Wednesday, 8 August 2012

A horrible end to a great holiday.

After a steady drive back, and calling in to see KateG near Nottingham, disaster. I was just past Gainsborough on the last leg home when a deer ran out in front of me. I had no time to brake and hit it full on. I stopped and walked back, hoping that I had killed it outright, but unfortunately it was still alive. It was big and brown and beautiful, not one of those small dog size ones. I felt terrible, the poor thing. A young lady who was driving behind me also stopped, we were both very sad.

I rang the police and requested a vet should come and put it out of it's misery. While we were waiting the deer attempted to get up but couldn't, it was heartbreaking. Then I had a phone call from someone from the Lincolnshire Deer Society, they are a voluntary group who come out to attend to any RTA's where a deer is involved. A man said they had someone in the area and they would come straight out. Then a police car arrived and parked behind our cars with his blue light flashing. He took my details, did a check on my car, and I was breathlised. He said we could go and he would attend to it. I said I would rather wait for the deer man to come, I needed to know the outcome.

The deer man came in a pickup truck and put a cover over it's head, he said he would despatch it. I asked how he was going to do it, naively thinking he would give it a lethal injection and I could witness it and say goodbye. At least I would have closure and know the poor animal wouldn't suffer any longer. He said he would shoot it and took a rifle out of his truck. At this point I left, I couldn't bear to see or hear that.

Tomorrow I will take my car to my garage man, so he can assess the damage. I'm off too bed, not feeling very happy tonight. My cats were pleased to see me, I gave them an extra hug.


  1. Ilona, I as so sorry that this happened. I know the poor animal is no longer suffering, and I hope you will be okay. I know how much you love animals from your posts.
    Leslie from New Orleans

  2. I'm sorry the deer lost it's life but very glad you are safe. Our deer are much larger. We also have to deal with Moose on our roads.

    Hitting one totals the vehicle and often kills the driver. Because they are so tall they wind up in the windshield of the vehicle.

    Glad you are safe.

  3. Oh dear Ilona sending you a big hug! I know how much you love animals and can feel your upset through the computer. You are such a lovely lady and would give a fly a run for its money so please, please don't beat yourself up. My daughter of 13 sometimes reads your blog behind my back and you are offically "the lovely lady with the kittens" :) You stopped and did the right thing - please be good to yourself.

  4. So glad you are ok. Both my dad and my nice have hit deer on the roads just outside of Toronto - it;s a real danger. I live in the city but there are so many ravines and green space in Toronto that we still have a lot of wild animals to deal with. We have a herd of deer in the woods behind my apt,\. building - people walking their dogs in the early morning often see them. Hope you aren't too badly shaken up and that your car will be Ok.
    From Margie in Toronto

  5. Oh this is so sad Ilona. I am sorry for the poor animal but I am relieved that you are OK. I had a very near miss with a deer just last week. They just appear on the road as if from nowhere. I hope you are not blaming yourself for something that could happen to anyone. x

  6. Oh Ilona you poor thing such a horrid end to a lovely holiday. Dont be hard on yourself, it wasnt your fault. As someone said they just appear from nowhere and there is nothing you can do about it. You did all the right things reporting it etc. not everyone would. Sending a big hug. x

  7. So sorry that you had such a sad finish to such a lovely holiday. hugs to you xx

  8. I'm so sorry, I hit one as well about 10 years back and felt so bad about it. But not much anyone can do, the animals don't know what will happen. So very glad you are ok.

  9. From someone who had to euthanise wild animals as part of my career...just think how many animals you have saved through rescuing cats...AND being vegetarian. Accidents people who love animals as much as you do. IT WASNT YOUR FAULT. If you need me, e mail me,
    Jane x

  10. How lucky you are to come away unharmed! So sorry this happened to you and the deer...glad that help arrived shortly to put the animal down...they pop out so suddenly...hugs

  11. Hugs Ilona

  12. It's lucky your car wasn't a right off. What a terrible thing to happen. Just glad that you are safe even though you are shaken.

  13. So sorry to hear this, Ilona, but glad you are safe and well.

  14. Such a sad end to your holiday Ilona but it was not your fault, deer jump out without any warning, just hope your car is not going to cost you heavily. I am sure your pussy cats were thrilled to get you back I dare say they were all over you. Have you still got the kittens mother with you? she looks a lovely cat.

  15. So sorry..Let the cats give you an extra hug

  16. the above is from Danneke by the way

  17. We has aroe deer jump out of the grass this morning. Fortunately , we were on our bikes and I don't know who was more suprised, the deer or us. Hope you. An soon get over this. BTW have enjoyed reading about your hols.
    Brenda in the Boro

  18. Oh Ilona, I'm sorry that sounds horrible. :( You did all that you could for the animal though, not just allowing it to suffer. Animals do some agonisingly silly things at times.

