Thursday, 9 May 2013

In praise of vegetables

Oh how I missed my daily portions of veg last week. I tried very hard to eat healthily whilst thinking of the weight I had to carry around in my rucksack. It was virtually impossible to buy small portions of healthy food which was not going to cost an arm and a leg, and go off in the hours that I would be carrying it around. I bought some spicy bean pasties thinking the beans would be a good choice, but all they did was to  play havoc with my waste disposal. My stomach hasn't gurgled like that in a long time. 
I could certainly tell the difference between eating processed junk food, and what I normally eat at home. It wasn't appetising, wasn't appealing, wasn't tasty, and made me feel full of stodge. Just deciding what to buy made me feel queasy. Of all the thousands of different lines the supermarkets stock, I must buy less than 1% of it. Shops these days are stocking more and more junk food, and there are less choices of unadulterated healthy options All I can say is that it's a good job I was getting plenty of exercise to work off all the extra calories I consumed.
Anyway, back to normal now, home cooked steamed vegetables for dinner from now on. No more Delhi Belly, ha ha.   Carrots, brocolli, potato, cabbage, cauliflower, onion.


  1. lovely grub, we like plates of steamed veg and plates of salads and raw veg with a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar.

  2. I always feel gunky and dirty if we eat out anywhere. Our last vacation was in 2003 to Vermont. We packed up the car with all the food for the week...even apples..and we ate like kings every day in our self catering apartment. No gunky feeling!
    Jane x

  3. I agree about the rubbishy food. I hadn't thought of it like that, but you're right, I only use the same few aisles in the supermarket, but when I shop with someone else and take the time to look at what's on offer, it's quite an eye opener.

  4. Looks good! We steam a lot also, the problem I have been having lately is since the Dr found out what my problem was I am now on a salt restricted diet and no caffeine, I didn't drink much anyway just my morning cup of tea. Salt though I never realized how much is in canned food! I can't wait for my garden so I can stock up! :) have a very good day!

  5. I agree, and am looking forward VERY much to the arrival of fresh local produce at the weekly farmers' markets! I have to drive so far to the nearest grocery store, that I am hard-pressed to keep fresh veg on hand for much of the year. I do steam frozen veg, as I think you do, but gosh I miss the fresh!

  6. Yes Ilona there is no substitute for fresh food. We always eat lots of salads in the summer and now the cooler weather has set in here, we are eating warming homemade soups and casseroles. As a semi retired teacher, I really believe that if children with behaviour issues were given good healthy food to eat a great majority would be able to settle and function normally.

  7. I can tell you're really happy to be back home....great food again....enjoy.

  8. Have to say that eating out for me is often such a disappointment even though I look forward to it when we can afford to go out. Apart from the cost in some places, there always seems to be too much salt or oiliness for my taste and I then start musing over how much I could have made the same thing for etc etc. I am not saying I am a Nigella or Jamie in the kitchen but I try lots of things and love food.
    Worst "treat" recently? Lunchtime ham salad baguette swimming in mayo! Disgusting - why do people think you need marg and half a jar of mayo on your roll? Could not eat it so real waste of money.

  9. I can live on fresh veg and system won't take all the other junk anymore...age and all that. With the nice weather as you say more market fresh and we have a thriving Amish community where we can buy. Right now waiting on the fresh peas!

  10. I know what you mean about the food situation when you're away from home. One year my husband and I drove down to Florida (we are in the Northeast US) and planned on staying overnight to break up the long tedious trip. On the road down, there are mostly only fast food restaurants. We didn't have much choice and didn't want to get off the main highway and waste time so had to pick and choose the best of the worst food. I couldn't wait to get to Florida and have some fresh salads and fruits.

  11. Can`t agree more about fresh produce! I`m looking forward to some of my own home grown veg this year. Eating loads of freshly made salads during the week now. Whenever we might go on a holiday we do prefer to selfcater as we can then stick to a healthier eating plan. Fresh, locally grown produce is the best!

  12. Processed food and lack of physical activity is what makes people get sick. We were designed to eat & work as nature intended ;o)


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