Monday, 11 June 2018

No time to sit around.

Hello. It's hot hot hot outside, so I've come in for a late lunch of egg and cheese on toast. I have stuff to do outside but it will have to wait until the sun goes over the other side of the house, I need shade on my work table. 
June took a photo of me at Crafty Club this morning, and emailed it to me. They all like the cutlery flowers. 
Then I popped in to see Angela and had a coffee, she was busy in the garden so I didn't stay long. We are on the same wavelength regarding recycling, skip diving, and buying second hand from charity shops and car boot sales. Even though I have known her a long time, at last I have found a friend who is on the same wavelength as me.

I must get on, some cloud is coming over so maybe it is cool enough to go back outside. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. This is a lovely photo of you.

  2. That’s a lovely pic and I love the cutlery flowers

  3. Ilona, I agree with you that recycling and using second hand is definitely a very good thing, bearing in mind the environment etc. Hope your work in the garden went well.

  4. Nice photo Ilona,you look a lot younger than 69 on it!.It is nice as well when you have a mate that lives the same lifestyle as you.My Family have been converted slightly,lol but I dont tend to mix alot with friends because we dont seem to have alot in common now!.Im lucky to know Flis now in real life,She comments on here,a lovely girl and we compare what frugal things weve been up to!xx

  5. It's windy here today ( Chatham, Ont, Canada ) just got back from our second hand brand new bamboo blind for the back patio $5 and my daughter bought a lovely canvas for her bedroom $10. We get so many good deals and save a fortune. People come over and say how lovely everything is and where did we get such great decorations etc haha the pillow cases on the bench ( old shower curtains ) pots I have repainted, chair from the dump done up, stencils on the fence, dollar store ( pound to you my dear ) all for nothing really but so nice, one of a kind!

  6. I was also typing how young you look Ilona but my I pad charge ran out-I even enlarged your photo to see closer.Debi is very kind and fun and as my aunt used to say ''bless all our dear hearts x

  7. Looks like a productive day x

  8. Dodging the sun is usually us in North Queensland, however at the moment our Winter is glorious and we can stay outside all day.

  9. Hilde in Germany12 June 2018 at 04:51

    You look so lovely, and your cutlery flowers too!
    And it is so wonderful that you at least found a friend who is on the same wavelength as you.


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