Thursday, 2 May 2013

Day 5. Chesterfield to Worksop.

Hello, it's me again, the happy wanderer. Tonight I am at the Station Inn, next to the railway station, in Worksop. It's lovely to put my feet up after a hard days hiking. 20.7 miles covered today.
So how did the day start? With a hearty breakfast at the Holly House B & B, on Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield, with my hosts, Mike and Rita. Lucky I spotted the sign on the wall as I was walking along, and found this friendly place to lay my head. 
I left at 9am and walked towards the town centre, thinking I might get a few snaps as I passed through. My next plan of action was to get on the Chesterfield Canal. I spotted this long driveway to a very grand building, and asked an elderly couple walking past, what it was. 
The Town Hall stands high up overlooking the road below. 
A very impressive entrance. 
A few snaps as I walked through the shopping area. It looks a bit like Chester, with the half timbered buildings. Some of the shops were empty and the upper floors looked like they need sprucing up with a lick of paint. 

Here is the famous crooked spire, I had a quick look inside. 

I would have liked to see more of Chesterfield, but it's difficult to get round places with a big backpack on, and with sore feet. I shall have to come again, as a tourist, when I have more time. So, I got myself onto the canal, and went past Hollingwood, Staveley, Renishaw, Kilamarsh. Norwood, Kiverton Park, Shireoaks, and into Worksop. Part of the way I was walking on the Trans Pennine Trail, and the Cuckoo Way. In a couple of places the canal seemed to disappear I came across a group of school children having a lesson. all the little kiddywinks were sitting down making a drawing of a canal boat. They were having a great time. I can't remember doing anything like that when I was in junior school. 
I walked for miles along the tow path, here is a tranquil shot. 
As I approached Shirebrook, there are a lot of locks, as there are very steep steps for the boats to navigate up and down. Some of them were triple locks, three in a row. They must take some time to get through. 

Ooooh look, haven't I walked a long way, ha ha. How did I get to Rhodesia? Couldn't resist taking this photo on the outskirts of Worksop.
As I was coming through Shireoaks I asked a dog walker where I should look for a B & B. He wasn't too sure, it's amazing how many people do not know where the B & B's are in their home town. He suggested a couple of pubs on the way into town. I checked the first one out, the entrance was dirty, I poked my head round the door to look inside, didn't like what I saw, and gave it a miss, a bit scruffy. The second one didn't do B & B. He did say, try the pub next to the station, I did, so here I am. I did think I might go downstairs for a pint, but I can't seem to get my backside off this bed, ha ha.

So, I've gone over the 100 mile mark, and I am chuffed. Still more to do. Heading towards Retford tomorrow, not sure where I'll be tomorrow night. Toodle pip.


  1. I feel that I am with you. Great blog. Great photographs. Enjoy yourself. Till tomorrow.
    Dianne - Hereford

  2. My aunt lives in Staveley and has done since I was small. We often visited Chesterfield when I was child and I was always fascinated by the twisted spire and the associated legends. I still am really, even though I understand the real reason for the twist, there's still just something special about it!

  3. Thanks for sharing your amazing photos each day - we are having the sights without moving a muscle! I used to see Chesterfield spire from the train when I visited my OH's sister in Derbyshire - we used to see it in the distance but I haven't ever seen it up close so thanks for showing us the details. Very impressed with the miles you are covering, and managing to take photos and chat too - well done!

  4. Your photos are amazing and such beautiful scenery and buildings - your hiking trip is incredible.Take care,

  5. Hope you checked your speed going through Rhodesia. Don't want you getting a ticket. May the force and the weather go with you. LOL

  6. I love your walks,Ilona...I feel as though I am with you and we are chatting away as we walk,wondering where we will lay our heads...having a giggle about what and who we see.
    Night night.
    Jane x

  7. Gorgeous shots. Love the blue sky you had today!

    I am amazed how rural and green the countryside is and how you can walk from village to village. I just spent a week in central Australia. You drive for 4 hours from one town until you get to another place with accommodation. Don't bother walking.

  8. I'm really enjoying your walks - over 100 miles! That is some going!

  9. Good morning Ilona from House fairy
    Walking along with the sun in your face...Glad the good weather is shining down on you!

    I think when you get home you should do a blog on "what is in my rucksack". We are a nosy lot.
    It must by quite heave with a weeks worth of clothes, towels, hair wash and water bottles etc...

    1. Hi Housefairy. I will do a post about that. I'll give you a clue, no need to carry towels get them at B & B's, and wear the same clothes all week. Keep reading.

  10. I'm so pleased you are having such good weather. Love the photos of the canal.

  11. The famous crooked spire, that's very interesting...lovely close up photos...thanks.
    You've made the 100 mile mark, and I'm just as chuffed as you are on your achievement..good for you Ilona!

  12. Danneke here, Looks like a lot of us ae doing the walk with you but without the worry of finding a B/B each evening and oh yes the blisters on the feet and toes. Thank goodness the weather has been kind to you on this walk. I dare say the pussycats will be pleased to see you home. Good luck with tonights rest stop.

  13. I'm curious about the twisted spire. Was it built that way, or something that "just happened" (like the Leaning Tower of Pisa). I had to look up what "chuffed" means in British slang--I would be chuffed, too, if I'd just covered 100 miles on foot.

    1. Hi mikemax, I haven't checked out why the spire is twisted, should be easy to googlie it.

    2. The Spire is famous and the story goes that the Devils sat on the spire and wrapped his tail around it and forgot to unwind it when he flew off. In reality the timbers used weren't properly seasoned and twisted when drying ouy

  14. I do so enjoy your walks! Feels like I am walking beside you talking, love your pictures! I am amazed your at the 100 mile mark already, congrats dear and many more happy steps! :)


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