Thursday, 22 January 2015

Psssst, want to know a secret ;o))

'Ello 'ello 'ello, what's all this 'ere then? Food, that's what. A quick rundown of my meals over the last few days. I don't count calories, or add up points, or weigh portions, luckily I like the healthy stuff. I do have a bit of naughty stuff, but I limit myself. Naughty food is for now and again, not every day. 
Regular food for me is porridge, bran flakes, fruit juices, veg, salad, fruit, pulses, nuts, pasta, rice, cous cous, noodles, some dairy, cheese and yogurt. 
I bought a pack of fresh tagliatelle for around £1, I split this into three meals. Garlic mushrooms with grated cheese, love this. 
Salad - grated carrot, iceberg lettuce, spinach, grated cheese, and chopped celery.

A tasty stew made with carrots, celeriac, runner beans, and a tin of tomatoes. Just eaten a bowl of this with a chunk of wholemeal bread, one large pan makes four portions. Mostly I eat it over two or three days, sometimes I freeze it in margarine tubs.

Lunch today was a happy salad. same as above, with boiled eggs.  
Twas a nice day to take a walk in the park, a bit chilly but ok if you are wrapped up. As I walk around our village I see a lot of people just out for a walk. Some of them walk the mile to the park, then around it, and back again. I drive there, because Rocky can't walk that far. He loves it snuffling away in the grass, then his head comes up and he has a dead leaf stuck to his whiskers, it makes me laugh. Sometimes he spots a squirrel and makes a half hearted attempt to catch it, then stands at the bottom of a tree looking up, watching the squirrel make his escape. 
The ducks all came across the pond to see us, hoping for some food. I always feel guilty not having anything for them. There is a notice up saying only feed them with grain bought from the shop, I haven't seen anyone throw bread in for them. 
Here's an idea of what to do with an old suitcase. Two pets, both want a bed near the fire. I had an old wooden drawer here but it was a bit cumbersome, took up too much space. This is a much better arrangement. The favourite is the side where Mayze is, so if Rocky is first in he takes it. They swap about and will lie in either side. Good idea I thought.  
And now for a surprise, I like surprises, don't you. I was asked what I do with the bags I make, answer, I give them away. Up to 9pm tonight, 417 people viewed yesterdays post, and 17 people commented. I have had a draw and four people have each won a bag. So, please send me your postal address and I will send you one. You can send it in a comment, which I won't publish, or you can email me, address on the side.

Primroses Attic
Aussie Cheryl

I like doing secret giveaways. A lot more fun than loads of people trying to win something.
Toodle pip


  1. Secret giveaway what a fab idea :) well done winners and well done Ilona for your generosity in giving away these lovely bags. Much Love Claire xxx

  2. Cool idea! and Quin is a fave of mine, so that makes me happy.

  3. Congrats to those who won Ilona's lovely bags!

    The meals look good, particularly the garlic mushrooms. Yum.

    Rocky and Mayze look so cozy in their suitcase beds. Love the ducks in the pond.

  4. I may be late to the party, but I have questions. Does Rocky belong to you? Where did you get him? Is he elderly, or does he have some condition that makes it difficult for him to walk much? I think it is so awesome that you walk him in a stroller. He is a very lucky fellow. He looks like such a sweetheart.

    1. Hello June, and welcome. I have known Rocky for three years, he lives up the road, but is on an extended stay with me, this is his retirement home. He is old and on medication for his arthritis, he also has a fatty lump which needs monitoring. The vet says he is too old to operate on, the lump won't kill him, it isn't cancerous, and it isn't giving him any pain. He is a sweetheart. He loves my cats and they love him. He likes to play with his toys and go for short walks around the village, and when it gets warmer we will go out in the stroller again.

  5. Oh my gosh, did I win one of your lovely bags??? Wow, this really IS a nice surprise :) I'll add a second comment with just my mailing address, but I had to write first to say thank you in a "public" post...thank you, Ilona!

