Friday 10 August 2018

Lucky with the yellow stickers

I had a trip to my home town yesterday, to check out the exhibition in the library which is due to finish just before I start mine. I was surprised to see that there were only four paintings on the display boards. Apparently the person who booked it couldn't go ahead with it, and a friend had permission to hang their pictures instead. So I wasn't able to pick up any hints and tips on how another artist would set out their work. Not to worry, I have a pretty good idea of how I want my display to look.

I had a wander round the town while I was there. Sat in the park and ate my sandwich, did a bit of people watching. It was quite busy because it was market day. I noticed that there were hardly any empty shops in the shopping centres. Burton has grown so much since I lived there.

I called in to see Auntie Pat for a cuppa before I set off back home. She has a lot of de cluttering to do, I will be able to help her with that. I took away a box of cookery books intending to donate them to a charity shop here. I stopped at Tesco to pick up some shopping, and put the books on the charity table there. Seemed the easy thing to do.

I was lucky with the yellow stickers. There were more people than usual milling around the trolley, I dived in among them, and managed to get enough for me. Some people were greedy and taking lots of the same thing.  Here's a little video.

We had a short shower ten minutes ago but now the sun is out. It's turned cooler needed to put extra clothing on for my walk. It's the weekend, yipeeeee. Every day is a weekend for me :o)  ilona


  1. Lovely food again at great prices; I visited by local CO-OP yesterday (usually quite expensive I think) but got talking to one of the assistants and she said some things were reduced at 8am and then 5pm so I may give that a try. The weather now we've had a good shower is to my liking; fresh and clear, lovely.

  2. I am Carolina. A 65 portuguese reader. I read your blog every day. And I love it. Thanks Ilona.

  3. What would you say was your best ever yellow sticker bargain Ilona? Have you ever had something expensive for a penny?

  4. hi ilona mayze and heidi - you had some lovely bargains the plate of fruit looks colourful and delicious. i must get into the habit of having oatmeal, nuts and seeds and fruit and a plant based diet may help with the fibromyalgia. have a lovely weekend love liz amy and

  5. Yet another great inexpensive haul!Lots of lovely fruit,veg n salad.Just my sort of food.I really do wish that my Hubby wasnt a meat eater cause then we could eat even cheaper than we already do.Ive really cut my shopping down this last couple of years,spending far less than I used to because there is nothing wasted now...not even a baked bean,lol.Ive got about 12 tomatoes coming through on my kitchen scrap plants and my free peas from the freebi sites are all shooting through now.I was reading about growing peas cause the ones I got sent,looked just like the ones that you buy dried,in packets and soak over night with one of those tablets that come in the pack.And it seems thats what they are!.So Im going to buy a pack when I next go shopping and see what happens when I plant some of them!I also pulled up a small potato chitting plant that looked dead...and it had 2 spuds on it!They were lovely!Even more so cause they were free!,xx

  6. I had some good'' yellow stickers''at the Co op for a few Sundays just before closing, then I went the next week & not so good. Recently I've found reduced cheeses in Tesco fairly often.Best though,I keep finding marrows,courgettes,lettuce,Patti pan squash,french beans,runner beans & a plate of curry on my doorstep which I think has been left by fairies x

  7. I would love to visit your art exhibition and meet you if possible. Is it in Burton on Trent Library every day? Love your YouTube videos by the way especially the craft ones. You are very talented.

    1. The exhibition will be at Burton Library from August 20th to September 3rd, excluding Sundays and Bank Holiday Monday the 27th. I will be there some of the time. If you email me I will give you a contact phone number. Address on the sidebar under 'Contact me here'.

  8. What a lovely video n i love love getting bargains like that just makes you feeel so good . I have cut rght back on my food shop but eating so well. This morning i made biscuits and a cauli bake with yummy homemade sauce 2 portions in the freezer and one for tonight .
    Got 3 extra big bags of wholegrain jasmine brown rice and almost gone through one just jazz it up with some peas added in the rice cooker cummin turmeric oregano delish added to whatever or side dish with cauli bake :) even though now i have savings a job i love Doing only few hours a week a nice car i dont think the frugal lifestyle will ever leave me hasent yet lol back in the day i would go to bed hungry finding myself a single parent with 2 kiddes to feed, im glad somethings change and somethings never do :)

  9. I love when Marks and Spencer's have yellow stickers on stuff in their food hall!!

  10. I couldn't afford to eat fruit & veg if it wasn't for the y/s bargains - always feels good when you get lovely strawbs for pennies! I freeze grapes in water in the icecube tray and then add the frozen 'grape-cubes' to wine; you don't taste the grapes and it makes the wine last a little longer.

    1. True. I couldn't afford to eat a lot of fruit if I paid full price for it. £2 for a small tub of berry fruits, no way.

  11. Yes! A yellow sticker post. I love to read about your hauls.!

  12. Today-Sunday I found lots of ''yellow stickers''in Tesco at midday.I was thrilled.Plus at the nearby market a blouse & waistcoat 50p each.Had to pay full price for dogs chicken though x

  13. After serving you in Tesco on Thursday and having a nice chat about your blog, I decided to take a look , absolutely amazing , lovely lady ! And very helpful with saving money , I will definitely be using some of your tips ! x

    1. Hi lauren. I'm dead chuffed that you have found my blog, and left a comment. I love shopping at Tesco because the staff are so nice and friendly. Best wishes.

  14. Hi Ilona , Been reading for years and just had to comment on your Yellow sticker savings. What amazes me is how inexpensive some of the food is at full price. I pay around $AUD3 (About 1 pound 70 p)for a wholemeal loaf. Fruit and veg seem cheaper too. The grocery stores in Australia would never sell food near it's use by date so cheap. They would rather throw it out. I think the difference is that we basically only have 2 big grocery companies so they don't have to be very competitive. Aldi arrived in Australia some time ago and I tend to shop there. Though I could never imagine paying only 20 cents for anything at the grocery store.


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