Friday, 22 September 2017

Easy to make flowers

Hello. I've had a lovely afternoon sewing whilst listening to Radio 3. It was very relaxing, I could get hooked on classical music. I've made these Suffolk Puff flowers. 
A simple idea, not mine, I found the instructions in this library book.

Each one needs two circles of fabric, mine are 6 inches and 4 inches in diameter. Running stitch around the edge, and pull the thread tight so it gathers up into a puff ball. Sew the small one on top of the larger one, and add a button.

I used pipe cleaners for the stalks, I bought these ages ago from Poundland, thought they might come in useful for something. I twirled the end round and stitched it onto the back of the flower. You could use wire or anything long and stick like. Or you could make them shorter, depending on the container you are going to put them in.

Then I covered the back with a circle of felt to give a neat finish.

The pipe cleaners are a bit floppy, a stiffer wire might be better. I have pinned these together at the back and stuck them in an old glass oil bottle.

They could be worn as a corsage, with a brooch clasp fastened to the back. Or a ribbon attached and used to tie a parcel up. A small bouquet could be made and given as a gift.
Mayze likes her new sunlounger. This is the old office chair I threw out, the back is broken and the seat cushion has been patched up and is falling apart. An old umbrella, rescued from a skip if I remember rightly, and clamped to the arm of the chair. She even lies there in the pouring rain.

My dinner tonight was sweet potato, carrots, green beans, peas, and spinach, with half a packet of pasta in cheese sauce. It was very nice.

Heidi is being a bit clingy tonight and I'm not going to get any more typing done, so I'll pop over to yooootooob and watch something. Thanks for popping in, have a good weekend, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. A brilliant idea for a present X best wishes from col x

  2. Pretty flowers Ilona!Nice little gift and one could even be placed on top of a jar of preserves as a multipurpose pressie.I also luv classical music and tune in to classic FM throughout the day and night. My t d loves the outdoors as your Mayze but only on holiday does he use a brolly which I found discarded by my favouite bin.At home he will lay under the garden table if needed.I've had marrow,noodles,mushypeas and leftover omelette(with marrow) x

    uv listening to classical music also-I have it on all day and night.I only turn it off when I 'm watching something on tv-even then it's often on in the background-I tune in to classical FM.

    1. Oh soz that's my nonsence-it's the swop row arrow-thought I'd cancelled it x

  3. "Heidi is being a bit clingy tonight..."
    Uh-oh! Are Heidi's health issues flaring up again?

  4. They'd be lovely to make in my classroom.

  5. Those are what we call YOYOs and make about ten thousand of them to make a quilt. You just stitch them together. Of course, you can only hand stitch them and four sides to one another. Have you ever seen or heard of one of these quilts. People also make sofa pillow covers from the yoyos. It is all handwork, so no need for a machine and it can be taken anywhere and finished by hand. Of course, the thread for pulling can be be sewn on a machine. Have you ever heard of this type quilt?

    1. Yes I think most of us over a certain age will remember learning how to make those at a school sewing lesson, along with all the basics of sewing. I made a cushion cover. Not sure if they those sort of sewing skills are taught these days. Rae x

  6. About 3 years ago,at a craft fair,i saw these flowers on a lampshade that someone had made and it looked really impressive,It was unfinished though and still needed to have about a 3rd of it done to complete it.I think they let me have it for about a pound,which was a bargain.I thought i could use the flowers for sewing on denim jackets,cardigans ect.Back home,i tried removing the flowers,but they had been stuck on really well with some sort of superglue and ripped as i tried to remove them.I was gutted and wish now that i had just cut the lampshade,round the flowers!And then i could have just used them on walls around the house or round a picture frame.Im a bit more creative these days!!...Well,its been raining really heavy here during the night so i think i will put my wellys on and maybe go for a walk round our local park which is beautiful all year round.Just love watching the easy to please these days!!.Although,your not allowed to feed them now ..i still love watching them.The house needs dusting...but that can wait,lol.Have a good weekend everyone!,Debi,x

  7. One of those without the stalk would make a fun corsage.

  8. Speaking of yootoob there is a channel called Lord Peter Wimsey which has four or five complete series of - would you believe - Lord Peter Wimsey with Ian Carmichael. Each series has about 4 or 5 episodes so enough to keep you going for ages (if you like that kind of thing).

  9. The pasta in sauces are really nice and so handy to keep in the cupboard for a quick meal. Aldi stock some good ones, but I have to say the chicken flavoured are awful (I know you wouldn't contemplate buying this Ilona). Just quickly, off topic, I read this week that the experts are telling us that with poultry the 'white' meat is far better than the 'red' i.e if you want to eat chicken etc far better to eat the breast; try to stay away from thighs, wings etc. I have given up red meat altogether (must admit I miss bacon) but now I'm steering away from poultry. Amanda

  10. Lovely - wish I could grasp your contentedness x


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