Wednesday 3 January 2024

Fast fingers

 Good Morning. Starting a blog post with not much to put into it. Just some thoughts. It could be brief, or it could be a ramble. Depends how quickly my fingers can dance across the keyboard. I am not a professional typist, I have to look at my hands to make sure I hit the right keys. Although my fingers can move pretty fast they have a job keeping up with the words whizzing around in my head. My grammar is not always perfect, but I do try hard with the spelling. 

I have a normal size keyboard, could not cope with fiddly buttons on a tablet or mobile phone. A laptop is is not much better, as I like to give my keyboard a good bashing. Do not like the swiping over a screen thing, my fingers are too clumsy for that. 

It is Coffee Morning at the club this morning. I thought about going, then thought best not to. There are a lot of germs floating about, I hear people coughing, best to stay away from them breathing all over me. I have had my first coffee of the day. I will drink coffee later with my friend Angela at her house. She has a big kitchen, we will catch up with the gossip. Two coffees in a day is enough for me, can't manage three. 

As I flick through the Microsoft start page the frustration inside me escalates. What a load of bollocks are my first thoughts. Headlines that scream 'click me' you really need to know this. Sometimes I am curious and do click. It is usually something that I don't need to know. But I am nosey and question just about everything. 

Here's one ;- 'Warning as condition causes more deaths than covid, and is spreading'  Oh, I wonder what that is, I thought, click. It's about antibiotic resistance is killing more people than covid, as experts warn. And then it goes into a long ramble designed to put the frighteners onto anyone who has the misfortune to be bitten by an ant. It took two people to write that article. Chuffin heck, can't anyone knock out something that makes any sense, by themselves any more? I don't need a back up brain to help me write this. The one I have functions perfectly and suits my needs. 

Apparently the EU is heading for crisis, situation is really bad in Europe's largest economy. I'm not surprised at that. Germany is worrying, Berlin is worrying. Inflation crisis, energy crisis, are going to impact many countries all around the world. Of course it will, that's the way it is planned. 

Another article written by two people. Or Possibly two AI robots. Petrol and diesel car owners are going to be hit with higher road tax charges, from April. Well to get round that we must all go for vintage and veteran cars which at the moment are tax exempt. No doubt there is new legislation in the pipeline to change that. I have a big garden, perhaps my next vehicle will be a horse and cart. 

The Guardian, my favourite paper, ha ha, laughing hysterically, reports that, Labours poll lead could still collapse, shadow ministers warned. Jeeeez. You've gotta laugh. Ministers in a blind panic, scrambling around for every last vote. Worried that their nice cuddly cushy number will grind to a halt, and they might have to search for employment elsewhere. Well, my little sugar plums, if you had done the jobs you were elected to do, you might still be in with a chance. But no, you had to follow orders and go for the highest bidder. Your masters will abandon you, in favour of a younger version who is already on the elevator towards indoctrination. Best to cross over to the other side now, while you still have a chance. 

Phew, my fingers need a rest, and I need some food. I'm going to cook up a lovey lunch, washed down with the half bottle of beer I started yesterday. Can't manage a whole bottle in one go. 

Funny how things come to mind when I can't think of anything to write about. That's a lie actually, I have loads to write about. I might whack something out on the other blog later, that's if it hasn't been taken down. 😁

Toodle pip.   ilona

PS. Still deleting innapropriate comments 


  1. I started reading your blog years ago when you were the “mean queen”. You were so very frugal because you had a limited income. It seems as though you have a bit more income than several years ago. I’m also retired and have enough to live on, without going wild with spending. I like seeing your garden and cooking and sewing projects. What are your favorite frugal tips these days?

    1. It may appear that I have more income now than several years ago, but in reality it is less. It's just that I have worked out what my priorities are, and knowing the difference between a need and a want. A lot can be achieved by keeping a tight hold on the purse strings. Putting the money you have to good use, dividing it up into what you have to pay for, and if there is any left over, the treats you can afford.

      My frugal tip? Only spend cash. You can see it, you can touch it, you can physically divide it up into pots. Keep a small savings pot for larger bills. Save up for them so they are not a surprise. If you follow this mindset for the whole of your life, you can't go wrong.

  2. I loved the video where you discussed how many media outlets of different formats and they are all owned by 3 “companies/individuals”. It’s amazing and scary. 🤔😳😏

    1. It was a surprise to me. We know that not all things are equal in the world, but to have so much wealth in a small amount of people is shocking. The trouble is, that the money is not real, it's just numbers on a computer. The wheeling and dealing that goes on is money laundering, without having any actual money. What they are moving about is debt. Each country has debt, some more than others. There is a list of the richest countries, the UK used to be quite high up on that list. But it's all fantasy, wishful thinking.


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