Thursday, 14 September 2017

Day 4. Bowness to Milnthorpe

Hello, from The Bull in Milnthorpe. Guess what, NO RAIN TODAY. The sun was shining on me for most of the day, with a little bit of cloud drifting over. It makes such a difference to my spirits, and now I feel cock a hoop.

I turned left out of the B & B this morning to go up the hill to the start of the Dales Way long distance path. After a mile or so it dropped down onto the road, which I then followed all the way to Kendal. I was determined to keep off the mud and keep my boots dry.

Luckily I had a Kendal Street map with me which made the camera shop that Alison mentioned, easy to find. The man in the shop tested the batteries and the charger, but he couldn't be sure which was failing, and he didn't have any of those type of batteries in stock. I could see that this was going to be a problem, so I made the decision to buy a new camera. It's a Cannon 1XUS. I will take my old camera into my local shop and get a battery ordered, then that can be a spare.
I've had the battery on charge and here are two test pictures. So, we are back in business. Thank you Alison for finding this shop.

Out of Kendal I followed the River Kent, south. I have walked this before so I recognized it. It was a lovely walk, through fields of cows and sheep. Then I left the river to continue on the road to Milnthorpe. It was about 5.30pm and I was ready for stopping. I went into a hotel and they were full, but the pub across the road had a room.

Now I will study the maps to work out where I am going tomorrow. The legs are still aching, and the feet are a bit sore, with another blister on my big toe. After a rest I will be ready for the next part in the morning.

16 miles done today. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. A room at a pub sounds lovely after a good day walking.I think I may be tempted to have a medicinal Guinness.Just a thought Ilona but would some surgical tape help your feet x

    1. I've had a medicinal cider., and nope, my feet will survive.

  2. I remember Kendal mint cake from back in the day. I couldn't stomach it nowadays! LOL

  3. Honestly I don't know how you stuck it out in the terrible conditions you described. So glad finally a nice day. Hope the pub room is good and you have had a good meal. Thanks for sharing your walk.

  4. Glad to see more pictures coming but sorry you had to fork out for a new camera to do it. Honestly....we will not mind if you take a day to put your feet up and just putter about in a village for a while to give those poor feet a rest. aloha

    1. Hi Stella. Thank you for your concerns. I didn't have to fork out for a new camera, I wanted to, and I can afford it. They are not expensive these days.

      I do these long walks for a challenge, I want to push myself to the limits. I would be bored pottering around.

  5. Good morning, it's Friday. Shower and breakfast, then off. Heading for Carnforth and beyond. Not raining at the moment, let's hope that it stays that way.

  6. So glad that youve had a good day!,Its amazing how much the weather can alter from one day to the next so i hope its another good day for you today.I really love sharing your adventures.Debi,x

  7. you sound as though you're having fun.. glad you've got the sunshine! i went to penrith years ago, great place.

  8. My great-granddad was born in Milnthorpe workhouse. just sayin'! The building is still there - it used to be the female accommodation part of Kendal workhouse. Strictly speaking, Great-granddad's mum wasn't quite married at the time......

  9. Yay a picture! I admire your determination Ilona as blisters are trouble some little blighters.Hope you have a better weather day today. Rae x

  10. What a nice photograph of you Ilona. You look so happy, it made me smile :)

  11. Dear Ilona, I do enjoy your blog and read it every day as it gives me a great deal of inspiration for frugal living. I'm writing this for when you return home in the hope that your readers might find it helpful in reducing costs and getting some good ideas for saving money. I'm currently doing a no-spend month to use up stuff Ive accumulated in my pantry and freezer, and I'm always on the look out for frugal tips to reduce my spending, particularly at the moment. I suddenly remembered that as a library member I have access to online magazines, and as I am growing vegetables in the garden to supplement my income I thought I'd look at some gardening magazines. As it turned out, I found myself looking at other magazines too, ie cookery, healthy lifestyle etc., and realized what a great resource the library site is. We are so lucky in the UK to have this facility and I thought you might want to look into it further and maybe feature the benefits of this great resource. Yours, Alison

  12. Hope today's walking has been sunny. Looking forward to seeing pictures from your new camera. Happy travels. Sally

  13. Yea! No rain. Ouch...for the new camera. Your old one took great pictures too. Can't wait to see what today brings. :) Stay safe!

  14. Glad I could help out a little bit, nice to have photos back, I look forward to your blog every night! My grandbabies live in Morecambe so nice to see it from your point of view


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