Friday, 3 May 2013


Hi. Struggling to post tonight


  1. Take advantage and have an easy night.
    Jane x

  2. So sorry... I hope all's well. I'm so Sorry for the suggestions but try writing in longhand first. Short simple sentences... pen and paper. Maybe you can review pictures. Also turn off the TV and radio. Hope this helps.

  3. Hope you are exhausted but a good exhaustion that comes from achieving something; and that you are well and that once your footsies are rested you will be back on the trail!

  4. Hope you are ok Ilona. Maybe you could have a day off from walking and rest for a day or maybe only do a shorter day's walking instead. Maybe take a bus for a few miles to give yourself some respite.
    You are a remarkable lady so take care of yourself.

  5. Hope all is well and that you're OK, just tired. Look forward to another post when you're up and running again :-D

  6. Hello Ilona from House fairy.
    Your post is not clear? are you struggling with the laptop or are you very tired with all the walking. I think you will need another holiday when you get home of putting your feet up and pampering them.
    Take care.

  7. Take it easy, Ilona. You had a big adventure! Don't worry about postings etc, just focus on having a good rest.


  8. Hi, I'm hoping that you aren't unwell as it isn't like you not to post. Have a marvellous time (as only you can) but don't overdo it. Sarah X

  9. Struggling? Then for goodness sake get on a bus or train and go home you silly woman. Hiking is supposed to be a pleasure! How stupid to carry on when blisters are torturing you, also the rucksack digging in.
    Just what is the point of it?
    Three words for you - You Silly Woman.

    1. Whomever you are, you do not have to be so rude, but since you are you could at least have the guts to reveal your identity Anonymous!

    2. Thanks for speaking up for me, Jillian. My troll is a rude person, also pathetic and sad. I get lots of comments like this one, I always ignore them and delete. I thought I would let this one through, to show I am not bothered by name calling.

  10. Hope you are okay Ilona.

    Toni x

  11. look after your self we can wait

  12. Hey there? We're getting rather concerned about you since you posted so briefly on Friday night. Are you ill? You were in the middle of a long walk and I'm wondering if you perhaps took on too much. If so, I hope you are now safe at home and improving in health.
    Hope to hear from you soon with good news. In the meantime have a big, but gentle hug (((((Ilona)))))

  13. Ilona, hope all is well; worrisome not having heard from you since Friday ...

    Sharon in Alabama

  14. Hi hope you are ok. Spent all day, Sunday, undercoating doors and door frames! Looks like its going to be a nice day Monday! Wish I could be out walking but will have to gloss all those doors and frames on Monday! Take care Ginny


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