Thursday, 7 June 2018

More garden bling

Hello. Ok, who wanted to see what I made with the forks, there are seven of them. Searching my brains for something to slot them through once I had bent them. Could use another washer, but then I thought, lets see if they will go through the middle of a cd. And they did. To make it more solid I super glued two cd's together, label sides on the inside. 
Trying different places to take the photographs. The detail is lost in the brilliant sunshine.

I put a blob of super glue on the backs of six of the fork handles, (no, not 4 candles, ha ha), and stuck them to the cd to stop them moving. I didn't glue the seventh handle because the tube has to fit on there for sticking it into the ground.

The centre piece is an ear ring, bought from a car boot sale in a box of jewelry, hot glued in place. I picked out some gold sequins and stuck them around the edge, and seven green sequins to stick on the forks.

That all looked very nice but I thought it could do with something else, just to finish it off. A blob of orange nail varnish on the green sequins, and the fork handles had two coats of gold glitter nail varnish. Perfect.

I like it more than the first one, so I thought I would give that one the gold glitter nail varnish treatment as well. That's a lot better.

Mighty pleased with them so far, one more to make for the third stalk. I'm beginning to realise how useful the hot glue gun is, I think I will be using it more often in the future.

One thing I have noticed, since I have been busy in the garden and making stuff for the Open Gardens and the forthcoming exhibition, I haven't been spending much money. Keeping busy is definitely a money saver.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Love the bright, cheerful colours.

  2. Lovely and colourful Ilona!,I was showing them to my sister and she thought that they were really nice!We both remember seeing things made out of cutlery on Covent Garden market..nowhere near as nice as yours...and they were very expensive.Ive been making my own flowers today,using the bottom bit of plastic bottles.Lol,its hard to explain how I do maybe know already!...but if you look under most plastic bottles,they have like a flower pattern.I have cut around the bottle,then cut back down to make petals around the base.I painted them red,stuck a black vintage button in the middle and you are left with a everlasting poppy flower!.Not my brainwave,I saw in on the internet somewhere!.But they look really nice!.Paint them yellow and everlasting daisies!.I agree with you that when you are doing these frugal things,you are out in the fresh air and not spending any money!xx

  3. You are so creative!

  4. very artistic and colourful. well done ilona. love liz, amy and

  5. Spectacular. Love them.

    Will the glue from a hot glue gun stand up to the rain/wind/elements?

  6. Hilde in Germany8 June 2018 at 04:45

    Ilona, you´re a genius!

  7. These are fabulous Ilona. You are very talented. I'm going to have a root around the house and see if I can find some old cutlery to have a go at making these.

  8. very nice - i really like these. I don't have a glue gun but i'm going to try something with cds to put next to my few strawberry plants, to keep the birds away. something sparkly that'll catch the sun.... thx for the ideas.

  9. That's lovely too Ilona.My aunt just loved her glue gun x

  10. These are brilliant, such a great idea.


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