Monday, 14 November 2011

We have choices

I'm going to start this post with a quote from a comment by Sarina, thank you for commenting by the way, you have given me food for thought. She asks a question which I would like to answer in full, rather than add it to the post.

"The scenery is nice, but wouldn`t you have enjoyed it more on a sunny day? This dreary weather makes things look a bit depressing."

Yes, the sun probably would have made my trip more enjoyable, but with the weather being so unpredictable there is no guarantee when or if we will get a sunny day. At this time of year I could probably just turn up at a Youth Hostel after first checking that they have vacancies. If I woke up to a sunny morning I could throw a few things in a bag and set off within an hour of waking, then there would be a good chance the sun might last the day.

On the other hand there might not be a sunny day for a couple of months or more. I might be waiting a long time for the right day to arrive, in the meantime becoming more frustrated at being trapped at home.

I believe that what you find enjoyable or not enjoyable is all in the mind. Well if that's not stating the obvious then I don't know what is, ha ha. What I mean is, if you wake up in the morning and you have already made up your mind to have a good day, you probably will. If you wake up in a grump, and can't see why you should bother to do anything, the day is most likely to be crap.

This dreary weather doesn't make me depressed. There are lots of emotions on a sliding scale between being miffed, peeved, fed up, hacked off, disheartened, despondent, crest fallen, dejected, low spirited, pessimistic, and depressed. I admit I might be a bit miffed about something not being right, or a bit disheartened when things don't go how I expect them to, but I can't find it in me to be depressed about the weather. I am glad we have changing seasons, all of them have their charms, and they dont last forever.

I am a glass half full kind of person. I look forward to getting up every day, looking around me, and feeling gratefull for just being alive. My enjoyment of life is not ruled by outside influences, it comes from within my head. Wandering around the countryside on a misty day gives me just the same spiritual lift as it does when the sun is out. I feel blessed that we have four seasons to enjoy, the changing landscape has something to offer whatever time of year it is.

We have choices, do we let negative feelings influence our lives so that we crawl into a hole and come out in the spring, or do we bash them on the head, pull our socks up, get off our butt, and grab life by the balls. I know what I would rather do.


  1. Well said Ilona! We can't wait around to see if the sun comes out, just get out there and do something, anything, in the fresh air - it works every time.

  2. Well, that certainly answered my question, lol.
    Thanks, Ilona. And, good on you for getting out there to enjoy all weathers.

  3. Absolutely true Ilona, reading this today has made me pick myself up as I was falling into a bit of a feel sorry for myself state. Sometimes we all need a bit of a kick up the backside and you have certainly done that today (not in a physical sense of course)! Looking forward to many more of your trips.

  4. well said, I cannot put my life on hold becasue of the weather, or anything else for that matter, life is what you make it xx

  5. I echo those before me who have said "well said" Ilona. So true and a timely reminder.
    The English countryside looks so beautiful in your photos it makes me want to visit.

  6. Maybe I'm just weird but I think everything looks more beautiful in the fog and mist. As long as you're dressed for it, a walk in the rain can be very pleasant indeed.
    By the way, I really enjoy this blog and all aspects of it, from frugal living tips to your rambles around the countryside. Keep writing!

  7. I always pick an overcast day to hike if I can - I find the constant sunlight very tiring and can really appreciate a cloudy day. Here in the mid-west the sun is so strong in the summer it bleach the colour out of everything. Torrential rain is the only thing that cuts into my walking when I m in the u.k.

  8. I QUOTE:

    Wandering around the countryside on a misty day gives me just the same spiritual lift as it does when the sun is out. I feel blessed that we have four seasons to enjoy, the changing landscape has something to offer whatever time of year it is.


  9. This post has been very inspirational. Thank you.

  10. Have you thought about running for the post of Prime Minister?

  11. I always find that mist and fog give a much more intimate feel to a landscape - you are wrapped in a blanket. Then there is the Humber Bridge which looks fantastic when it disappears into a fog bank - like something out of a strange novel.

  12. After the drought we had in Texas this year, the pictures of a misty, foggy day are very welcome! I just love your blog and I miss it when you are gone on your rambles but it is so much fun when you are back. Thanks so much!

  13. Obviously, none of you have SAD (Seasonal Affective Depression) or you would not say the weather does not affect you at all or that you enjoyed sunless or misty, overcast days. I don't want to be down. It is something I cannot help.

    Forty years after leaving high school, I learned my best friend (grade 7-12) committed suicide from a really bad bout with SAD. Now, I understand why we got along so well through 6 years of school.

    I don't ever remember a day when either of us were depressed or sad, but our moods matched and we smiled through it all. But, maybe we were drawn together because we could feel the other person's moods. Believe me, we laughed, played, and ran about in her car without letting weather stop us. So, you cannot say that weather is not a great influence on moods. I know better.

    I am never a wet blanket, just cannot be lively as I usually am, all smiles and energy.

  14. Thank you Linda (PP) I realised when I wrote this, that there may be people out there who don't have much choice in the matter when it comes to S.A.D. My lack of medical knowledge on this subject prevents me from offering any kind of guidance to people suffering from it. However I do think there are a lot tactics that most people can do to bring themselves out of the doldrums. An example is the comment from Andrea, 'Falling into a bit of a feel sorry for myself state, we all need a bit of a kick up the backside'.

    Even I need to kick myself up the backside sometimes.

  15. I don't like cycling in the rain unless I am out there and can't do anything about it. Walking in the rain/bad weather doesn't somehow seem as bad.

    I don't mind walking in mists etc, although I got a bit worried once on the moors when the mists came down and I was following a sheep track that ended suddenly!

  16. Ilona, I used to live in the Dark Peak and your post has brought back so many memories! I live in a different place now, and area of outstanding natural beauty, we have a lovely village and a youth hostel and I'd love you to come and visit,I could show you around if you like,how do I email you privately?

  17. Joto, I've just had a look at your blog, nice to see you have started it up again. My email address is on the sidebar on the right, under 'I am here'

  18. I don't give myself a kick up the backside. That is not what will help. I turn on lots of lights. My friend had family and medical support, so nothing short of committing her was going to help her problem with the lack of light. She was a registered nurse, published writer, artist, avid birdwatcher and led birding tours near/in the Grand Canyon. She was articulate and well-traveled. But, she had SAD.

    I don't feel sorry for myself. Neither did she. SAD is not about that. It is about an inability to cope with the dreariness of a day, wanting to just sit or sleep or cannot think. She lived and worked in Alaska for six months. She worked her shift, ate a bit at home, and slept until her next shift.

    People don't kill themselves because they feel sorry for themselves. Obviously, I am not going to kill myself.

    When her family arrived after her death, there were about four years of Christmas and birthday gifts just sitting in a heap in a corner. Her husband was devoted but could not help her.

  19. I have been feeling a bit low Ilona so had a good read through some of your posts in order to get my mind working again, and came across this one again which I also commented on. Thank you for these posts, you are an angel x


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