Saturday, 22 October 2016

Just pants

Good morning. Running out of clean pants. I was up early so the first thing I did was fill the washer. Now I have 30 pairs of clean pants. All arranged neatly for the photo shoot, ha ha.
The regular readers will know why I wear pants, but the newer readers will say, what the heck is she doing now. Yep, I have been a fan of pants, some of them teenage boys pants, for oh, around 15 years now. The reason is that they last a lot longer than flimsy ladies knickers. They are more robust, thicker fabric, well made, hug my hips, and will wash millions of times without falling apart. I like the way they feel snug and cover the whole of my bum, no dental floss up my backside for me, ha ha. Some of these must be around ten years old, and I might add that I have a fresh pair on every day, sometimes changing them half way through the day if I am going out.

Most of them are black, dark blue, and grey, with the odd colours thrown in. I buy whatever is cheap which is usually boys pants in packs of five. No VAT on kids clothes. I don't care what colour they are, nobody sees them. I haven't had to buy any for a long time as these will go on and on for many more years. I don't need to include the cost of underwear in my spending budget, because I don't expect to buy any in the near future.

Washing a load of pants only happens here once a month. I prefer to do them in bulk rather than three or four pairs here and there. I made up a full load with t-shirts and trousers. YAY, after a murky start the sun is out, so these are going out on the line.

Thanks for popping in, enjoy your weekend, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Here you are then, me and my pants from Hunt for Britain's Tightest Person, seven years ago.


  1. You need to have a word with my niece who dragged me into Victoria's Secret last week! My hair was stood on end at the price of 1 pair of knicks. One pair of flimsy lacy things would have fed you for well over a week.

  2. I remember when you where on that Channel 4 programme (can't remember what is was called) hanging out your pants on the washing line.
    Have a nice weeked Ilona.

    1. Thanks for putting up the video reminder.I wish more of these programmes were made, would give a helping hand for those looking for ways to cut back.

    2. Hi. You are already helping, keep writing your blog. The TV film makers find me, just expose yourself a bit more, and they will find you.

  3. Yes I remember that video (lovely to see and hear you) - expect your neighbours are very used to you and know you as the good kind person you are.

    For the American reader Ilona is referring to her knickers, panties worn by ladies and the term pants is used to refer to both ladies/men underwear. American pants in England are called trousers!

    Did you ever get your central heating fixed for the odd occasion when you do want it? What is the usual day time temperature in your house? How about a column on this?

    1. Hello. Yes, I got a grant for the central heating and insulation. I turn the heating on when I get shivery. I've no idea about temperatures, don't have a thermometer, never check them, I go by how comfortable or uncomfortable I am.

  4. I don't buy lacy, feminine knickers, the last I bought were plain cotton, no frills nonsense which have last a few years but when I need to replace I am going to give the boys' pants a go. The price of women's pants in UK can be extortionate (same old story you don't need to buy them, so walk away and find an alternative). Central heating, still haven't turned it on yet - am really pleased - going to try without for at least another month, but when it does go on it's just a short blast of heat. Amanda

  5. Growing up we had the bulk no frills undies. I hated being in locker rooms and you can imagine the snide and mean comments from some girls.I vowed my kids (girls) would have pretty under clothes.When I bought my own,I splurged at first but now I'm back to the bulk cotton ones for me for pure comfort.My girls have the pretty ones but suspect like me,after locker rooms in school days are done they won't care and practicality will win.Already has in some aspects but the multipacks are pretty and patterned now with different cuts and styles than the granny panties of my youth.

    1. I sympathise Sam, when at school we had to wear navy blue regulation 'bloomers' (so huge they were mini-marquees) but we all had to wear the same so sniggered together. It never fails to shock me that the mini-mini knickers sold (hardly any material at all - nearly just 2 strings and 2 weeny triangles) can be sold at such ludicrous prices. My mother used to cut up old worn-out knickers, washed and bleached, in our household for dusting and cleaning cloths. Amanda

  6. I always know my trousers as pants - my Mum is the daughter of a Canadian. I was surprised you have 30 pairs. I can't remember when I bought any - mine last years and years. I have about size 18 or 20 and pin them with one safety pin to my clothes as I have them rather too big - so I don't get cystitis - lots of air circulating and nothing to cause any nasty heat in my regions. I don't have a washing machine so all is lovingly washed by hand. Mine must be years old as they don't seem to have worn out at all - always black, though. I have mended at least one pair. I have been thinking of cutting down some pyjama bottoms to make underpants type knickers. I did have some nice underwear but have put on some weight so they have gone to two charity shops in Spalding. Will revisit your video. Natalie

  7. As a ps - I suppose you would have 30 if you corale them up to wash once a month. Thinking about it, I'm not so far behind. Natalie

  8. I can't wear jeans and pants that sit way below my belly button as most womens pants do and the shortness of it all means I am constantly pulling! Mens are a much more comfortable fit and are much less expensive.

    1. With you on this one, my pants and trousers must cover my belly button! Why be uncomfortable.

  9. Hi, I remember the navy knickers mine had a pocket for my hanky.
    Nowadays I wear M & S plain white that come up to the waist and buy In packets of 5. I have over 30 pairs and when one pair gets worn out they are used has cleaning cloths and I usually buy a packet once a year. It's nothing to have 16 of them in the wash. The video was fun to watch, many thanks Ilona.

