Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Create a new way

Hello. Someone very kindly compared my posts to self help books. Wow! I am chuffed that what I consider as my simple way of looking at things, is making some sense with some readers. I don't profess to be an expert in anything, except lorry driving, ha ha, but I like to think that my experiences at the University of Life have given me the grounding that I need to live a contented and fulfilling life.

I have always liked writing, gathering together the thoughts in my head, and putting them down in some sort of order. I wasn't very bright at school, I couldn't be bothered, just about scraped through, and hoped no one noticed that I wasn't taking it all in. I was hopeless at exams and couldn't wait to leave and went at the first opportunity. So for someone to say that a post has more wisdom that ten self help books, makes me very chuffed indeed.

I am sure that many of my readers have a wisdom far beyond my own offerings, going by the comments coming in. I love the little sayings and words of wisdom that you come up with from time to time, I write them down because they trigger more thoughts and ideas which I want to hang on to. You inspire me to explore issues further, to hopefully gain a better understanding of how things fit together.

Something that N said, struck a chord, 'I always make time for things that allow my creativity.'  She was talking about learning new hobbies to distract herself from events she would rather forget about. It got me thinking about how creativity can play a key roll in how we can deal with putting the not so perfect past behind us.

The way I see it, if someone has no creative instincts at all, they mostly rely on learning from others, they see how their friends, family, and work colleagues do things, and they follow suit. This takes less effort than thinking up new ideas. It's like going down a long straight road, and ignoring all the roads off it in favour of keep going mile after mile in the same direction, with possibly no end in sight. Changing direction would require a new way of thinking. I don't know anything about how a brain works, but I reckon that if you only stuck with the road you know, always doing the same thing in the same way, then you are only using half your brain. It's a bit of a waste, not using it to it's full potential. If you are not creative, how are you going to find your way through the ups and downs of life? Relying on others to show you the way will not work, you need to be creative in thinking up new ideas, and new directions.

So, back to distraction, N could have done nothing, and gone nowhere, but she made an effort, she recognized that by allowing herself to be creative, she could move on. Creativity means going in a different direction, give yourself a good talking to, to push yourself into something outside your comfort zone. It could be something quite simple, like bake a cake if you have never made one before. Or sign up for a pottery class at college. Or taking up flower arranging. The end product of creativity is learning new skills and expanding your outlook on life. It's looking at situations from a new angle, and finding a better way to get where you want to be. Surely that's got to be a good thing. Well that's how I see it.
Toodle pip


  1. I like that you said "sometimes you just have to give yourself a good talking to". It's such a good way to be. We can only ever change ourselves, nobody can do it for us.

  2. I enjoy your blog so much and love your easy way of taking life as it comes. Your blog lifts my spirits - I love seeing a little piece of your world!

  3. The unknown is a bit of a challenge and no-one knows what they are capable of unless they at least try, regardless of what the 'challenge' is.

    Joan (Wales)

  4. I know I learn from you, such an inspiration, keep up the good work!

  5. Great post Ilona. I finally woke up to the fact that the only person responsible for my happiness is me. I went for additional hours at work a few months back and didn't get them, dusted myself off a n d I'm now pursuing lots of other things, a lot of them creative. My life is much more fun now and I feel very optimistic about it. Onwards and upwards.

  6. Hi Ilona,
    Very very true - you are wise... your wisdom comes from life, all the things you have experienced, the challenges you have set for yourself and those that have been set for you. I have said this before... I love your honesty and creativity. I admire your integrity and I am inspired by your philosophy and positive outlook. LOVE your posts...Cheers

  7. enjoyed your post!
    used to be very creative, but for now am enjoying a bit of a rest from all that, oh, except for leaning to weave on a lap loom, learning to play a guitar, trying our a million new online recipes, etc. egads! maybe I'm not resting near as much as I thought! teasing, of course!
    I honestly think if you never try anything new, you wither inside, it could be the other brain side drying up, just as you said!

  8. Creativity is the main reason I started my blog. I found that working on a computer all day at work makes me crave doing something practical with my hands, and so crafting and baking was the natural development. And I called it Creaty for obvious reasons!

