Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Keeping warm outdoors

Eeee by 'eck, it were chuffin freezing today. But I have a solution to the problem. Beanie hat, furry hood, and two scarves. Snug as a bug in a rug. 
I turned a corner and disturbed three deer. They scarpered. I watched them run into a field and alongside a hedge. Can you see three white bob tails in the distance? 
Man cutting grass in a field. 

I bet you didn't know that we have a waterfall here. 😜 Ha ha, joke, we don't. This is the rain running down off the fields, through a wood, and making it's way down to the river. A mini waterfall. 
The sun is going down. On my way home. 
The end of another day. See ya soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I am very puzzled by you saying you couldn't go onto my blog post about Small Change to join in the discussion.
    Makes it sound as if I have banned you!
    I allow all comments so it wouldn't have been a problem.

    1. No you haven't banned me. There are some blogs where I get a distinct vibe that my presence will not be welcome. Anonymous people follow me around and make derogatory comments about me and my beliefs and ideas. It has happened on other blogs too. These comments can be hurtful. To protect myself I choose not to venture where I know I am not wanted. I have no wish to fight any battles, join in with debating, or get into any heated discussions.

      Where bloggers allow all comments there are bound to be conflicting views being posted. I made the mistake once by publishing some fairly nasty comments, not aimed at me, but aimed at other readers. This promotes a gang mentality which can escalate into something quite nasty. It was the wrong thing to do, and people were hurt. I think moderating and deleting unsavoury comments is the best way to nip things in the bud before they start.

      My blog is my safe space, so I do what I can to protect that. If it means that I am left out in the cold then so be it. I prefer to be on the outside looking in, I don't need to be one of the crowd.

      Thank you for asking the question, I am happy to answer.

  2. It's been blimmin cold here these past few days. I thought you'd typed 'furry food' had to have a second look. I haven't been able to leave comments on your blog for ages. Some message about members only.

    1. Cherie, when I am overwhelmed by silly and nasty comments, I have to switch all comments off to give me some breathing space.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.