Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Scott McKenzie.....thank you for the memories

I've just read that Scott McKenzie passed away on Saturday, and it's made me a bit sad. His music played a big part in my life in the sixties, I was a hippy with flowers in my hair. I was living in Blackpool at the time, a free spirit in a little bed sit, having the time of my life. My days off from working on the Pleasure Beach were spent wandering along the Promenade, going to beach parties, shopping, and enjoying the fashions and the music, and the boys. Thank you Scott McKenzie, you bring back a lot of good memories for me.


  1. Ilona, he will be missed by all of us who enjoyed his music.
    I think I saw you in that video!

  2. How sad. That song brings back memories of teenage years and yes, flowers in our hair :-)

  3. Thank you for the video. It reminds me so much of my later teenage years when skirts were very short and hair very long.

  4. Another icon bites the dust, shakes a double-six, puts on the old pine overcoat and assumes room temperature - while the most talentless young twerps continue to breathe and screech into a microphone. Snot fair!

  5. I loved that song! The video you showed was wonderful. I wonder what we will all be like when we are 90 and playing that song? No younger generation has the legacy we will have. I had just shed a strict bible college and was heading for my third year of college at a university. Good memories.

  6. This has made me feel a little sad too. I'm the same age as you and my hippy years in the 60's were some of the happiest of my life. So many good memories.
    I have Scotts CD with San Francisco on it, this song sums up the atmosphere of those days and I play it at least once a week, being immediately transported back to those wonderful days.
    I've been a hippy ever since the 60's, being known as an old hippy is a compliment!
    Thank you for this post Ilona, wear a flower in your hair in tribute to Scott and in memory of those wonderful days.

  7. I'm a tad younger (not much mind you) I love this song, it brings back so many wonderful memories of bygone days. I couldn't help but shed some tears for Scott but what a legacy he leaves behind. Loved the video♥

  8. Goodness, how sad that has made me. I simply don't think about people like him getting older, Paul Simon too...


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