Sunday, 12 August 2012

Gods gift to bitches :o)

Hiya, Rocky here, I'm Ilona's biggest fan and I love her to bits. We went a walk this afternoon, down through the woods to the bottom pub. There was a lot of people there, they were dressed funny, all old fashioned. There was army vehicles, and a tank giving rides up and down the hill, and boat trips on the river. It was very nice to sit and watch everyone have a good time. I got to meet some nice lady dogs.

Anyway, we're back now and Ilona is getting something ready on the lawn, it looks like we will be having a party. There is a paddling pool, yippeeee, can't wait.

Might as well lie down here and sun bathe for a while till she is ready.

Oh no! She is giving me a bath, I hate flippin baths. Please hurry up. At least she has warmed the water, I would hate to get my bits frozen off  :o(  Do you mind if I have a pee while I'm in here, ha ha.

Wow, that's better, I've had a good rub down. You can't beat a good roll in the grass. I bet that pesky chirpy bird is laughing at me.

Well that's me done. I bet the lady dogs will find me irresistable now, they will be fighting to get their paws on me. Ah well, such is life, I can't help it if I am Gods gift to bitches. Ha ha. Is it dinner time? Toodle pip


  1. Love this post, best title ever!

  2. Worth it in the end eh Rocky. Good luck with the ladies.

  3. Hahaaaa, love it! Glad you had such a nice day, Rocky! I bet you smell great now!! The ladies will think you look extra handsome now! :)

  4. Brilliant title.....and photos.

    Sue xx

  5. Good job you had the lovely walk first eh! Your Auntie Ilona (fairy-godmother) really looks after you.
    Wendy (Wales)

  6. Rocky, I am such a fan. You look gorgeous, I could just give you a big cuddle! Say Hi to Auntie Ilona for me x

  7. Ooooo I bet you smell gorgeous Rocky :0) I hope you gave Ilona a big soggy lick on the face tee-hee

  8. Delightful! I too would like to be more popular and will definitely try bathing soon.

  9. Gosh he even sounds like you Ilona :-D

  10. Well, don't you look handsome!!!
    Jane x

  11. Lovely pics

  12. Don't you love how a clean dog always has to get dirty immediately?

  13. Ilona, you are hilarious. Loved the post. and Rocky looks like a lovely friendly fellow :)

  14. Aw, how sweet. I'll bet he smells lovely and sweet! I have an article cut out of a cycling magazine, with an article written by a Teddy bear, on an end to end ride. Teddy enjoyed it very much.

  15. Rocky you are one cute clean guy.

  16. Brilliant post as always. I wish Rocky could come and live with you and not have to go home.

  17. That dog has PERSONALITY! Love him!

  18. Rocky you are a pip! Nothing like a clean boy to charm the ladies...lucky you to have Ilona looking after you...

  19. He's gorgeous! Are you dog sitting while someone is on holiday?

  20. No Jan, he is stuck in his garden 24/7, and I try and make his life a bit better.


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