Thursday, 20 October 2016

Lucky find

Hello. Just a short one tonight. I've been nattering on the phone tonight for absolutely ages. Nephew rang and it must have been almost a year since I last spoke to him, so there was a lot of catching up to do. He has a busy life with a full time job, a long commute, and three young children. I could hear them in the background. It went quiet when they went to bed.
I've been wanting another short break away somewhere before the clocks change and we have shorter days. I've searched for the right accommodation, at the place I want to be, at a price I want to pay. It's taken ages and flippin ages. At last, I found somewhere. I fancied a bit more luxury this time, not a hostel, but not so silly expensive. A nice-ish hotel. Have a look here. What do you reckon, good innit. 
Look what I found in Wilko yesterday. I was checking cat food prices, and saw a shelf with REDUCED on it, worth a look. Tester pots of paint at 10p each. Might as well stock up, you never know when you might need it, always comes in useful for those little crafty jobs. 
Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Oooooooh, I've bookmarked that hotel - looks lovely! I'm with you on inexpensive meals for one. When my daughter goes away to visit her boyfriend (lives in a different city) then I challenge myself to exist on what is already in the house. If she visits every weekend I save a lot of $$ and create some interesting & delicious meals that most people would make fun of...I care not!!

    1. Sounds good Jane. I would eat at your house, I love experimental food.

  2. Paint! Nothing is safe now! LOL

    A little luxury is good for the soul every once in a while. Have fun!

  3. Would love to join you as Grange over Sands is one of my favourite places. Whilst I am here, can I add that I love your blog and the ethos behind it.

    1. Thank you, I try to keep it simple. Life is too short to be grouchy.

  4. I tried the English canned rice pudding. No thank you. I am quite sure there are American favorites the English don't care for, either.

    I love a sale on craft supplies!

    1. The tinned rice pud is a bit sweet. I am not eating as much of it as I used to, must be losing my sweet teeth.

  5. I've been meaning to ask you. Are crockpots as widely used in the UK as they are here? I have three pounds of carrots and three potatoes in the crockpot where I cooked a chicken and onion. When this is done, I will cook a whole cabbage, zucchini and yellow squash. The crockpot is slow and costs so little to use. It will stay on for three or four days before I turn it off, just adding more food to the chicken broth.

    The carrots were $0.25/lb, so I bought 8 pounds of carrots, so sweet and delicious! I eat cheaply, too. This will be food for a week and some to freeze.

    1. Hi Linda. I think people do use them, more so in the winter. However there are probably some like me who hardly ever get theirs out of the cupboard. I don't think it's common practice to leave them simmering for three days though. Most put them on in the morning so there is a meal ready when they come home from work, then sit down with the family to eat it.

    2. To reply to Linda, 'crockpots' or slow-cookers: I don't know of anyone that uses them. I am afraid to say that 'cooking' has changed so much over the last few decades more women worked and convenience food came in etc. I can't remember the saying but years ago when a family got a joint on Sunday 'hot on Sunday, cold on Monday, minced on Tuesday...' until eaten and ended up with other suggestions; not now. Our adverts bombard us with pizza, McDonalds, KFC and others. I spoke to a woman last week who said she was 'cooking supper' which entailed chicken nuggets, chips and baked beans (I don't call that cooking) but I'm not judging anyone. Amanda

  6. I want to go to the Lake District on my big retirement trip so will be very interested in your comments. Enjoy your break.

  7. that hotel looks very nice and I like Grange over Sands. We have been kayaking there quite a few times and cycled through as well but never done any walking. I think you will have a great time . well done on those tester pots. I know you will get a lot of use from such nice colours

  8. Now that looks like a nice place to stay! Good job! I was looking at air fare to fly to a conference. No way was I paying that amount of money.....I think I'm going to stay home even though I'd like to go.
    Freebies for me today from hardware store where I work, a skein of rope and a ball of twine..all free. They were discontinued from the system. I love the color of the rope, looks almost like a skein of yarn. Never know when one would need some rope, one of these days. It would have gone to habitat for humanity store but I have it now. Free for asking my manager! Glad you had a good chat with your nephew! Happy weekend!

    1. Hi Becky, I have a thing about coloured rope, it catches my eye on the DIY section of the £1 shops. There are all kinds of uses for it.

  9. The hotel looks very nice Ilona. I hope you have a lovely time. X

  10. The hotel looks great, leading a thrifty lifestyle allows us to enjoy these little pleasures, I am with you on living simply and cheaply and enjoy days out and holidays. Have a great time whenever you go.
    Great idea on the paint.

  11. Well done Ilona. I took my mum to Willersley Castle at the beginning of the year as a pressie for mothers day, all part of the Christian guild chain of hotels. Have a great time and I look forward to seeing some great photo's.

    1. Hi Sal, that's good to know. I think I'm going to enjoy it.

  12. Being thrifty in lots of areas allows me to spend on the other things I enjoy. Days out, new experiences and travelling I personally find far more enjoyable than shopping.

  13. Hotel looks lovely. Not sure about the share fun, faith and fellowship bit though.

    1. Hi Kirrie. I understand what you are saying, I wondered about that as well. The lady on the phone explained that I would not be expected to join in with anything. There are plenty of places in the large lounge areas where I could sit quietly by myself if I so wished.

      It sounds like a real friendly atmosphere and I enjoy chatting to people, so that will be great.

  14. Hi Ilona, I finally caught up with all of your back posts. Many great ideas. Thanks for sharing. Jackie

  15. The hotel looks really nice. I'm looking forward to reading about your trip.

    What a great deal on the paint! I love having different paint colors on hand. Looks like you got a nice selection of blues and purples.

  16. Ilona, the place looks great, so go and enjoy it, you deserve it. A good plan to get a few days away before the winter sets in which can seem so long at times. You'll find plenty to do and see - no doubt you've researched it - and as you say, if you don't wish to participate in the offered activities you'll do your own thing. I look forward to your post about it. Amanda


  17. I love those little pots of paint, how cheap, I would have stocked up if I'd seen them, well done. The hotel looks brill.

  18. It looks a lovely hotel Ilona and I am sure you will have lots of fun and come hone with lots of photos and ideas.

    Have a nice weekend.
    Hazel c uk

  19. What a lovely spot and building - and they seem to have some very good deals on at the moment - enjoy yourself! I've been to the Lake District once and it was gorgeous - would love to visit again. I too have bookmarked their website - and if you enjoy it they seem to have another 3 or 4 locals that might be good for future visits.

  20. wow..your "nice ish" hotel looks marvelous. You did a great job of hunting it down.

    You also do an amazing job of spotting specials.

  21. I stayed there long ago, with my mother & younger brother; I think I was 16 then, & I'm 57 now! It's a lovely house, with smashing views, IIRC, but I expect almost everything else has changed. Except the fact that you can't walk on those miles of lovely golden sands stretching off into the distance, without a guide... it's quicksand, and the tides sweep in so quickly you can't outrun them. We had a lovely holiday, but far too much coach travel; like you, I love to walk, but we had "excursions" arranged which meant being cooped up in a smelly, rattly old coach for much of the day, then hustled round the "sights" in a gaggle rather than dropped off & allowed to explore at our own pace. But I did enjoy the table-tennis - I wonder if that old table is still there?!

    1. Hi. I will report back to you when I've been. I won't be venturing out onto the sands, I remember the sad story of the cockle pickers. There are lots of paths on the map, plenty of places to explore.

  22. we used to go there with the church we attended back in the day. they had their parish weekends there. its a really nice place.

  23. lovely hotel!only today did i get the tester pots at 10p.takes a while to catch up in south wales lol


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