Thursday 11 January 2024

Bringing you a smile

It's becoming mighty difficult to stay upbeat and content with ones own life, when there is so much mayhem going on all over the place. This poem comes to mind. I have never read it all the way through, but wow, how it resonates with me now. 
If by Rudyard Kipling.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
I won't post it all the way through but you can find it on this link. 
I can understand why people do not wish to go down the path I have chosen. People have different coping mechanisms when the going gets tough. The choice is that you either face forward and march on, or join the back of the queue and hide until it all goes away. It's a bumpy ride whichever way you approach it. 
While the rest of the world is sorting itself out, we can all benefit from some light relief. Stress can be a killer, we know that. One must step off this crazy world, and take time out to laugh. 
If you are on a downer at the moment, make a drink, and settle down in a comfy chair and watch these crazy lads celebrate Christmas in their own crazy way. Go on, give it a go. Even the grumps might find a smile creeping across their face. Viewer discretion advised, they use colourful language. If you can't laugh at the odd 'fuck' now and again, you might want to give it a miss. 
Thanks for popping in. Have a good day. Toodle pip. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Such a shame that someone wrote a lengthy post within ten minutes of me publishing this post. Here is my message to you Anonymous. Please switch off your computer, and go outside. You will feel better.

  2. Message back to Meanqueen…stop going down so many rabbit holes and do something productive with your life. You will feel much better.

    1. I am feeling great, thank you. Just back from a five mile walk.

  3. I have read the article. I totally agree, people have been used as guinea pigs. I was bullied into having the vaccine as I was working in the NHS at
    the time. My line manager told me that to refuse was putting not only my colleagues lives at risk but worse, the hospital patients too.

    1. There are so many virtue signalling people saying everyone had a choice. They most definitely did not. Having to decide whether to get something pumped into your arm which was originally named gene therapy, then later changed to vaccine because they knew people would be reluctant to take it. The use of blackmail to coerce people is not free choice. Thank you for your comment. I wish you well.

  4. The poem certainly resonated with me too. I’ve watched most of the video and it’s fucking hilarious. Driving up Hardknott pass in the dark and poor weather conditions was certainly an achievement.

    1. Try and watch the last part to the end. It has an unexpected twist.

  5. Debi from Leicester.Ive just watched this and its certainly cheered me up!.Its 4 am and cant sleep cause Ive been asleep most of the day due to feeling really ill and drugged up on LemsipThese guys are really great though and stopped me feeling so sorry for my self for an hour!xx

    1. Hope you are feeling better this morning.

  6. The silly comments keep coming. They are quickly deleted.

  7. You have to expect comments you don’t agree with.

    1. Yes, they are expected, but I have the option of editing them, as I have done with this one, or deleting them. I just can't fathom out people's mentality, that they keep coming here when they know I have got no interest in anything they say. It's like they have a hunger for rejection. Far better to walk away and do something constructive, like getting on with their own life.

  8. Thank you for your refreshing take on life! I love details of your trips and walks- plenty of inspiration. As for the jibby jabby and all that silliness, I would suggest that fear is a great driver in the reaction you get. If I had been coaxed and coerced into taking something that could badly affect my health in the future, I would be worried as well. If I were content in the choice I had made, I wouldn't bother commenting...

    1. Absolute rubbish. My reaction to your ridiculous comments has nothing to do with fear of the vaccinations I have had. my reaction is anger to the tissue of lies you are spreading. You say you are so angry at THEM and all THEY have done. Well I am angry at the rubbish you are spreading..and very depressed that some are applauding you for your vision and refreshing take on life! That is why I come here and comment.

      Just to be clear and ai don’t even need to talk about shape shifting alien lizards!

    2. Yes, it's possible that people don't want to acknowledge the fact that they may have made a mistake. I have no wish to frighten anyone, so I have been choosing my words carefully. I am still holding back. It was always going to be a matter of time before the whole charade was exposed. I genuinely care about the people who did what they thought was best.

    3. Anonymous sent their comment as I was typing mine. My comment is in reply to Beyond the Matrix. I took a while to get my words right. Anonymous just bashed their comment out. Anger is a destructive emotion.

  9. To...anonymous...are you talking to me? Where did I say YOU, or THEM? Your comment doesn't make sense. Do you wish to elaborate? I said that if I were worried about a choice I had made, I might be more likely to react defensively to people who hadn't made the same choice as me. Is that a problem to you? Where did I mention shape shifting alien lizards? I've never seen one that I know of. Are you OK?

    1. I think some of what Anonymous says is in reference to things I have written about in the past. You've only got to mention the word Icke, then wait for the barrage of insults to come back. This is why I have to delete a lot of the comments. Sometimes I let one through, but then that descends into a verbal punch up. I haven't got time to deal with it.

  10. I agree with you... life is too short to be wasting time on verbal punch ups...I have my miles to put in tomorrow for the 1000 mile a year walking challenge, so time for bed and a good book for me. Nite nite x

    1. I'm lagging behind on my miles. Must do better. Goodnight.


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