Thursday, 27 December 2012

Eat plenty of greens.

Nothing very exciting is happening here at the moment, so you'll have to forgive me for posting more pictures of food. This is my lunch. A piece of salmon, yellow sticker 50p. The last of the prawn cocktail, on a bed of watercress and a sliced mushroom. Lovely jubbly, nice and healthy, and cheap.
Dinner tonight was the beans left over from last night, they were hard, and some sprouts. I love sprouts.
I bought a tub of houmous for 11p.
Scoop a bit out and stick a sprout on my fork. Fabulous.
Followed by fresh pineapple and yogurt. Delissshhhhhh.

This morning I put the posters up about the found pussycat, some in shop windows, others pinned to telegraph poles. Let's hope someone might come forward to claim the cat

I've cooked up another two bags of prepared vegetables and made a big pan of curry for the freezer. They needed using up before they went off. Should be another six or seven portions there.

We are nearly at the end of another year, where has it gone. It's a time for looking back and for making plans for the next year. I would like some more days out and holidays, where did I go this year? Whitby, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Sherwood Forest, Scampton, Long walk Morecambe to Humber Bridge, Flamborough Head, Bradford, Earby, Blenheim Palace, London, visit Carol near Alton, party at John's near Bognor, Portsmouth, Arundal, Chichester, Crowden, Long walk Ellesmere Port to Bakewell, and lots of local walks. My new year resolution is going to be, go out more.
Toodle pip.


  1. Your dinner looks completely delish - look forward to following you on your walks next year.

  2. I am a late sprout convert, I hated them until I discovered them steamed or stir fried. We went out for a curry with friends and I was delighted to see there were even sprouts in my vegetable biryani LOL

  3. I LOVE watercress and had the best watercress EVER when we lived in Hampshire...nothing else compares.
    Jane x

  4. oh,i just love sprout's!that look's delish!

  5. Your food looks delicious. I love watercress. I have a fabulous watercress and potato soup recipe it's totally delicious and really simple. I make a massive pot of it and eat it over a couple of days.

  6. Try and have a look at the Lake District next year, and the Solway coast.

  7. That all looks really yummy Ilona. :)

  8. No carbohydrate? Where's the fibre?

    1. Questions questions Anon, here's one from me. What is your name?

    2. Dear Anon. I have deleted your last comment, due to it being a load of old codswallop. You can troll me all you like but your words will not be published.

  9. The salmon meal looks delicious and has inspired me to have some for tea, I'm sure there is some in freezer! I love houmous and could eat it every day. As for people asking about fibre and carbs ... as long as your diet balances out generally (and I would think yours does given range of foods you enjoy) I don't see it as important that single meals don't contain every food type :) Have a lovely day. Barbara from North East, UK ... MUST get a profile x

    1. Exactly, Barbara. My carbs and fibre were in other foods. Another visit from my troll I think :o)

  10. I always grab discounted houmous it freezes well and although a little oil rises to the surface it can be stirred in or tipped out if your're dieting!
    Love sprouts too but not sure my husband would like me eating a plateful. Dogs and cats are less likely to object.Ha ha

  11. Yes, don't people FUSS about what should be eaten when? I'll bet you're ten times more healthy than they. Love sprouts, hate fish, wish I liked it, could eat watercress till it comes out of my ears. That would be a sight!

  12. Hello Ilona from House Fairy
    Cold and more rain here in Hampshire. I am just airing the house with open windows before I lite the coal fire.
    I think you would do well with a coal fire or wood burner. Picking up wood to burn on your walks.

    How are your cats? I bet they prefer to be indoors with you. Our Golden Retriever is right by my feet. He follows me around the house.

    Our dinner today, steak pies I got out of the freezer yesterday and fresh veg that I have.

    Avoiding the sales as I do not need things. I saw all the pushing and shoving on the news.

    Right off to do a bit of ironing and do the hoover dance.

    Take care.

  13. Looking forward to your trips and walks throughout the coming year. Don`t mind those people that have nout better to do than pick on others blogs. Your meal did look very appetizing. Infact, my tummy is craving some salmon and veggies now!

  14. Hello House Fairy. My cats are fine, such a delight to have around. The two young ladies tease each other and there is a lot of chasing about. They don't like the rain so stay indoors when it's wet. My old boy Bugsy lies on the window sills most of the day looking out over the gardens.

  15. Haha....where's your carbs and fibre, what a bl**dy silly comment, I love your answer. I get sick of 'where's your calcium' because I drink black coffee, it's in my bl**dy cheese, yogurt etc etc etc.

    You have to look at the whole picture over the course of a week to see if your diet's healthy and from what you list you eat a damn sight more healthily than most folk I know.

    But I couldn't eat sprouts no matter what I dunked them in!

    Sue xx

  16. Your lunch looks delicious, and I'm like you and love sprouts too.


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