Saturday, 30 September 2017

Restocked with cheap food.

Hello. I hit the jackpot last night on the yellow sticker dash. I arrived just as the young man was starting to mark them down for the last time. 75% off is a good saving, and there was lots to choose from and not many people after them. 
I've done a tot up, my YS haul came to £11.70, and the rest of the shopping was £13.72. My fridge is full again. Lots of salad, fruit, and veg, so healthy eating for a week or more. 

I volunteered to do a two hour stint as a marshal at a Medieval Festival, in the next village today. The job was to look official wearing a yellow vest, and to wander around in case anyone wanted to know anything. I did get one question, is there a tea and cake tent., teas and cakes are served in the Methodist Chapel down the road.

This juggler was a great entertainer, he had the full attention of the kids who all sat round in a circle to watch.

There was a wood turner and carver.

A man who makes pottery.

Birds of prey were on display. Beautiful birds.

Old English music using old instruments.

There was a lady demonstrating wet felting and needle felting. Her pictures were lovely. I see from her Facebook page that she has a workshop coming up in October to make a picture. I've sent her a message to ask if she has any places left.

A group of Morris dancers were entertaining.

The re enactment group were getting ready to do battle just as I left, although it looks like one of them is playing dead before they start. It was chilly so I didn't hang around to watch.

My dinner tonight came straight out of the fridge. Mixed bean salad, houmous, potato salad, baby cucumber, tomato, and rocket leaves. There will be lots more like this over the next week.

Can't decide whether to go for my walk tonight, it's been raining and it looks like there could be more. I'll make a decision in an hour. Last day of the month, tomorrow is check in day. I'll change the settings to allow Anon comments so the walking group who don't have an account can still check in.

Thanks for popping in, enjoy your weekend. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I hope you will be able to attend the felting class, Ilona. Those pictures are lovely.

  2. I hoe you'll get a place on the felting class too - I am sure you would love that.

    A good haul of yellow stickers again. Do you not have a problem with some of the fruit and veg getting a bit "over"?

    I wish I'd been at that Medieval Fayre. Lots there of interest.

    1. Hi. No, I constantly check it, and eat it before it goes off. If not, I freeze it. Some things are still ok a week later.

  3. Surely it's the last day of the month today?

    1. Yes, it is, and tomorrow is check in day, on the first of the new month.

  4. I just know you'll do well in the felting class and you will make great pictures.

  5. Your meal looks delicious, so colorful and healthy. It sounds like such a nice day that you had. I intenc to try the two nearest supermarkets where I live tonight. I will be out driving with my learner driver son so it won't be a special trip. The big supermarkets are about a good 15 minute drive from my home. On the rare occasion when I am out late of a night I intend to make it a priority to call in and check on the way home. Maybe I too can have a fridge as full as yours! Thank you , I just love reading about your adventures and home life. Lisa J. Australia.

    1. Good luck with the reductions. Do they have a similar scheme in Australia?

    2. They have what we call mark downs but they never seem quite as cheap or abundant as your yellow stickers.

  6. Brilliant haul on the reductions x

  7. Those felting "paintings" are beautiful and remind me of your works. You will ace the workshop if there is space to enroll.

  8. Hi Ilona
    Were the birds of prey from Eagle Eye Falconry? My sister, Liz, met some of them last year and got to go for a walk with Apollo, the European Eagle Owl, and his human to publicise a craft fair for NCCD in Lincolnshire. THe bird in your pic looks very like Apollo in her pic.
    Michelle in Wellington, NZ

    1. Not sure, Michelle, I didn't notice what the sign said.

  9. How much would the YS items have cost if you had paid full price? The fair looks like it is fun.

    1. As I paid 25% of the original price, multiply £11.70 by 4, and there's your total.

  10. I'll still be reading and enjoying your blog, even though I can't comment anymore (after this one). Karen

  11. I shall be doing a ys shop later and I have an approved food order coming next week and 2 full freezers now so I shall have plenty then it will be a very low spend few months, only buying fresh produce when needed.

  12. hi, it is very interesting to read your posts. i totally agree with your lifestyle. i live in south italy and only recently there is the possibility to buy reduced price food going to expire. we are a family of four, i work full time as a teacher, my hubby owns a b&b in our home and the two daughters are still students. so, it is very important to me to learn tips to spare money:) thank you!

    1. Hello Katia, and welcome. Glad to have you on board.

  13. I went for my normal supermarket shop one evening after an afternoon of shopping round the town. It was quite late and not many people were around, when I came across 12.5 kilo bags of unwashed potatoes. It was their last display date and they were marked down from £6.75 to 9p. Yes, 9p a bag, I couldn't believe it! Now I don't eat potatoes very often but my husband enjoys them, and so do some of my friends. Not to let such a bargain slip by, I bought two of the bags, kept some for us, and shared the rest out amongst friends. That was on August 25th, and we still have plenty left, still as good as the day we bought them. What a waste that would have been had they been disposed of by the shop. I hope the rest got sold too. Jean.


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