Saturday, 4 August 2012

Portsmouth - Historic Dockyard

Good morning, the weather is lovely this Saturday morning. There's a lot going on around me as I sit here in John's little house playing on my computer. His lovely friends are here putting up a big gazebo in readiness for tonights party. I don't think it will rain but you never know. It did rain a bit last night, the pitter patter on the tent woke me up. I slept very well as I brought my sunlounger to sleep on, it fits very well inside the £10 tent from the car boot sale.

I enjoyed the Open Mike last night, it was interesting to see what goes on in a pub where anyone can get up and sing. John did four songs, and I was most impressed. He says he lacks confidence but it didn't show. He sings very well, in tune, unlike one other who was a bit shouty. There was three young lads performing, they were in tune. If they keep at it they might have a career in music.

Anyway, back to the job in hand. I have decided to split the Portsmouth photo's into groups, there are too many to put in one post. I might delay posting some of them till I get back, depending on how much time I have now. Things are happening which I might need to join in with.

There is a lot to see in Portsmouth, although I only had a day there, I think I covered pretty much most of it. I parked out of the city, on London Road where there were no restrictions. Parking in the centre is quite expensive. I had a free street map which I tore out of a tourist information brochure, I was able to plan my walk with this.

First off was the Historic Dockyard, this is the entrance.

A closer look at how much it was to buy a ticket, a ticket gives acces to the indoor exhibits and gets you onto the boats. As my time was limited there, other places to see, I didn't think it was worth shelling out the twenty odd pounds for only a couple of hours. It needs at least four hours to get your money's worth. I made do with a look around the outside.

HMS Warrior 1860.

This was at the entrance to the exhibition. I didn't go in.

HMS Victory.

HMS Illustrious. There was no access to this boat.

A boat in dry dock undergoing restoration.

Brittany Ferries come and go into Portsmouth all the time.

Another view of HMS Warrior.

Hope you liked these pics. I must go now, or my host John will think I am anti social if I sit here for hours on this computer. More Portsmouth to follow. Toodle pip


  1. I like Portsmouth,its just over an hours drive and lots of free things to look at.
    Enjoy your party

  2. Nice pics. Enjoy the party, but don`t get too drunk.

  3. I've been on the Victory countless times,and I saw the Mary Rose being winched out of the water,then got to see her (for free!!)when she was first in the dockyard..she was continually sprayed with water. The historic dockyard was my back garden when I was at HMS NELSON.
    Have fun tonight...don't forget to give John a hug from me!!!
    Jane x

  4. Great pics as always. Have a good time tonight.

  5. great pics, it must be 25 years since I saw HMS Victory.

  6. Great photos of the HMS Victory.

  7. Great pics MQ, if I'd had known that you were down in my neck of the woods we could have had a DTL meet-up. I agree that it is expensive to get on board the historic ships but it is well worth it to see how the men lived, I would suggest a bit longer then four hours, you really need a whole day to do HMS Victory, the mary rose andf the warrior. I haver been lucky enough to have had the full "unofficial" tours of both Victory and Warrior, they really are fantastic.

    Hugs S-S


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