  6. Awww Rocky and Mayze look so comfy, what a great idea. Love the secret gift idea♥ Linda xx

  7. Oh my goodness! How nice of you to surprise us.Will e-mail you soon,THANK YOU so much.All the creative, budget friendly,yummy meals you quickly prepare give us all good ideas.One of our dogs is an old girl who manages to walk to town but can't manage the way home again.I'm trying to find a stroller that's suitable but in the mean time I use the shopping cart stuffed with pillows and wrap her in a blanket like a papoose and pull her along,as long as the sidewalks are clear it does the job.Also have a friendly acquaintance who has an etsy shop selling various crafts and repurposed items.She re-vamps old suitcases for dog and cat beds painting,decoupaging,stencilling,and then relining with fun fabric and bedding.She uses the top liner for pockets she's made to hold anything a dog might need when travelling,and it open and closes like a suitcase should and is not too poofy.She also sews dog coats and quilted blankets and beds, similiar to your cat beds from previous posts.Your kitty and Rocky look very cozy and are giving me the awwws' again.Actually,I like the vintagey suitcase as is-very dignified.Best wishes,D.

    1. Hello again, Ilona.Don't know why, but the e-mail address for you on the right side will not go through.Huh! Tried five times then took the alternative and am using the comment.Your thoughtful gift is appreciated very much and a day brightener.I told my hubby about you and that it's almost like having a pen pal over there in a way.Ahem,erm,I am concerned about it being costly to send it way over here.You will consider that,please? Bye for now, best wishes, D.

    2. Hello Destemona. The email address on the side is correct. You just need to change the word dot for . and the word at for @. This is to baffle email spammers.

    3. PS. I have included the postage in my budget. I haven't sent any bags out for a long time so I have enough money saved for this purpose.

  8. What a brilliant idea for a suitcase! Debbie.

  9. The stew looks good! I use margarine tubs too,,,you have to label them...we have had several unintended 'surprises'!

    1. Hello Charlotte. A good idea to label the tubs. I don't because I know that I am going to eat whatever is in there. It will be some kind of curry, or stew, or soup.

  10. I like the pet beds - very cozy. Natalie

  11. I've seen old suitcases re-purposed this way before but usually they have added bun feet and are for sale on 'vintage' stalls costing a lot of money. Well done on your home made one, simple but effective :-)

    I love the idea of a 'secret' giveaway too. Well done to the lucky recipients of your bags.

  12. How nice about the bags, and sweet idea for the pet beds. Another question for you ( maybe you've written about it before, I'll check). You have such a great outlook, but even those with a cheery disposition have an occasional glum day. How do you lift yourself up, if one decides to come your way?

    1. I have answered this question in the following post. Thank you for reading.

  13. Your suitcase idea is really great! I have one in the attic right now that needs to either go to the trash or recycle somehow.

  14. What another interesting page of topics to read.
    Absolutely loved the pic of the 'occupied' suitcase.
    Wendy (Wales)

  15. Great suitcase-pet bed idea! My dog and cat are a bit wary of each other but I could see them getting close for the sake of a bed each like this :)

  16. Hi,yet again,very kind of you to have pre-planned the budget to accommodate that,Ilona.I won't fret on it now.Also will give the spam baffler e-mail a try.Danke schein,D.

  17. Hi,Jan here.Love the pet beds.Great to see Rocky enjoying his retirement.Hope his meds keep him pain free.Made me smile to think of him being chauffured around,just like my beautiful old boy used to be before he had to leave us.Great blog as always,truly inspiring.Jan.

  18. the salad looks so good!
    I always enjoy your posts!
    happy for the giveaway winners!
    you're a peach of a gal,
    I think you have a terrific blog.
    hugs to dear Rocky, I would love him if he were here,
    I'll tell my son about the suitcase, loved the furry bed for the babies!

  19. I would love to have your recipe for garlic mushrooms please, I do love your meal ideas, so quick, simple, healthy and budget-conscious, they tick all my boxes!

  20. What a nice thing for you to do Ilona :) Love the suitcase bed.

  21. Great pet beds and I always love your bags.
    Best to you.

  22. Very generous of you to give away your hand made bags. And what a great surprise for the lucky ones!
    I like the way you put your dishes together. Out of curiosity - if you don't mind answering, how many meals a day do you have and what are they composed of?

  23. Lovely surprise for the winners. I won one of Ilona's bags in 2013. I use it to store my dry recycling in my kitchen which I then empty every morning into the recycling bin.


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