Friday, 17 August 2012

The last Portsmouth pics, and summing up.

I'll wind up the holiday pics now by posting the last of the day out in Portsmouth. There was such a lot to see and I have only covered a fraction of it. I did think I might go back for a second look, but decided to do Chichester instead, it would have meant more driving and finding a B & B. It was easier to book another night at Arundel Hostel and get the bus to Chichester. Another view of the Spinnaker Tower and Gunwharf Quays. I took this from the other side of the water at Old Portsmouth, the Millennium Promenade.

The Isle of Wight Ferries were coming and going all the time.

This is the Gosport Ferry. I fancied going on a boat and noticed that they did a harbour tour for about £8. I decided to take a ride on this one instead for £1.30. Yes, I know it only takes three minutes to go across from one side to the other, but with a little bit of imagination I could look out across the water and dream that I was on a luxury cruise ship, ha ha.

My Titanic. Glad it didn't sink.

Getting ready to board for the return journey.

Gunwharf Quays is a big shopping complex, full of Designer Outlets, which are of no interest to me at all. Still, it was nice to bimble around on the upper floor looking for photo opportunities.

Lots of places to sit and have a drink overlooking the harbour.

Small power boats for the children, and grown ups as well if a single child needed to be accompanied. The old dock crane has been left there as a reminder of the cargo boats that used to be unloaded here.

Don't know who this chappie is.

A last look at the tower with some tall boats in the background.

So all in all what did the nine day holiday cost me? Here is a breakdown.

Petrol (about 600 miles) £80
1 night in a B & B £45.00
3 nights in a hostel with 1 breakfast (self catering for the other two) £55.95
Return train ticket to London £18.20
Spinnaker Tower £6.40 (concession and a £1 off voucher)
Bus Museum £3.50 (concession)
Ferry ticket £1.30
Village shop food supplies £7.50
Food for my dinner at Carols though she gave me a lot more £3.50
2 bags of sweets £1
Total £222.35

To sum up. I had two free nights sleeping on Carol's camp bed, and two free nights camping in John's garden. Lunch was bought for me in Banbury, and Jane (Techno Billies) kindly invited me for dinner. I ate a bit of food at the party but it wasn't altogether clear which was meat free. The cake was nice though :o) Oh and I musn't forget, John bought me a cauliflower cheese, and made me some oven chips and couscous. He also gave me some salady stuff to take away which he forgot to put out at the party. Thank you John, very kind. Sarina kindly bought me an ice cream and gave me some home made cake. A lot of my food was what I took with me. I don't feel the need to go into a cafe, even on holiday, though I will go into a shop for a few bits. I am quite happy to do my own pack up and take diluted juice in a plastic bottle. I even get quite excited when I find something nice to eat in the bottom of my bag which I had forgotten about. My frugal ways don't stop when I am on holiday.  

That's wrapped it up, thanks for reading. Toodle pip


  1. Thanks for the lovely trip without me ever having to get out of my seat. Now i'd rather been there but this is the next best thing.
    I could sit there all day and laze away! I love your pictures.

    Jake's a Girl

  2. Thank you for yet more photos of one of my old stomping grounds. I have never been to Gunwharf Quays ( shopping is NOT one of my hobbies!) and I have yet to go up the Spinnaker Tower, but the Gosport Ferry is very familiar. So glad you had a good holiday.

  3. I love looking at your holiday pics. Thanks for sharing them. What a cheap holiday you've had. Going on holiday tomorrow and frantically looking for free stuff to do ;)

  4. WOW! Porstmouth's been tarted up since it was my stomping grounds!
    Jane x

  5. It was lovely to follow you around. Thanks for sharing and taking the time out to meet up with me in Arundle. Much appreciated!!!

  6. I enjoyed touring around with you too....I feel as if I was really there...thanks.

  7. I'm jealous. I love Portsmouth, its ages since I've been. Glad you had a great time Ilona.


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