Saturday, 31 January 2015

An update on the new picture

Hello. Today I have been indoors, the weather is miserable, wet, and cold. Woke up to snow, then more snow came down, big flurries. It didn't last long then a bit later it started raining, and now it has all been washed away. It's still bloomin cold though. 
Nothing for it but to get on with picture number three. Here is a little teaser of the work done so far. All shades of green at the moment to represent the fields. 
I have been searching my wardrobe for unwanted clothes, unwanted anything really. Yesterday I bought a ladies green top for £1 from the Age Uk Charity Shop. Jersey type T-shirt fabric is the best for this, it is the same colour both sides, and twists easily into cords without fraying. I'll let you into a secret, there is a pair of my pants in here ha ha, it's the greenest green field, in the middle. I have enough green fabric now, further up I shall be introducing more colours. Although the picture in the magazine is a winter scene, I think I may change it to a summer one, then I can add some flowers. Once I get the base cover done there will be a lot of embroidery and beads going on top. The size of the picture will be 18.5 inches by 24 inches, plus the frame. I have some pieces of wood which I was going to use on a previous picture, they will suit this one better. A long way to go yet.

I have had an email from someone who has connections with The Rectory at Clixby. Her great grandparents were employed there, and got married, in 1901. It's amazing what this internet throws up, you never know who is reading your blog.

Tomorrow is a family day, I hope there is no snow on the roads. Have a nice Sunday whatever you are doing. Toodle pip


  1. What is this kind of work called? I can see its stitched but are the long pieces sewn over and attached to the next row. Mmm I've had a good look but its a bit of a mystery to me. Its SO neat that it looks like its been done on some kind of machine. The colours are lovely. I'll be interested to see the finished picture.

  2. Your picture's coming on a treat. I'm feeling summery already. It's like a jigsaw going together slowly, isn't it.

  3. Lookin' good; can't wait to see it finished. You be careful out there tomorrow!

  4. Looking forward to seeing your finished masterpiece:) Wish you could send some snow our way:) xxx

  5. I like the greens you are using, and that you recycle fabric. Artistic and good for the earth too.

  6. OMG. I had forgotten about doing punched rugs. I just donated all of my cast off tshirts to goodwill. I'll save the next ones for a project like this. Great work on the pattern.

  7. How fabulous that someone connected with the Rectory at Clixton contacted you! I love to think of all the past lives and loves that a building or a place has - great stuff. The picture is coming along very well. I will be interested in the framing too. Natalie

  8. Have a nice month!
    Strong winds here today. Spring can't be too far away!

  9. Looks lovely so far Ilona, I love the lovely bright greens, I'm going through a 'bright' phase at the moment and these really appeal to me. Yes, I'd be interested to know what you're weaving on too, is it a bit of wire of some sort under that fabric?

  10. Hello.So nice for you to be contacted re:the Rectory at Clixton and am curious.The internet is amazing for that isn't it?Love the colours of your art work.Your progress and skill is inspiring to me and others I'm sure.Hope you have a lovely weekend,regards, D.

  11. Wow Ilona. Your picture promises to be the best yet. I cant wait to see the finished masterpiece. Dreadful weather to be without your green pants though!!
    Love Patricia 32. ( Google lost my ID again)

  12. I am extra pleased with this artwork as I love the color green - various shades of green...lovely. I know you will be adding other colors, as well, but do love the baseline variety of green colors. I am hopeful of additional, earthy colors, perhaps? Can't wait to see the direction you are heading and look forward to the finished piece. Ranee (MN)

  13. Visited the Great Ocean Road, this weekend, Victoria, Australia. I saw a beautiful textile wall hanging in an art gallery but had to turn to my husband and say " It's nice but it's not a patch on Ilona's "


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