Saturday, 16 September 2017

Yipeee, I've done it.

Hello my lovely Bloggerettes. Guess where I am tonight. Yes, I am back at base, sitting with my feet up at Carols house. Oh the relief to stop walking. Trouble is that now my legs will seize up, I've already had Carol laughing her head off as I cling on to the furniture when I move about. She said I look like an old woman of ninety.

I've just checked the mileage, 26 miles covered today. WOWEEE. Not the most I have ever covered in a day. I remember walking 30 miles on the last day of my first ever walk from Blackpool to the Humber Bridge.

It's getting late, I will be in bed soon, so I'll sign off now. Thanks for popping in, I'll put the last report  of day 6 on here tomorrow night.
Toodle pip.


  1. Congratulations Ilona-thought it was going to take you another day yet.There was a marathon runner a while ago on t v who went all wobbly legged and wobbled and wobbled until a kind runner helped him.But you have the body of a young woman still x

  2. Wow,well done,an awesome achievement.Enjoy a well earned rest.Jan X.

  3. Oh Ilona so well done, I am proud of you.
    Looking forward to hearing about your day today.
    Now rest get renewed.
    Love Pam in TX.xx

  4. That is a big walk.......Rose x

  5. Wow. I hope you don't have arthritis. I am amazed at how much walking you do. It's very impressive.

  6. Well Done Ilona!!!!!!,So pleased that you are back and have got your home comforts.I bet that your cais are so pleased to see you too!Take a well earned rest for a few days!,Best Wishes,Debi,xx

  7. I haven't looked at any blogs in a few weeks so I've just been catching up on yours back through August. You are always so upbeat! Everyday seems to bring a ray of sunshine and good cheer into your life as you plow through all the things you want to accomplish in your life. Too bad you can't bottle that joy that bubbles inside you and send it out to all the people out there who feel that life is just one day after another of gloom and doom. I understand that some people are in a rut and have made bad decisions, but I often wonder if they would get out of their own way and move forward that one step at a time would deliver them out of their funk.
    Still following your life's journey after all these years, enjoying every post and walk and art project and just wishing that this world full of unhappy people could log on and get in step with you. It's not a cure all, but it would help! And so enjoy your Youtube vids!

  8. Congrats! Hope you have a well deserved rest this evening and that you aren't quite as stiff tomorrow! :-)

  9. You are an inspirational woman. You have my respect.x

  10. Clever little sausage, well done.

  11. Well done Ilona, you are an inspiration!

  12. Well done Ilona.Hope your legs are feeling better this morning snd you're enjoying a bit of a rest. Looking forward to seeing your oictures. Rae x

  13. Well done, my friend! I knew you would do it, take it easy for a few days now and treat yourself. You have a couple of new readers to your blog-the boys have started reading it, I saw it open on one of their iPads! Xxxxx

  14. Many congratulations Ilona, you really deserve them! Your attitude to life is inspirational. Thank you for sharing, Karen

  15. Well done Ilona hope you do t feel to stiff today, just take it easy for a couple if days.

    So pleased you done it and thanks for the photos.

    Hazel c uk

  16. well done. you are amazing
    Alana x

  17. Well done Ilona you truly are an inspiration. Chris

  18. You are fantastic - amazing achievement and clearly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing x

  19. Excellent! Natalie

  20. Joining everyone else in saying Well Done, you truly are an inspiration! JanF


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