Sunday, 19 August 2012

Snug neck warmer

Good morning, I think we're in for a hot one today. I have several small jobs lined up to be done, hedge triming, sewing some velcro fastenings on pockets, I like a pocket which will not fall open and lose it's contents, and I might go a bike ride later, that's if it doesn't get too hot.

Several people suggested making a neck warmer from the childs hoodie, so here it is. It's a lovely snug fleecy fabric so will keep my neck warm a treat. If my neck is cold the rest of me is cold. I can wear this inside and out, with the matching hand/wrist warmers. I usually wear a scarf all winter, but it gets a bit annoying when they stretch and you have to wrap it around two or three times. Then it gapes apart at the back exposing the neck, I am continually having to adjust it. This warmer will hopefully stay in place.

I took out the zip and closed up the seams. Over stitching using the same colour cotton does not show on this fabric. Then I cut the top part off just below the arm holes, and made a hem along the top. I left the pockets intact.

Wrap around the neck.

One press stud to fasten it, easier than making a button hole. Velcro could be used.

And a pocket for the phone, or a few coins or a key.

Easypeasy, neat eh ;o)  Have a nice Sunday.

Oh, PS before I forget, we have rehomed two of Heidi's kittens. The two tortie girls have gone to a lovely home where they have one other 13 year old cat. At first they took just one kitten to see how it got on with the oldie. Everything was fine so they came back for her sister. They tell us that the two kittens were thrilled to see each other again, even though they were only apart for a couple of days. A lovely ending for those two girls. We are hopefull that someone will come along for the boys soon, it's worth waiting for the right people.


  1. That's so neat! Any scraps leftover? I bet you use every bit.

  2. I just lurve that colour !
    Well done - if everyone did stuff like this there would be more shops closing down 'cos they wouldn't sell anything - isn't recycling/upcycling great fun ?
    Lovely ending for the girl kitties, and I'm so glad they ended up together, I do hope someone will take the boys together too. Keep us posted.

  3. That looks great. I might look out for some similar fabric to make myself on.

  4. I love your neck warmer! That's going to keep you nice and warm.
    Jane x

  5. Brilliant - both for the scarf and the homing of the kitties.
    Love from Mum

  6. That's a great colour. I thought I saw you in Tatton Park yesterday but realised if couldn't be you as you would have told us you were going. Anyway, this lady was very much like you.

  7. The neck warmer is perfect! I love that it has pockets. Glad two of the kittens have a good home.

  8. Nice job...I'm sure your neck will not be cold during the coming winter.
    So happy the sister kittens ended up together in a nice home.

  9. That looks really smart.well done

  10. Love it:) So pleased to hear the wonderful news about the girls, fingers crossed for the boys, hopefully they will land on their feet very soon♥

  11. Great idea. Makes me wish it got cold enough down here to need a neck scarf. You could put a spot of velcro on the under pocket and use it to keep keys or the spare bit of change in.

    Leslie from New Orleans

  12. Hi Ilona What a great idea with the neck warmer. I'm going to make one, two or more !! in different colours, I think they look great. Kind regards Jean

  13. Ilona, your brilliance never fails to amaze me!

  14. You have used that little jacket to make some very useful things, well done.


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