things and ate like queens but who knew it would be our last time live for today and no regrets. Xxx

  26. Hi Illona,

    Never saw the whole post or the comments that upset you. Why didn't you just leave them and let your followers deal with the negativity for you. I'm sure the positive comments you get will outweigh and "neutralize" any of the negative comments. You are a very creative person and a mixed media artist and all artists have had to deal with art critics at one time or another.

  27. I absolutely love your posts and enjoy reading them daily. You are such an upbeat person and are so creative and artsy. Please continue to share yourself with the reach us far and wide :)


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