Saturday, 23 September 2017

Checkout this small supermarket

Hello. This weekend is the North Lincolnshire Artists Open Studios. Some of the artists work from home so they throw their doors open to anyone who wants to visit them. I go to the Ropewalk in Barton on Humber where there are several artists studios in the one building. 
I particularly like visiting Michael Scrimshaw, he is my kind of artist, making sculptures from piles of junk at his workshops at home. He looked a bit tired today as this is the second weekend of Open Studios and he has been talking to a lot of visitors. He soon perked up though as our conversations got underway. 
Both he and his wife are real arty types, and money savers, so we get on really well. They both have long hair down to their waist, Michaels being a mass of dreadlocks, which must be quite heavy. 
A lot of his work is commissioned, and is on show in public places. He tells me he is learning to play the violin, and after only one month of practicing, he can play quite a nifty Irish jig. I must admit I spent that long chatting to them I only had time for a quick in and out at the other studios. 
Moving swiftly on, I forgot to mention this the other day. I was in the town and went a bit further up the High Street than I usually do. There is a Herons Foods shop which I have never been in, so I thought I would check out the prices. It's not a very big shop, just two aisles.

These items were 60p each or two for £1. So, 120g of beans for £1. On the Tesco web site a 850g bag of sliced beans is £1. Sliced mushrooms, 900g is £1. At Tesco a 500g bag is £1. So these are the better buys. You might want to check out your Heron Foods if you have one. I shall be walking that extra few hundred yards up the High street again in the future, to keep my eye on the bargains there.

That's all for tonight folks. Thanks for popping in, have a nice Sunday, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I've recently moved back to East Yorkshire and have also discovered a Heron Foods branch locally. Very impressed with the range for such a small shop and the prices. Another discovery has been Jack Fultons - a similar set up but again excellent prices and products. They have packs of frozen smoked bacon for £1 and it's the best bacon I've had for years. Cheers Debz

    1. I love the packs of smoked bacon Debz!.I sort them through,and even add them to pasta and garlic mayo.Love them cooked crispy!.I chop them all up really small before i cook them,Debi,x

  2. Lovely photo of you n Michael Scrimshaw!..and love the violin in the pic aswell!He looks an arty type...and very attractive aswell!! Glad that youve had such a great day out.I went for my walk to the park,and then went with my mam n sister to the scrapstore charity shop.Where i bought a groovy pair of 60s heart shaped sunglasses...for 25p!.They will be coming with me on my little break in Brighton,along with a 60s midi dress that i got for £2!.Home decorated festival jacket....along with my old parka coat...for warmth,lol...sorted!!....You mentioned Heron foods.Yes,we have one in the town center,but to be honest ive never tried it cause we always just tend to eat fresh and build our meals from there,using up every little carrot and brocolli stalk in the fridge!.I use any half of tomato,bit of cucumber,end of red pepper..and any thing else that will go into a stew type dish before i go shopping....but i will try it and see how it works out for me.If it saves money,then im all for that!!.Enjoy your Saturday night everyone!,Debi,xx

    1. Debi,you sound a very stylish lady! I'm always in jeans these days x

  3. You have had a luverly day Ilona and I like your friend Michael.I think dreadlocks are great-sadly I've never had any.When I first saw my teddy I thought for a moment he was one of those dreadlock doggies but he was in need of brushing and trimming.I've just looked at Michael's website Lion it's magnificent.Bargain Vegetables too,I could do with a change from marrow and chard.A great day! x

  4. Oh,i forgot to mention,i also bought a taperstry cottage,at least about 14 inches high for 50p.It is hollow and would look great over a tree stump or a bollard.I thought about Briony,Crafty Cats Corner,when i got it home because she had a tree cut down to a stump outside of her house.....i hope its ok to mention her ...But,i also know that people the other side of of town from where i live,have had them nicked....So,tomorrow,i am going to have a look around my garden,to display it,without disturbing where my cats walk.I love it and its very vintage looking!,Debi,xx

  5. Yes, have 2 Herons near me. Some things have better prices in there. Natalie

  6. Hi Ilona, I used to shop in Heron when I lived in Hull. We have one in Allenton where I live now ,opened a couple of years ago. Just keep an eye on the sell by dates on the food in the chiller cabinets though. Prices are similar to Farmfoods. We are mostly eating runner beans. Had loads this year! Well done on your walk too. I enjoyed reading and the photo's too. Aren't there some pretty place

  7. Doesn't look like Heron stores have reached the south east yetšŸ˜¢But I see in the newspaper B&M are making a bid for them perhaps they'll expand then.

  8. The Heron trick is to ask what day there deliveries come in , they often have some rock bottom priced chiller items on those days that arent around for long and really are for pennies


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