Sunday, 25 January 2015

Crumbs !!!

Hello, it's a nice day and I have been out . I went out yesterday as well, to visit The Ropewalk Gallery in Barton on Humber. I haven't been for ages so decided to take a look at the exhibitions. I was lucky, there were two extremely talented artists on show, this one was very pleasing to the eye. This is my kind of art, the sort that makes me go 'wow',, innit fabulous. The pictures here are photographed from the leaflet I brought home, there is a bit of blurb about Clive Redshaw below. 

Here is a link to the Ropewalk web site. There are some more of his pictures on the Lincolnshire Open Studios  web site. I really enjoyed this exhibition. 

On a completely different note, I've been getting fed up of clearing away bread crumbs and other bits of chopped and grated food from my worktop. Some of it inevitably ends up on the floor as I try and wipe it up with a dishcloth, which then means I have to clean the floor as well. Grrrr, I hate housework. I've come up with an idea which I am trying out. I don't want to get a bigger chopping board, mine is a normal size one which can be a bit cumbersome to scrub down in the washing up bowl. I thought of an idea to extend the boundaries of the board by placing a tea towel underneath it, then all it needs is for the chopping board to be lifted on it's side, with the bits falling into the tea towel, which is then taken outside and shaken. I haven't got a nice tea towel, mine are all a bit worn, so I have used a pillow case. I will see how it goes, good idea eh!
What do you do with half a portion of chips left over from the day before. I just fancied some yesterday, it was a massive portion, enough for three people. Today I put the last of them in a bowl, topped it with half a tin of baked beans, and zapped it in the microwave. Ta da! a two minute Sunday lunch, no food wasted here. I will make something a bit more healthy for my main dinner in an hour or so.
I'm going to sign off now, I've got more stuff to talk about but I'll save it till tomorrow. Some questions to answer, and I've picked out a couple of ideas for blog posts from your comments. Thank you for joining in, and welcome to the new readers.
Toodle pip
PS. Still waiting for two addresses. Primroses Attic and Aussie Cheryl. You have each won a shopping bag, they are ready to go. Give me an address.


  1. I love the cheery pictures! What a fabulous idea for the crumbs from your chopping board. I will definitely try it. Natalie

  2. Those pictures are lovely- so colourful! I'm guessing they are painted, what kind of paint does he use, out of curiosity?
    If you want your leftover chips crispy, just stick them under the grill for a few minutes, it will warm them and crisp them up. Works with roast potatoes too.

  3. Lovely pictures...remind me a lot of your textile art!

  4. I love the 3 paintings - the blue one is my favourite :)

  5. I like art that reflects nature. These pictures look like they can definitely be duplicated in an applique!

  6. i do the same with my cutting board, but using a small terrycloth towel - keeps the board from sliding around on my counter, too.
    love the artwork! color is especially welcome in Winter :)

  7. I highly recommend a cold chip bitty. Put chips with added salt and vinegar, between 2 slices of white bread. Press down the top so you can see your fingerprints, slice in half and eat - Heaven! (Especially next morning for breakfast!)

  8. I eat chips and beans a lot as it's often the only vegan choice in places. I still love it though and my hubby LOVES beans! Glad you had a nice outing, it's important to get out at this time of year when you often feel that you have not seen the light of day!

  9. Good thinking, toast crumbs and food bits are the bane of my life too to I think I'll give this a go as well.

  10. thats a great idea for the tea towel under to catch crumbs, we have such a problem with that, and no dog anymore to do crumb retrieval, beautiful art! I love colorful art pieces in winter to brighten our grey white days,

  11. The art actually reminded me of your work. A lady in a charity shop asked me about the sewing and design on the bag that I won from you, recently. I did point her in the direction of your blog and she did seem very interested so I hope she did check it out. I love beans and chips but I can't eat the beans poured on top of the chips- I like them separately!

  12. Thank you Ilona for drawing my name. I've had a week of upsetting family news and I got a lovely surprise when I read your blog today! I haven't been on the computer for the past few days so you've really lifted my spirits. I've written you an email with my address. Thank you again !
    AussieCheryl : ) : )

  13. Clive Redshaw's works are really beautiful and so colorful. They remind me of your tapestries.

    I love the two trays on your kitchen counter and your cat cutting board. I've never seen one like it!

  14. Just wanted to add that the cat on your cutting board looks so much like Heidi.

  15. I do like your idea for the crumb issue. I get most frustrated with the little "nubbies" from broccoli and cauliflower when chopping it up for salads or curry. I pictured your art work when I saw your photos - all the lovely colors. It may have even inspired someone as artistic as you are. Made cauliflower curry today - should have read your post earlier. Heh.Our weather in Minnesota has been quite mild - makes me wonder what's lurking around the corner. Ranee

  16. Chips and beans. Food of the Gods! ;)

  17. Hello, The gallery's exhibit of Clive Redshaw's work the "Gathering" is amazing,such beautiful work especially when reading about his inspiration for it.A very nice outing for you,too.Very good idea re:crumb catching and your kitchen looks very cute,I must say,with the kitty theme happening,whether you intended it to or not.We have two little canine crumb catchers for the floor doing a good job but will use that idea for the counter,thanks.Chips and beans+waste not want not=delicious Regards, Destemona


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