Friday 5 January 2024

Checking in.

I've been out today. I very nearly didn't go. Seeing all the news reports of massive flooding, I wondered if I should cancel the trip. Maybe go next week when the water levels have gone down. I decided I would chance it. I might have to turn round and come back if there is a lot of water on the roads. 
The journey was easy, absolutely no problems, 70mph most of the way. The motorways were clear and not very busy. Straight through. There were reports of the River Trent bursting it's bank. It always does, every year, sometimes several times. This is the view of the kids playground next to the library. No one is playing today. 
I'm glad I went. I had a lovely time meeting up with my nephew Adrian. The journey back home was just as easy, it takes one hour forty minutes. 
I have photo's and two videos, I'll get them sorted out for tomorrow. But for now I am going to bed. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.  ilona 


  1. Well done you. All this talk about flooding, do you think it is yet another attempt to control us? Don’t go out. Stay at home. It is too dangerous to drive. Sounds awfully familiar doesn’t it?

    1. I think the flooding is real, and it suits their agenda as you say, to curb our freedoms to move freely about. On the other hand they do not seem to be looking into why some areas flood more than others. I see applications being put in for new build housing estates, all over the place. I see the landscape being altered drastically which prevents nature from doing it's job. Drains have to be built, and maintained, to allow the water to run away. Council cutbacks means streets are not cleaned and drains are blocked by falling leaves and litter. There is a frenzy to build build build. The population grows and we have to find somewhere to put them. Open borders are adding to the flooding.

  2. Debi from Leicester.Aye up Ilona!.Well its still rainy here.Lots of the local villages have been flooded here with the loss of cattle and horses,poor things.Most of the green belt around here now is new housing estates with roads built through and around them so the water is flooding what is left of the land and the wildlife is suffering badly.Glad that you got to see your nephew safely.Its nice to have a catch up with relatives and those swans look as though the are enjoying them selves!xx

    1. The River Trent at Burton is usually full of swans. Now they have many more acres of land to swim about on.

  3. Today we are having lots of rain. It was originally predicted as snow which would have been a doozy lol The temperature has been warmer and it is all rain. We have a local park that has a lake, after heavy rains here the playground looks exactly like your picture. Glad you went on with your plans. I am sure your nephew enjoyed your visit too. Looking forward to your videos mother!! 🤗

    1. It was great to see Adrian. He is busy earning a crust and has a busy family life, so it was good that he made time for my visit.

  4. Glad you enjoyed yourself today Ilona. It's been a lovely sunny day here in Kettering, almost like spring. The sunshine makes such a difference, it really lifts the spirits x

    1. We do seem to be getting some pockets of sunshine. We have to grab the opportunity to go out when we can. My daffodils are coming up in the back garden.


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