  19. Im so sorry IIona. It was an accident and at least you did the honurable thing and rang the police.Big hugs to you.

  20. What a sad ending to your holiday Ilona. Just take comfort that you did all you could for the deer. As the comment above, it was an accident. The deer didn't know the Green Cross Code! Take a deep breath, put on your walking boots, go out with the dogs, come back and look through your photos for the lovely memories that you have. Ann x

  21. So sorry to hear about the accident...I know how it must have torn you up inside, and it will take a little while to leave you, but rest assured that you will be okay. It was an accident, one I know you wish could have been avoided, but you WILL be okay.
    Lots of cyber hugs,

  22. What a sad ending to the holiday! I`m glad you are ok.- These things do happen, and you hear about them on the radio or TV, never thinking that one day it might be you that encounters this. I wish you well and hope you can recover from this shock. Anyone with feelings for animals can feel the stress and hearbreak you went through with this accident. Hugs and best wishes!!

  23. Such a sad end to your holiday.

    Please do not blame yourself, deer appear in a flash out of nowhere, my Lovely Hubby hit one a few months ago, he swerved to avoid it but it chose to take the same direction as him and ended up winded but thankfully alright.

    It can happen to any of us that drive along country lanes, it even happens on the motorways now! Our roads disect animals natural habitat all over the country and unfortunately we are just another obstacle in their survival rates.

    I'm so glad you weren't hurt and that you stayed to see what happened. Although the sound of an animal being shot is awful, it really is the most humane way to despatch a large animal and be assured that in the hands of an expert the deer would not have felt any pain.


    Sue xx

  24. My heart goes out to you. Such a terrible thing to happen but you did all you could and you cared Bless you x

  25. Poor Ilona, you must be feeling so terribly upset. You love animals so much that this would have been a nightmare. You were so calm and sensible that if something awful were to happen to me I would like someone like you to be there with me. I have been reading all about your holiday and looking at the lovely pics. Home now, settle in and take Rocky for a walk eh?
    Wendy (Wales)

  26. That is so upsetting. I hit a dog once on a very busy freeway. He was just there in front of me and I couldn't do anything but hit him. If I had swerved I would have caused a terrible accident involving many cars. Think how bad you would have felt if you would have swerved and hit another car and hurt other people. I am so glad you or no one else was not hurt.

  27. Ilona, I can only echo what everyone else has said. We have a lot of deer/car collisions here in Michigan and have it drummed into us to NOT swerve, even though that is your natural reflex action. I'm glad you are okay but it must have been heartbreaking to wait beside that poor hurting deer. Take comfort in the fact that you did everything you could. You never know what is going to happen, do you. Life is so unpredictable that you have to enjoy each day to it's fullest - which, my dear is what your blog is all about, innit? Keep up the good work,
    Joan from Michigan

  28. Sending good thoughts your way. Hugs.

  29. Sorry you had to have that upset at the end of a lovely holiday. Glad you are OK.

  30. Oh, how awful for you Ilona. I hope you're OK. Have plenty of cuddles from the cats.

  31. So very upsetting, you did all you could do, bless you xx

  32. Oh Ilona, I am so sorry to hear this.
    Take care of yourself over the next few days. Shock can be a funny thing
    It sometimes comes and hits you out of the blue when you think all is well. I hope you have some friends nearby who can support you. Take care and much love

  33. So, so sorry that you had such a horrible thing happen after you left here Ilona. It was so nice to see you and have a chat in the sunshine. Hope the car isn't too badly damaged. At least the way the deer was put out of it's suffering was instant....

  34. So sorry, this happeded to OH and me too, it is horrible, it kept re-playing in my mind for weeks afterwards, but like you, there was nothing that could be done to avoid it. OH has had a couple of potentially very serious near misses with deer when riding at some speed on his bicycle too, they were so close to landing on him on both occasions that we can only conclude that he was not "wanted for a sunbeam" yet.

  35. you were very lucky you weren't injured. We often see dead deer on the side of the rode around here, and it is terrible to see them.

    Here's hoping it doesn't cost a fortune to get your car repaired.

  36. Pleased you are OK. Poor deer, but unfortunately these things happen.

  37. it wasn't your fault, lovely lady. Hope that you will be able to put this into perspective - could have been a lot, lot worse. I also hope that your car will be OK and that you will be able to move on from this. You have put so much kindness into the world, even in the extreme circumstance you found yourself in today, you still thought about others and poor animals. Just be kind to yourself over the next few days and weeks.

    Janet, Lancashire

  38. So sorry to hear what happened. You are such a caring person it must have been horrible - but how kind of you to make sure the deer was put out of its suffering, Many people would just have driven off. Incidentally a couple of weeks ago, I was driving home on a back lane very near Gainsborough and a young roe deer leapt over a hedge in front of me. Luckily it was far enough ahead to avoid it but it gave me such a shock and a thrill at the same time. I love reading your blog. It keeps me going through some verybleak times.

  39. I am so sorry you had this happen. I would be traumatized. However, the outcome is often a deer through the windshield and human fatality. Consider yourself lucky!

  40. Poor you. Hugs and more hugs.
    Love from Mum

  41. Hi Ilona, very sorry to hear this (I'm just catching up on all your blog posts). Hope everything got sorted. It's just unfortunate that these things happen... and they could happen to any of us.


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