Sunday, 31 March 2019

Been away, now I'm back.

Just back from a weekend away. I'm relaxing now, had a long drive. Don't forget it's check in day for the International Walking Group tomorrow so we'll catch up then. Toodle pip ilona


  1. Hope you had a nice weekend and the weekend was good.
    Hazel c uk

  2. Well you chose a lovely weekend for your break.I have been making the most of the sun too.Had a lovely afternoon yesterday,cause all of us went down my Mams with it being Mothers Day and she had done us all a buffet.I love it when all her grandkids and great grandkids can get together at the same time!.Light frost on my car this morning thats when I discovered that my 40 0dd year old kettle...I use a whistling one,lol..had got a leak where the handle starts.I filled it up full to wash over the car windows and left a big trail of water in the kitchen as I walked out the door.Never gave the kitchen floor a clean!.Hope that you tell us about your weekend away and show us any photos that you took.I love hearing about your travels.xx


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