    Hazel c uk

  10. About breakfast ( from a few posts ago ) : I stopped buying breakfast cereals completely a while ago . I buy rolled oats in bulk , the thicker the better , put some in a bowl ,mix it with chopped nut , cut up apple , raisins ......, some milk and some yogurt. That's it! It's cheap , filling and very tasty!

    1. We do the same thing at our house! I love oats in cookies and muffins too. Recently I started to save the juice left when we have used canned /tinned fruit and use it in place of the liquid when I make oat muffins, then use no, or very little sugar. JanF

    2. Michelle yum, I do that too. But try soaking the rolled oats overnight in a little water and lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. It's meant to make the nutrients more readily absorbable. I just use a dash of bottled lemon juice when lemons aren't in season. After all we want to get the most bang for our buck nutrition wise ;-)

  11. I was just chatting with a friend the other day and she was mentioning that she has to find someone headed to the UK soon so she can get them to pop into M&S and pick up some new undies for her (I picked her up 6 pair when I was in London a couple of years ago and 6 pair for another friend who also asked) - the quality is so much better! I favour "Jockey" brand briefs - want everything covered - in plain cotton. Wear either beige or grey or black - have about 1 dozen in each colour, so like you Ilona I wait until I've got quite a few to do before I do a wash. I do not put them into the dryer - I have a laundry stand that I put in the bathtub - there's a big window so lots of sunlight - and they dry in no time and it really cuts down on the wear & tear.
    When they get too worn or greyish I put them aside for travel - and throw out as I go. No laundry to do and it leaves space in my suitcase for bringing items home! My friends laugh but it works brilliantly!

    1. My word! I thought I'd typed this post and forgot about it! I do the same. Bulk wash, air dry and dispose on holidays.

      I've left knickers all over Europe, lol

  12. For years I bought Sloggis and thought there were OK, no seams to irritate, but I drew the line at men's underwear just in case I had to be taken into hospital and I'd have been very embarrassed to have had the equivalent of Y-fronts on, cosy though they are! I now wear some lovely silky M&S ones (crotch cotton of course) and they are comfy and also look pretty, and at the moment are 3 for the price of 2 and they are not expensive, either. They match my pretty bras, too.
    Margaret P

  13. I always enjoy seeing what is happening at your house; good idea to wash all those pants in one machine load. The stack looks colorful and you have a great stash for the next month.

  14. Today I cut up a load of old briefs, I lost weight, they are too baggy and uncomfortable. They are being used for cleaning the toilet and will last a few months. I wait until M+S have a sale and buy pack of 5 for £2 or £3. I don't care what colour they are but usually black or blue. I like the quality. In general my frugalism is putting 2 fingers up to the establishment and the bad side of capitalism. They want us to work to death, aged 67 for me, to give them our money to buy stuff they make that runs out so we have to work more to get more stuff. I decided very young in life I was having none of it. I've lived in communes in England and overseas where all property was communal. You'd put your clothes in the laundry one day and see someone else wearing it the next. Keep it up Ilona, you're great stuff.

  15. I tried boy's shorts a few years ago, yes, they're very comfortable but there is one small problem - not to be too indelicate about this - it is impossible to wear panty liners with them, they're just not made with that in mind. Now I just wear them to bed, so the purchase wasn't totally wasted. Loved your video Ilona, and really enjoy your blog, thanks for all your tips, Txx

  16. Hi Ilona,

    only yesterday I was thinking how infuriating it is that men's clothing is thicker and better quality than women's and here is your video! I don't wear men's knickers but I do wear men's flannalette pyjamas and a mens woollen dressing gown. Also very partial to men's sweaters, and now that my son is getting very tall I wear his hand-me-downs!


  17. I've not bought any undies for a long while now, when indoors I prefer to not wear any at all and the same when I go to bed, and no PJ's either, saves washing and money replacing them. When I do buy knickers I buy M&S
    they last longer. A good idea if you could wear pants and feel comfortable.

  18. why are mens' clothes better made? Be it underwear,jeans,jumpers,shoes??

    1. Because women tend to have more clothes, which, combined with the relative delicateness of their threads, makes them a more lucrative market for manufacturers.

      Also, beware of toiletries and other consumer products that say they're made expressly for women. They cost more, but their ingredients are usually no different from their conventional counterparts.

  19. As a woman I enjoy feminine undies..basic but tasteful. I would never wear men's clothing. Why sacrifice femininity for cheapness?

  20. Hi Ilona, here in NZ our GST (goods and services tax) is on everything. There are no exceptions! Michelle in Wellington,NZ.

  21. This is what I do with old knickers-
    To make a secret pocket in (new) knickers, I cut the pocket from an old pair, making use of the elasticated waistband and sew this onto the front of the new pair. I made three of these for a recent trip to China where there was a danger of being pick pocketed.

  22. I cruise through the thrift shops for men's wool sweaters. Awesome quality merinos and even cashmere can be had for under ten dollars. I am a tall plus sized lady, so men's xxl work for me. I also buy men's sneakers (running shoes) and socks. Better quality, better fit, and much, much cheaper. Mary Jane in Canada

  23. Love the pants idea and the film is hilarious-good for you!


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