Sunday, 24 September 2017

Do you really need to buy more food?

Hello. I've had a very interesting and enjoyable afternoon. I visited two of the artists houses taking part in the Insight 2017 Open Studios. I was going to see a third but I ran out of time, so much to see and so much to talk about at the other two. The first was Helen who makes fabulous bags, and sends the profits to a dog charity in Thailand called Soi Dog. Beware the website has some distressing pictures.

The second home was where Irene lives and works. She is an amazing lady. She works in many mediums, metal, fused glass, ceramics, raw wood, and any old rubbish she can get her hands on. She makes garden sculptures, wall hangings, jewelry, painting, and upcycling domestic and scrap metal. Her house is full of her work, and her ideas are so unique. Her small back garden is like a tropical rain forest, with a pond and plants growing everywhere. I loved looking around, we had such a lot to talk about. Sorry I didn't get any photographs, I felt it would be intrusive to take them inside her home. Unfortunately she doesn't have a web site.

I made a little video this morning and set it to upload to yoootooob while I went out. Four hours later and it still hadn't finished uploading, but it's ready now. More people are signing up to my channel, not sure why because they are a bit amateurish, but as one young lady said, I am old and cute, so maybe that's why, ha ha.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I enjoyed your video I shall be writing about food and yellow stickers this week.

  2. We sign up because you tell it like it is. No bells and whistles needed.

    1. This ^. :) And I love your walk-a-bout stories & pictures. ;)

  3. Sounds like youve had another great day out!,I wish there were things like that going on where i live,but there never is.Ive just watched your video and couldnt agree more!I like my fridge,freezer and shelves to be almost empty before i go shopping.There is always something in there to make a meal out of,even if its only beans on toast!.My mam,whos 84,is starting to come round to my way of thinking and using up what she already has,instead of buying more and realising she already had it!!..If only she would do the same with her ornaments that she gets at carboots!!!..but thats another story,lol.Debi,xx

  4. I'm going to sign up as I always love your videos - very sensible. And can I just say - your kitchen looks lovely and your cupboards are beautifully organized!
    I have a lot more in my pantry - but I do rotate and keep track so that things get used up in time. I have been going a lot longer though in between shops and you are so right - I always seem to be able to put a meal together. Once the colder weather sets in I'll be using my pantry and freezer items a lot more so nothing will go to waste.

  5. Old and cute? Not old! Better than cute! Natalie

  6. I am in total agreement with wasting as little as possible. I tidy the pantry, frig and freezer regularly to use up as much as possible. What I do want to mention is the fact that most grocery stores don't have a long supply of fresh food, and if something interrupts the supply chain , you will see empty shelves. I live in northern British Columbia, Canada, and this has happened multiple times in my lifetime so far. Forest fires, floods, snow storms, vehicle accidents that caused toxic spills...all closed the roads to supply trucks. I always keep a generous supply of dry goods, canned and frozen items to get us through, as well as water on hand. Think of it as an emergency fund of food. Love the blogs and all the money saving ideas.

    1. totally agree. Who wants to go shopping in -35C with blowing snow and kids?

      Different lifestyles, different pantries!

    2. Glad you brought up emergency reserves. I have friends in Victoria, so they've prepared for the long overdue earthquake. I'm in southern California and have the same worry, so I keep at least a month's supply of essentials. I've been up highway 97 through Prince George and Fort Nelson, so I can imagine the challenges you face. That said, I don't suppose you'd care to trade properties with me for the chance to live here in the beautiful, unpolluted, unspoiled, uncrowded paradise that is Los Angeles, eh? When you stop laughing, I'll wish you a good day. R/Tim

  7. I think that Helen, the lady you visited today at Insight Studio is wonderful helping Soi Dogs.She must be saving many dogs lives inThailand. I like the description of Irene's art too-very exciting.I'm trying to be more sensible and use what I have in store.I'm not too bad,but I do tend to have forgotten tinned and frozen.Thanks to you Ilona I have improved.I was in a bit of a habit of buying the same each month and shamefully my freezer and pantry had become a real confusion.You really help me.My lovely mum was a bit of a repeat purchaser of groceries and clothes addict x

  8. I love your videos, Ilona. You always have something very interesting to say in your own warm and personable way. Brilliant! Thank-you. Patricia

  9. I always enjoy your posts and videos. Whenever I get a bit off the rails I watch your video clips or read your posts and get a good dose of sensible living!!!!!!!

  10. Such a good idea to batch cook and freeze to save time and energy. I only do that for work lunches as OH refuses to have a microwave.

    I also love the idea of making your own peanut butter, because it can be a right faff trying to find the stuff without palm oil!

  11. I really enjoy your posts and videos, I do some batch cooking but your tips are so practical and useful... Thank you for taking the time to share...

  12. Great video Ilona, you do inspire me to keep saving money! My cupboards are in a bit of a mess I must admit, I'm going to tackle them later in the week. There was an article in the Guardian online this morning about people who are saving money by using coupons. However they seemed to be accumulating masses of bulk buys, which is fine, but not very practical for someone like me who lives in a flat and has limited storage space.

  13. You live much nearer the shops than we do - we are 10 miles from the nearest town (for supermarkets etc and private shops). Our nearest shop is 3 miles away. Sometimes out here in the Welsh countryside we get bad weather, and the bottom lane might flood, or whatever, so I always keep a good storecupboard. That also helps us through lean times when money is tight.


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