  9. Chris from Nottingham28 January 2015 at 07:56

    I know that l get my best ideas and 'cunning plans' when I'm out walking. Just strolling to the shops or library seems to free up the creative side of the brain to work things out.
    I love your blog and read it every morning before deciding what the days plans are. Your posts often cause me to change my mind!

  10. I think it helps that you're fabulously upbeat - it makes a very encouraging change to read about enjoying a less complicated life rather than a constant struggle punctuated by moaning about what other people have got that you haven't.

  11. You're right about the way the brain work,s but I reckon you use way less than half if you just do same old, same old. Maybe creative thinking is the best way to avoid Altzheimers?

  12. I like your commonsense and down to earth approach to life. I have a similar outlook. I love nothing better than tootling around the library or walking with my camera on me. Seeing the details gives me great pleasure.

  13. 'Relying on others to show you the way will not work'

    Actually MQ I know of quite a few people who do this and get through life very well thank you because they always depend on others to do things for them - I know - I was married to one !
    His motto should have been 'why do anything that you can get someone else to do for you'.

    1. Wean, your post struck a cord with me. My husband is the same way. While he would do anything that I ask him, he won't ( or doesn't think to) do it on his own accord. The past several years has landed me more responsibilities on top of all that I already have. I'm a very creative person and had no time for hobbies. I started feeling bitter about it, then I decided, well, it was my own fault for waiting for someone else to step up. So I've just stepped back from things or handed them over to someone else. One thing was that I wasn't going to cook & wash dishes on the weekends... told my husband and two teen boys that they will need to be responsible. I got some lovely kitchen curtains made and my mind is now delighted in what project I can do next. Ilona, this is a fabulous post.

    2. Excellent reply Leggy, taking control over the issues worked out for you. Sometimes a good shove and put your foot down is the answer. Enjoy your weekends.

  14. love this post I found I was quite thoughtful when I read it, mind going off at a tangent, I have started jewellery making recently with beads and learnt how to wrap beads and do swirls last night, a lovely two hours with a cup of tea and one to two tuition. Julie t

  15. I don't think you are a meanqueen. By saving in one direction it leaves you money to spend on something else to enjoy. I should think buying petrol is expensive and you have to buy it as you are Rocky's chauffeur, lol. It certainly gets you out to enjoy your little jaunts, even if you only go as far as Barton. By the way ,I agree with the comment Abi made.

  16. I give myself a good talking to from time to time and kick myself up the bum! Natalie

  17. Hello, and as I've said before,wise woman, wise words.I was fortunate to have a very creative family growing up. They always had something on the go, be it writing,painting,sketching,stained glass making and mosaics,sewing and upholstery,canning and baking,building and stone masonry,mechanics,musical instruments,dance and singing, gardening,wildcrafting, foraging, jewellry making and even "knitting" chain mail.It's in our blood I suppose and we despair if we're not doing something new.My mother and father came from post war Europe and had nothing as immigrants coming here.Mum's motto was "to thine own self be true"(Goethe??)Personally when working on a new project I get in the "zone" forget to eat and let the dogs out and it's a fend for yourself night at the dinner table-tee hee.Great post today,and sorry for being so long winded.Regards, D.

    1. Shakespeare - Hamlet! 'This above all - to thine own self be true/ Thou canst not then be false to any man'. Good advice.

  18. Hmmm, now I'm wondering what I do that could be called 'creative', apart from baking the odd cake. I used to love knitting, but can no longer knit due to arthritis in my fingers, I haven't a clue about gardening, but I am determined to have a go at growing some veg in pots this year. You've got me thinking, I seem to have given up creating things. I gave up my old blog because I no longer had knitted items I could show on there, you've given me a lot of food for thought.

    1. Hi Jayne, You're on the right track. Creating doesn't have to be something you do with your hands. You could create new opportunities, voluntary work in the community, or create a new blog from what is buzzing around in your brain, put your thoughts down. Give one hour every day to creating a little bit of heaven in your home. Create an event, like a date night in, meal, video, wine. A date with yourself if you have no partner. Stretch your imagination like a piece of elastic, there are no limits, it can be as simple or as complicated as you like.

  19. Ah! Thank you Barbara for the whole quote and source.Regards, D.


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